RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - REX MASTER - 22-01-2014 06:15
S66 Wat Happend tonight? Not Good... Not Good At All... If your gona have this many channels u should have a rosta that covers them all... And as someone said earlier, how comes these lovely ladies are Not working longer shifts like they did before... And having Golden Girls across all the channels imo has lost out a lot of Money... I have Nothing Against Golden Girls, but S66 should be able to make last minute arrangements and get cover... I mean they Do have a good rosta with a lot of girls so Could have done better..... Its ok.... Learn From Mistakes... Let's Just Hope this does not ocur again...
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - KerrAvon - 22-01-2014 09:05
Noticed the reduced 20p a minute call charge across the S66 channels last night. They must've known something was gonna be up, in an attempt to reel in calls.
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - hairbald - 22-01-2014 09:24
(22-01-2014 00:55 )Rammyrascal Wrote: ....also very unfair to blame s66 at the moment and say it's poor producing because we don't know why darelle isn't on tonight and we don't know when s66 themselves knew about darelle not being on. they may not have known themselves till the very last minute before the nightshow tonight started or even after tonight's nightshow has started that darelle wasn't able to be on
hopefully darelle will say why she hasn't been able to be on tonight
If you're getting something delivered to your house/gas man coming/mail delivered you would never blame the individual if they don't show you would blame the company. Company has to ensure that the individual gets there, simple as that. Don't think its a production issue its simply either that Studio66 turned her down or she couldn't make it
If the company employs flakes, that's their issue. Ask yourself this, what exactly would stop you from getting to the first day of a brand new job? Something major I would guess.
Often thought that a student of sociology could do a cracking thesis into the correlation, and abnormally high instances of, babeshow girls and broken down cars and dead/ill relatives  
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - Jay39 - 22-01-2014 09:37
Piss poor management comes to mind, expand to 4 channels and have one girl covering, Mica is a gorgeous lass but performance levels have dipped into the static category along with others on the channel, I wish I could go to work and do sod all. I have to agree with others regarding their questions about expanding if they don't have the roster to fill it, FORWARD PLANNING! this channel is going backwards not forwards. It's early days in 2014 but I sincerely hope that they don't intend to go on as they have started, I wouldn't let them run a sweet shop.
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - oldboy1047 - 22-01-2014 09:52
st66 appear to have lots of girls on there books but half of them fail to turn up whats going on?at this rate they should be closing channels not expanding unless they are going to become a daytime channel only
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - Bandwagon - 22-01-2014 10:03
I can't say I agree about Mica last night Jay, I think she performed much better and it was a decent performance.
As for the organisation, I've said this before and it's still happening. They need at least FIVE babes to cover the regular channels and TWO for golden girls.
I've just checked the schedule for tonight and it's only four again? That's no room for error and no breaks cover? Also I agree with Hairbald and the shit excuses are getting old and pathetic. Poor management and that's that for me.
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - Rammyrascal - 22-01-2014 10:10
thought s66 was nowhere near as bad as some forum members have said it was last night (saying it was shit or was a shambles) even though they were 1 babe short last night (darelle oliver wasn't on) Mica Martinez had one of her best shows in a long time, Hannah Martin had a good nightshow and Jennifer Keelings had a very good night.
think the amount of flack s66 has got about last night is a little unfair because we don't know yet why darelle oliver wasn't on last night. fair enough people have been disappointed about last night and s66 should not have sent 2 babes on breaks at around the same time which meant at times it was just 1 babe on s66's own channels, but to really have a got at s66 bosses and producers like some forum members have is a little unfair because as ive already said, we don't know why darelle wasn't on last night. if it turns out that it was down to s66 bosses or producers then fair enough they do deserve flak in that case, but it could be something beyond s66's control and therefor unfair to really have a go at s66 producers and bosses
agree s66 does need to boost it's night roster so that it can as bandwagon has said have 5 babes on it's own channels and 2 on goldengirls to allow for babes not being on and to cover breaks if all the babes are on as scheduled
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - Bandwagon - 22-01-2014 10:14
But it keeps happening Rammy?
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - bunnybc - 22-01-2014 10:15
Rammy do you ever read back your own posts and say 'yep, that's a true and fair reflection'?
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - HannahsPet - 22-01-2014 10:19
of course its fair criticism if the S66 girls worked for any other channels they would have to work from 9 or 10pm til 5 or 5:30 why do the s66 girls feel the need to go home surely if they stayed there call rates would improve
get the feeling the girls run the channel not the producers