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RE: London Riots - bigglesworth - 09-08-2011 14:11

I've just seen some of the CCTV images the police have released. There are some nice clear pictures in some of the cases! Hopefully those involved in the criminal actions will enjoy seeing their pictures being circulated.

RE: London Riots - iamthatjack - 09-08-2011 14:27

Firstly, I hate the police. In my expereince, they are thick and inherently racist. The death of Mark Duggan needs to become 100% transparent. I can understand the protest, and to an extent the riots in was their frustration at the police and showing them that they can't juts go around behaving this way with the public as they will bite back and will outnumber them. However...

The riots that have spread to other areas are ridiculous and the rioters are just opportunistic twats, realising that the police is stretched so they can loot what they want!

How harsh and unnecessary was it to burn down that guy's business in Croydon - what the hell was that about?

The media is over-dramatising the whole situation with insensitive, over the top descriptions like 'its like a warzone'...go to fucking Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria/Sudan and see what a fucking warzone really looks like!

This is just a bunch of scummy twats nicking what ever they can, causing senseless destruction because the time is right for it and that they think they are hard.

RE: London Riots - SYBORG666 - 09-08-2011 15:01

I understand what your saying Iamthatjack but how is rioting going to achieve anything.

RE: London Riots - BarrieBF - 09-08-2011 15:02

(09-08-2011 14:11 )bigglesworth Wrote:  I've just seen some of the CCTV images the police have released.

The police are using their Flickr account to show off the CCTV images. There are also some pictures at Catch A Looter.

RE: London Riots - iamthatjack - 09-08-2011 15:08

(09-08-2011 15:01 )SYBORG666 Wrote:  I understand what your saying Iamthatjack but how is rioting going to achieve anything.

I don't agree with the riots in all the other areas, but I can see why there were riots in Tottenham, even if I don't agree with those either.

I agree, it won't achieve anything but it shows the police that the public won't stand for them killing one of the people in their community for seemingly no reason! Those that did riot were the ones too thick and too yobbish to be able to articulate their anger with words, so became vandals!

It's embarrassing to tell the truth...London is meant to be one of the best cities in the world! We have the Olympics in a year, and this is how the people of the 21st Century in a developed country are behaving...all for some free JD sports crap and to smash in windows and ruin people's livlihoods....pathetic

One woman's thoughts:

RE: London Riots - Boomerangutangangbang - 09-08-2011 16:21

Send in the Babechannel girls ! Then the angry mob will down tools instantly,whip out their cocks & have a Bukkake Party !

RE: London Riots - Regenerated - 09-08-2011 16:49

Its kicking off in Wolverhampton city centre now. All businesses in Wolves have closed for the day and sent people home - including where I work. They told everyone to go home just before 4pm.

I saw riot police lining up by the Mander Centre in the city and gangs of youths started appearing.

RE: London Riots - SYBORG666 - 09-08-2011 16:53

What isn't helping is when you get these knob head do gooders going on the news and blaming everyone but the kids.
They're just using the shooting incident as an excuse to run amok and they always play the race card. These kids think they have it tough? Try being in Afghanistan for 6-8mths at a time, being shot at on a daily basis and seeing your mates being shot or blown to pieces.
If anybody in this country deserves to kick off, it's the Armed Forces because of all these cuts.
These fucking little twats don't know how lucky they are.
The government are planning on putting 16,000 police on the streets of London tonight and that will help how?
It's past the point of police control, now is the time for the Army to come in and kick these little fuckers back into check.

RE: London Riots - rickhardo - 09-08-2011 17:01

(09-08-2011 16:53 )SYBORG666 Wrote:  These fucking little twats don't know how lucky they are.

Couldn't agree more - they should send them to Haiti or Sudan where there's real poverty and see how they cope.

RE: London Riots - Phoenix - 09-08-2011 17:05

(09-08-2011 16:21 )Boomerangutangangbang Wrote:  Send in the Babechannel girls ! Then the angry mob will down tools instantly,whip out their cocks & have a Bukkake Party !

Either way it's a big mess to clean up