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RE: Supergirl - *Kal-El* - 08-05-2018 00:36

Inside Ep 17 “Trinty” Season 3

RE: Supergirl - *Kal-El* - 08-05-2018 12:44

Ep 17 “Trinity” Season 3 Scene

RE: Supergirl - *Kal-El* - 08-05-2018 16:43

Part of 2 of Preview Pics from Ep 18 “Shelter From The Storm” Season 3

RE: Supergirl - *Kal-El* - 08-05-2018 20:19

Ep 18 “Shelter From The Storm” Season 3 Trailer

RE: Supergirl - Doddle - 09-05-2018 07:05

3.12 OK, a bit of a plod this one. After musing on the unlikeliness of the World Killers last time, I was amused that this very issue was brought up right away, to set up the end and the next week.

Sam (see, remembered the name at last) having medical tests is amusing jeopardy, although how she can give blood etc when presumably Kara and co would be invulnerable is another matter. The final "hey you're normal" stuff was all a bit holding-pattern.

The main plot with Lena and Edge seemingly too bone-headed to deduce the old "3rd person trying to con 2 people into killing each other", although it was an interesting time to bring back Lilian. Where it went a bit weird was Lilian's sudden super-robot-suit antics, also Mon-El's sudden heroism. Still, I guess this stuff will conveniently die down again for a few weeks.

Really need to try catching up a bit, I admit.

RE: Supergirl - *Kal-El* - 12-05-2018 09:37

Ep 20 “Dark Side of The Moon” Season 3 Synopsis

Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) is stunned to discover that a part of Krypton survived. Meanwhile, Alex (Chyler Leigh) is attacked while out with Ruby (guest star Emma Tremblay), and Lena (Katie McGrath) considers how far she will go to keep Reign contained.

RE: Supergirl - Doddle - 12-05-2018 20:46

3.13 Well, that was much easier. Sadly on this evidence, Julia Purity is unconvincing as either of her 2 characters, which might cause trouble later. Interesting side stuff with Lena becoming more bothered about Sam. The Metro (?) attack scene was so silly, though.

RE: Supergirl - *Kal-El* - 12-05-2018 23:36

Part 1 of Preview Pics from Ep 19 “The Fanatical” Season 3

RE: Supergirl - *Kal-El* - 14-05-2018 19:07

Inside Ep 18 “Shelter From The Storm” Season 3

RE: Supergirl - *Kal-El* - 15-05-2018 23:27

Ep 18 “Shelter From The Storm” Season 3 Scene