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Daygirls on Nights - Caps & Vids - Printable Version

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RE: Daygirls on Nights - Caps & Vids - skully - 15-09-2009 18:06

Awesome stuff mate, cheers.

[Image: qj7on46eto0juoau61lk.gif]

RE: Daygirls on Nights - Caps & Vids - Josh - 20-09-2009 02:34

Lori - Partygirls - 18/19th September

Lori goes topless and naked vids. It has been well worth the wait. There are two vid download options for Vid 5. I uploaded an MP4 file too as the original avi file would not open in windows media player. The avi file for vid 5 does open in other players like VLC. Enjoy the vids. (First two vids are pre 1am)

Vid 1
[Image: d2nsaphonaybnru0wye0_thumb.jpg] [Image: m6v0bvrponh5g9dv6r_thumb.jpg] [Image: rkcjsyw5cful9ucd9x8l_thumb.jpg]

[Image: tgnktgw1qd8s2kripwlk.jpg]

Download Link

Vid 2
[Image: i2yf9bvt10z83u6l34h_thumb.jpg] [Image: 2qsiisvsctoah4g0ffep_thumb.jpg] [Image: d4ujbjbfso88318dlwrc_thumb.jpg]

[Image: lf7174va83urfcguhjpd.jpg]

Download Link

Vid 3
[Image: 2px7mjwbnjvvntyxcfdd_thumb.jpg] [Image: soy03qoe3jhy9sl8z11u_thumb.jpg] [Image: p6pmwx8h2urn40g3mfm_thumb.jpg]

[Image: 7he8oisbeugyxuxn4icv.jpg]

Download Link

Vid 4
[Image: 9ddvsk37fbd5qa7liyx_thumb.jpg] [Image: ntabqy3ktvgd9aw31a_thumb.jpg] [Image: yv8r9pmut6l87sffpzh2_thumb.jpg]

[Image: pyw6vtax1itx9n6jm2uc.jpg]

Download Link

Vid 5
[Image: lxqhpn3lytms0avmiun_thumb.jpg] [Image: 2zp9tpy27j02zbjh30w_thumb.jpg] [Image: 2xix3wno0naquitlivke_thumb.jpg]

[Image: wi6muxb24dyj0z2g0f0.jpg]

Download Link (Doesn't open in WMP, works in VLC & classic WMP)

Alternative Vid 5 link

RE: Daygirls on Nights - Caps & Vids - quiquems - 20-09-2009 14:18

Thanks for all the vids Josh

RE: Daygirls on Nights - Caps & Vids - Sainttau - 20-09-2009 18:09

great work Josh!

RE: Daygirls on Nights - Caps & Vids - Josh - 25-09-2009 05:56

Lori - Partygirls - 23.09.09

some caps have been posted here & here

vid 1
[Image: 92ps4oj3twucjhsse5.jpg]

Download Link

vid 2
[Image: lj1mrpdunxb2so1pj4.jpg]

Download Link

Next Upload

Preview Caps
[Image: h78fy6pbrnc6i43696x_thumb.jpg] [Image: abhg2j9ho85lr2dvhrt9_thumb.jpg] [Image: hhyyu7rjly6rpoy0jb4f_thumb.jpg] [Image: xtu4gekwbt2z09a73fwg_thumb.jpg] [Image: fp01vjbalytd10rv7sns_thumb.jpg] [Image: p5502bbtsrym4whd480_thumb.jpg] [Image: y2xmtnr2y36j47g2weu4_thumb.jpg] [Image: a2w71st27ngeg8j3naea_thumb.jpg] [Image: ip5vz42tms4yny8757cl_thumb.jpg] [Image: fpkn2qg1gvnip3txoyrz_thumb.jpg] [Image: dhi8tqg722y5wg2pzpkr_thumb.jpg] [Image: gbra8vriexjwaggaqwvv_thumb.jpg]
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I will post last nights topless vids later.

RE: Daygirls on Nights - Caps & Vids - EUH 28 - 25-09-2009 17:44

I get the feeling I know the answer already, but do you have a downloadable version of the secretary section? Its just that its Lori, dressed as a secretary, wearing glasses......Blush

RE: Daygirls on Nights - Caps & Vids - Josh - 25-09-2009 21:43

Here is the Secretary vid download link.

RE: Daygirls on Nights - Caps & Vids - EUH 28 - 25-09-2009 21:59

(25-09-2009 21:43 )Josh Wrote:  Here is the Secretary vid download link.

You are a scolar & a gent Smile

RE: Daygirls on Nights - Caps & Vids - emmetmufc - 26-09-2009 09:23

i actually just set up an account to thank you josh. ive downloaded many of your vids. thank you very much, your a hero. Smile
(i look forward to the 4 videos of those preview caps u sent a couple of posts up. they look raunchy Tongue

RE: Daygirls on Nights - Caps & Vids - Josh - 26-09-2009 10:11

Lori - Babestation - 24.09.09

Lori is so sexy as I have said before. Her risque performances with the half hearted nipple cover ups have transpired into a full on Topless exhihibition when paired with another babe. It has been well worth the wait for any guy that has an appreciation of Lori. Lori has a great body.

The last upload received just a handful of downloads. From the next upload onwards, I will either embed a clip or provide a standard caps and download link option. So I may not be as accommodating in providing dl links as with the previous Lori secretary vid. The way I now upload is a direct result of low download figures. So I hope that you continue to enjoy the vids.

You have seen the caps to these vids, so I wont post them here again.

Vid 1: 2-4-1 with Reede

[Image: lori_reede_2-4-1.avi.jpg]

Download Link

Vid 2: Shower with Rachel

[Image: lori_rachel_shower.avi.jpg]

Download Link

Longer Freeview recorded Clip

[Image: lori_rachel_24.09.09.avi.jpg]

Download Link

Vid 3: Solo Topless after the 2-4-1 with Reede

[Image: lori1_24.09.09.avi.jpg]

Download Link

Vid 4: Solo Topless

[Image: lori2_24.09.09.avi.jpg]

Download Link

Next Update
[Image: snapshot5_thumb.jpg] [Image: snapshot4_thumb.jpg] [Image: snapshot6_0_thumb.jpg] [Image: snapshot1_thumb.jpg] [Image: snapshot2_thumb.jpg] [Image: snapshot3_thumb.jpg]
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