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RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 28-04-2016 21:53

Yes Jericho was a consummate grower of facial hair.They actually had a series of great matches in 2008.Fued of the year in my opinion.

RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 07-05-2016 12:43

Lucha Underground(S02EP14)

Steel Cage Match

Cage vs Johnny Mundo

How many more superlatives can we use to describe just how good this promotion is?

It seems nearly every type of match they stage be it a standard type or a gimmick,is just incredibly exciting.For a man with such a huge physique,Cage can actually work,in a cage environment short cuts are inevitable but,he didn't rely on all out brawling,he mixed violence with his power moves to devastating effect(the cane shots were very brutal).Mundo relied on on his speed and agilty and the two counter balanced each other brilliantly.The counter wrestling was well executed and the attempted escapes over the top of the cage both were halted in spectacular fashion.Cage's hand was raised on victory but,after putting on a match of this calibre. Both of them are winners.


RE: Last Match Watched - Bank$ - 12-05-2016 22:49

Sami Zayn v. Nakamura (NXT Takeover Dallas).

I just just had to rewatch this match and PPV again, probably one if not the best match of the year thus far.

RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 12-05-2016 22:55

Incredible match,highly unlikely that it will be topped this year.

RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 29-05-2016 16:32

Dragon Gate UK(22/10/11)

CIMA & Gamma vs Marty Scurll & Mark Haskins

An incredible bout that perfectly combined old school double teaming by CIMA and Gamma mixed with exciting modern high spots.Good to see that the Brits were booked as equals to the Japanese wrestlers in the ring,it was clear that the combo of CIMA and Gamma were a cut above in terms of ability.Gamma drilled Haskins with a tombstone piledriver from the second turnbuckle,which should have been the finish but,Scurll made the save.CIMA then intercepted Scurll and blasted him with a spectacular Meteora off the ropes for the pin.


RE: Last Match Watched - shano123 - 29-05-2016 20:55

team wwf v team alliance- survivor series 2001
Obviously it could have done with the stellar names from wcw but still thought it was a decent match, loved the commentary between JR and heyman. Personally I would have had the alliance win and then finish program at mania supplemented also by the nwo arrival and flair etc.

Regarding Austin booKing was awful in my opinion, they should have had him disappear off tv after alliance lost then have him return for the rumble (that's if they really valued Austin and his health), instead of working non stop

RE: Last Match Watched - shano123 - 30-05-2016 13:51

Kane v rvd- summerslam 03
First of all no one can forget the hilarious unmasking of Kane!!! don't think I need to say anything further. I just thought it would be evolution that Kane would target instead of rvd but oh well. Match was piss poor and further strengthened by Kane botching.

Overall I did like the unstable elements of Kane like when he was coming out in chains on raw, setting JR on fire etc, but I would have had him be neither a face/heel just continuing to be unstable e.g attacking everyone but also mainly taking out his anger on evolution resulting in a summerslam match with triple h. RVD could have been one of them to suffer his wrath but not worthy of a match

RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 01-06-2016 12:50

Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin(WWF Survivor Series 17/11/96)

If ever there were two wrestlers made to face each other it was Bret Hert and Steve Austin.A terrific build up to Hart's comeback after loosing to Shawn Michaels at WM12 in which Austin called out and taunted the hitman relentlessly made the match and the situation in general just seem so much more realistic than any other feud in mainstream wrestling at that time(its also far superior to anything WWE has prompted today).The match itself was perfect,a 29 minute mix of mat wrestling, reversals,stand up brawling and fighting outside the ring.Despite being cold heartily ran down on commentary by Vince MacMahon,it was clear that the then 39 year old Hart had no ring rust as he matched Austin move to move.Hart goes over in the end by countering Stone Cold's million dollar dream into a pinning combination.Track it down if you can,one of the top 3 matches of 1996.


RE: Last Match Watched - shano123 - 01-06-2016 18:53

Undertaker v Dudley boyz- gab 2004

Story was ok I guess, match weren't all that, it was funny at the end with fake bearer being covered in porridge! then he "reappears" in 2010 with no mention of being murdered on ppv and his supposed "escape"

No disrespect to bearer, he was one of or if not the best managers in wrestling, his missed!

RE: Last Match Watched - Bank$ - 02-06-2016 00:06

John Cena v. Rob Van Dam (ECW One Night Stand 2006)

Incredible build and match combined with the passion and force of the ECW crowd behide their legend RVD. To cenas credit he did well to endure with the abuse he received, most wrestlers could crumble under such an atmosphere and probably made him stronger in the long run under smart mark crowds to this current day, this one of these matches I cant forget and have rewatched this show in its entirety on multiple occasions, highly recommended.
