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RE: Big Brother 2011 - sweetsugar007 - 18-08-2011 21:28

To be fair I would tear into that Amy Childs nice ass In that dress!

RE: Big Brother 2011 - Stillroom Rock - 18-08-2011 21:58

Kerry Katona hopes she wont do anything to embarrass her kids, think you long passed that stage love.

Who will stick their knob in an apple pie to make Tara feel at home

RE: Big Brother 2011 - kelly1066 - 18-08-2011 22:08

sure many of you would rather stick it in that pie than tara right now...!!!??? hope i dont grow ugly/old so quickly...!!! lol

RE: Big Brother 2011 - Chimpy - 18-08-2011 22:16

If someone gives me a sharpened chopstick i will happily carve the names of Jedward into their foreheads so people can tell them apart..Prick 1 and Prick 2

RE: Big Brother 2011 - MeTarzan - 18-08-2011 22:17

I would like to recommend a small change in this series of Celebrity BB:-

Rather than evicting a person from the house - they're killed.

There's no downside here - it adds interest (remaining house members can decide how the looser is to die) and ensures they'll be fewer D list celebrities in the world at the end of the series.

Honestly, I know Channel 5 is desperate, but they are truly scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.

What can I say - I'd rather watch The Chat webshow that Celebrity BB.

How bad is that?

RE: Big Brother 2011 - Rammyrascal - 18-08-2011 22:56

best moment of the night was tara struggling to understand kerry within seconds of kerry speaking Smile

RE: Big Brother 2011 - iamthatjack - 18-08-2011 23:00

So the final line up is :

Amy Childs

Bobby Sabel

Darren Lyons


Kerry Katona

Lucien Laviscount

Paddy Doherty

Pamela Bach-Hasselhoff

Sally Bercow

Tara Reid

Now, for fun, lets play a game.

There are 10 housemates, so how about I randomly pair the first 10 people that pm me (who want to play) with one of the housemates, and that's who you gotta 'cheer' for, even if you don't like them!

Sound like fun? pm me to be in Big Grin

RE: Big Brother 2011 - bigguy01 - 18-08-2011 23:54

Amy Childs - who?

Bobby Sabel - who?

Darren Lyons - who?

Jedward - needs to be shot

Kerry Katona - needs to be shot

Lucien Laviscount - who?

Paddy Doherty - who?

Pamela Bach-Hasselhoff -

Sally Bercow - embrassing, does she know who her husband is? talking about bring politics to the gutter the speakers in bb

Tara Reid - only one that has some talent

all bar one are non-entities, no wonder channel 4 got rid off big brother

RE: Big Brother 2011 - bigguy01 - 18-08-2011 23:58

(18-08-2011 20:40 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  next is SALLY BERCOW the wife of the speaker of the house of commons mixed reaction

she is a media whore and her hushand is a prick (thats being king to both of them)

RE: Big Brother 2011 - Money_Shot - 19-08-2011 00:45

I have just found out BB has returned. Man I haven't missed out by not having a TV (apart from when internet streams for babe channels are down Sad )

Someone said B.B is brain dead TV. I would argue all T.V is brain dead.

The best anyone can hope for is for Kerry Katona gets smothered with a pillow, Jedward drink a pint of bleach each, and the rest perhaps choke on their own vomit.