RE: What TV show did you last watch? - terence - 01-05-2017 11:37
american gods s01e01.
looks like it's gonna be all kinds of awesome. 85/100
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - *Kal-El* - 01-05-2017 21:38
Prison Break Season Ep 4 "The Prisoner's Dilemma"
Loved this Ep.
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - *Kal-El* - 02-05-2017 02:49
Supergirl Season 2 Ep 19 "Alex".
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - Doddle - 02-05-2017 19:32
Powers S2 ep something
I quite like this series, admittedly for 1 character rather than most of it. I'm slightly miffed to learn it's already been cancelled, though.
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - Rammyrascal - 02-05-2017 22:43
Supergirl s2 ep 18 "Ace Reporter"
The Flash Season 3 ep 19 "The Once & Future Flash"
Grimm season 6 ep 12 "Zerstorer Shrugged"
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - *Kal-El* - 03-05-2017 02:36
The Flash Season 3 Ep 20 " I Know Who You Are".
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - *Kal-El* - 03-05-2017 06:17
Elementary Season 5 Ep 21 "Fly Into A Rage, Make A Bad Lightning"
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - HannahsPet - 03-05-2017 06:45
Rosewood season1
Only just seen this series as it was being advertised on Alibi. so currently watching series 1 very good its about freelance pathologist who teams up with a female cop in miami to solve crime. think of as bones meets castle meets CSI miami
the female cop is hot Jaina Lee Ortiz
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - rpj316 - 03-05-2017 11:09
The David Niven Show S1 Ep5
"The Twist of the Key"
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - Bank$ - 03-05-2017 12:11
WWE Payback 2017.