RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - quiquems - 28-02-2014 12:45
Why they dont use the stream for members of otherwise , probably they would have new members
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - Bandwagon - 28-02-2014 13:02
So basically the channels are frightened and weary of each other now as a result of this infantile behaviour.
The models would have been told to tame things down to avoid further breaches and here's what we end up with.
The new models that join will then take note of how the longer serving models behave, and base their own performances around these levels naturally.
Nobody wants to be the one that gets their employer into trouble and therefore potentially ruin their own career and future on these shows.
Since the girls know they have to be careful we end up with these static performances because they're safe, this then sets the guidelines for new up- and- coming models and the knock on effect gets worse, the general level of performance through time is slowly decreased and killed off to a point where simply laying on a bed all night is perceived as acceptable because it's the norm.
This is where we are today.
Good work fellas you must be so proud.
I'm not suggesting today's performances are purely down to Ofcom because they aren't . But I do believe their involvement in the past, along with things mentioned by Mr Mystery have taken their toll and this is what things have evolved into.
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - circles_o_o_o - 28-02-2014 13:06
Quote: clear footage of 2 female presenters simulating sex acts
including oral sex, fisting, rimming and masturbation with each
Yes, damn that simulation.
They forgot to mention the "simulated" boobs half of the girls have. That is more likely to cause psychological damage to impressionable young minds watching than the other things listed.
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - Snooks - 01-03-2014 00:42
If only bed sets could be abolished .
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - Stjimmy - 01-03-2014 13:15
Yes finally Kiki divine is being brought back onto my screen thank you s66!
Can't wait to see her debut on Tuesday night hopefully we will see some sexy outfits for a beautiful lady.
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - broncobilly10 - 01-03-2014 19:47
The lighting on Fernanda's show today is awful far too bright
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - Rammyrascal - 01-03-2014 22:19
Well studio66 have clearly responded to us saying they need to add new night babes as 2 debuted this week (May Tylor and Taylor-Lee) and Kiki Devine makes her s66 debut next week.
Now get some new sets s66 please
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - TickleTheOrc - 01-03-2014 22:41
Well, Redlightcentral just added a set of a phonebox with parkbench.
Sound familar to anyone?
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - Snooks - 01-03-2014 23:17
Yes, I commented on that in the RLC part of the forum when Dannii Harwood christened that set combo last night.
Why on earth S66 dumped the park bench and phone box baffles me .
S66 are struggling enough already without dumping decent sets and leaving everybody on a bed or a desk for so much of the time .
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - loveass - 02-03-2014 19:12
I guess Molllie is not coming back then.
Pity that thought she was really good.