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RE: Rishi Sunak - and his Government - Rammyrascal - 01-11-2022 15:05

(01-11-2022 02:15 )southsidestu Wrote:  It wasn't that long ago, when comparing her to Patel, I said that Braverman was more dumb but less evil, it seems that she is going above and beyond in making me eat my words.

When standing up in the House of Commons to make a statement on the petrol bomb attack against a migrant centre she starts with telling the house that the country faces "an invasion on our southern border" which not only has to be the most inflammatory rhetoric used to date but pretty abhorrent that she started with that and not a condemnation of the attack from the woman whose job it is to keep us safe.

She scrapped a scheme to put these migrants in hotels resulting in the number of occupants at the manston migration centre to rocket to 4,000 despite its capacity being 1,600, the centre was also designed as a triage unit with a max stay of 24 hours but many have been there for weeks. This has led to inhumane conditions with reports of cases of diphtheria and scabies.

The hotel scheme was put in place by Patel, who apparently hated it but did so because the alternative was illegal. According to Alex Wickham, a reporter for Bloomberg, two senior sources have called her actions a breach of the ministerial code and multiple other sources have declared that Braverman recieved legal advice that stopping the hotels policy was unlawful.

When Shapps took over as Home Sec he immediatley overturned the hotels band

ITV's Deputy Political editor Anushka Asthana has also had sources tell her a similar story and when Braverman didn't like the legal advice from Home Office lawyers she sought external advice, these sources also claim that that advice corroborated with HO lawyers and that the HO is now looking at a number of compensation claims (possibly 1000s) from detainees of Manston.

What's ironic is that she did this because she thought the hotel scheme was too expensive but if it comes out in an enquiry that she ignored the advice of lawyers that what she was doing to these migrants was illegal and that that illegal act led to them being left in disease ridden conditions, then those making compensation claims will be able to take the taxpayer to the fucking cleaners.

Plus there's reports Cruella has only put asylum seekers in hotels in Labour constituencies!!!! & claims that this situation at an asylum center that's got double the people in it than the capacity it has has been deliberately done by the tories for political reasons.

Cruella is a nasty piece of work and her comments about an invasion of the South Coast is absolutely appalling & disgusting

RE: Rishi Sunak - and his Government - crankshaft - 01-11-2022 15:50

(01-11-2022 02:15 )southsidestu Wrote:  What's ironic is that she did this because she thought the hotel scheme was too expensive but if it comes out in an enquiry that she ignored the advice of lawyers that what she was doing to these migrants was illegal and that that illegal act led to them being left in disease ridden conditions, then those making compensation claims will be able to take the taxpayer to the fucking cleaners.

That is the measure of how thick she is. When Charles Walker said what he said, Braverman could well have been one of the very MPs he was referring to. She is the talentless archetype of what he referred to. His quote again:
“I’ve had enough of talentless people putting their tick in the right box, not because it’s in the national interest, but because it’s in their own personal interest to achieve a ministerial position”. She seems too concerned with endlessly pandering to dog-whistle politics and being reactionary rather than concentrating on effective decision-making to help actually sorting out the migration issue which ultimately requires high-level agreement via negotiation with France. The ERG’s little Englander agenda has always put them at odds with the pragmatism of that political methodology.

Meanwhile, we have a Home Office that seems dysfunctional. Having 2 Home Secretaries in the form of Priti Patel & now Braverman hasn’t helped the situation.

RE: Rishi Sunak - and his Government - Cooper_temple - 01-11-2022 16:26

Sunak will sack her within a few weeks.

RE: Rishi Sunak - and his Government - Rammyrascal - 01-11-2022 19:17

Tory MP Maria Caufield:

Called for a debate on reducing the time limit on abortion
Was an official for a pro-life group
Voted against legalisation of abortion in N Ireland
Voted against buffer zones outside abortion clinics

She's Rishi Sunak's Minister for Women annoyed

RE: Rishi Sunak - and his Government - skully - 01-11-2022 19:45

Well that's messed up. A woman that clearly hates another women's right to choose as the Minister for Woman, wow. What is wrong with some people, she has no right being in that role and by appointing her, Rishi has shown yet again that we need a fucking general election, two roles to two women who are terrible humans. I find it disturbing that some people think the Tories will fix anything, they are planning austerity part 2, so that added to everything else they've fucked up is not only making us a laughing stock, a poorer country and a less safe country, if they keep putting these horrible cunts in positions of power, we will be breaking various international laws on human rights and who knows what else. Just when you think it can't get any worse, the Tories stoop even lower, what a disgrace.

RE: Rishi Sunak - and his Government - Snooks - 01-11-2022 20:17

The importance of who Sunak put in his cabinet and who he put in ministerial positions can not be overstated.

He could have chosen people with at least a basic sense of compassion and understanding of the lives of ordinary folk.
Even in the Conservative Party some do exist eek.

Instead he gave top jobs to his chums and to people who were unworthy of office for a whole variety of reasons.
Truss was a predictable disaster on policy.
Sunak is showing all the equally predictable signs of being a disaster on matters of judgement.

Neither are fit for such high office.
Penny Mordaunt would have been the better option for the country.
She would also have been the best electoral option for the Tories imo but they hilariously shot themselves in both feet twice Big Laugh.
They will pay at the ballot box for sure Cool.

RE: Rishi Sunak - and his Government - lovebabes56 - 01-11-2022 20:35

Give it until end of next week

RE: Rishi Sunak - and his Government - lovebabes56 - 01-11-2022 21:21

(01-11-2022 19:45 )skully Wrote:  ^
Well that's messed up. A woman that clearly hates another women's right to choose as the Minister for Woman, wow. What is wrong with some people, she has no right being in that role and by appointing her, Rishi has shown yet again that we need a fucking general election, two roles to two women who are terrible humans. I find it disturbing that some people think the Tories will fix anything, they are planning austerity part 2, so that added to everything else they've fucked up is not only making us a laughing stock, a poorer country and a less safe country, if they keep putting these horrible cunts in positions of power, we will be breaking various international laws on human rights and who knows what else. Just when you think it can't get any worse, the Tories stoop even lower, what a disgrace.
The Tory Women MPs (Barring Mordaunt) IMO are showing themselves to be far more capable spewing more BS than Labour's women MP's do.
What's Mad Nad been up to today?

RE: Rishi Sunak - and his Government - Charlemagne - 02-11-2022 11:11

Sunak is now attending the COP27 meeting next week in Egypt.

RE: Rishi Sunak - and his Government - SecretAgent - 02-11-2022 12:11

(02-11-2022 11:11 )Charlemagne Wrote:  Sunak is now attending the COP27 meeting next week in Egypt.

That decision will of course be entirely unconnected to the announcement that Boris is going Bounce

He should ask The King to go as well