RE: Jokes - billyboy1963 - 19-09-2021 17:20
"I decided to sell my vacuum cleaner—it was just gathering dust!"
RE: Jokes - Tractor boy - 19-09-2021 18:29
It's the missus Birthday coming up and she keeps leaving jewellery catalogues lying about.
I thought she is probably trying to leave a hint to what she wants, so I bought her a magazine rack.
RE: Jokes - billyboy1963 - 20-09-2021 18:23
What does the receptionist at a sperm bank say as clients leave?
Thanks for coming!
RE: Jokes - billyboy1963 - 20-09-2021 18:24
What’s the difference between a G-spot and a golf ball?
A guy will actually search for a golf ball.
RE: Jokes - billyboy1963 - 20-09-2021 18:25
I asked my partner if I was the only one, she’s been with.
She said, “Yes, the others were at least sevens or eights”
RE: Jokes - billyboy1963 - 20-09-2021 18:26
How is sex like air?
It’s not a big deal unless you aren’t getting any.
RE: Jokes - i'llbeback123 - 04-10-2021 20:41
Q. What do lawyers and female pornstars both have in common?
A. They both very good at their jobs and they get guys off.
RE: Jokes - Snooks - 04-10-2021 20:56
What do you call a row of rabbits hopping away?
A receding hare line.
RE: Jokes - Carl-Gen X - 05-10-2021 08:03
Just got a job making plastic Dracula’s.
As there’s only two of us on the production line I have to make every second Count!
RE: Jokes - Factotum - 05-10-2021 08:46
I used to date a woman with brittle bone disease, I loved her very much but things didn't work out, which was such a shame because she was cracking in bed....