RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - HannahsPet - 13-07-2010 13:33
(13-07-2010 13:16 )Ally4Paige Wrote: On the subject of in call interuptions, if a girl was told to go on the mic during a call I would hang up on them!! This is nothing against the girls it is against the numpty producers!! How would they like to be interrupted if they were having an intimate phone conversation with the girl of their dreams?
Oh yeajh likeyou would reeally hang upon paige   
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - munch1917 - 13-07-2010 13:35
(13-07-2010 12:57 )HannahsPet Wrote: ... dont think the girls have any choice its the producers telling them to go on the mic
I don't blame the girls one bit, they are just doing their job, it's down to the production. Same as the plugging of the pics, not their fault, they've been told to do it, what choice do they have.
I can actually kinda understand the interruption when the freeview channels come on line or switch over, it's kind of to be expected, though they usually do use the presenter girl at the midnight switchover on BS1 to plug Xtreme. Obviously Xtra is just starting as well, and the presenter can only be in one place at one time. They could use another free girl however, or do as they sometimes do, and put the presenter on both channels at once.
I guess you just have to factor that possibility of interruption into your call in times, the timing is at least predictable 
Bottom line is, these things are avoidable with a little planning.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Ally4Paige - 13-07-2010 13:38
(13-07-2010 13:33 )HannahsPet Wrote: (13-07-2010 13:16 )Ally4Paige Wrote: On the subject of in call interuptions, if a girl was told to go on the mic during a call I would hang up on them!! This is nothing against the girls it is against the numpty producers!! How would they like to be interrupted if they were having an intimate phone conversation with the girl of their dreams?
Oh yeajh likeyou would reeally hang upon paige    
Yeah, you're right!! Like all good intentions with me, when it comes to the crunch my bottle would go and I would hang on lol!! But might get my point that some people could get the same idea and actually go through with it lol!!
BTW I have never had the guts to phone her on nights so all the above is irrelevant as far as I am concerned!!
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Rogerbee - 13-07-2010 13:40
Hypothetically speaking, it really would depend on the girl I was talking to. Firstly, things my end would be as real as they are their end. If it were Paige, Daryl or even Lolly I was talking to, I just couldn't hang up, that just wouldn't be on and would be a waste of our time and my credit.
Just getting to talk to any of them would be a big thing for me so I wouldn't ruin it no matter how much Cellcast tried to.
But that's just me and it's hypothetical as I can accept the shows as make believe and watch for entertainment value.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - MrJack - 13-07-2010 14:19
I have neither the guts nor the money to phone any of the girls at all so it's a moot point for me I know what I see though, and I see Paige looking as if she's more than ready to have hot, angry, vicious sex with whoever comes (ahem!) to hand (ahem!) while she's on a call.
As for taking them as make believe, they are make believe! The channels deal in fantasy, interrupting the calls might encourage more callers, but won't please the current caller and might put off some prospective callers who'll be thinking "What if she cuts ME off to go on mic?"
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Rogerbee - 13-07-2010 14:37
Another reason why I wouldn't call would be that if Lolly were to say anything like that to me, my immediate reaction would be to burst out laughing and I'm not sure how she'd take that.
Anyway, I'm now going to send Linsey Dawn a message about this faker, they're doing my head in, if anyone can stop them then I think she can. Wish me luck folks!
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Rogerbee - 13-07-2010 15:27
Right, well, that's her told, this could be interesting!
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - vila - 13-07-2010 18:04
There's also a cost consideration with all of these interruptions, even if the phone girl doesn't break off to talk on the mic. A few nights ago when Georgie was on the poor sod talking to her and all those listening paid £3.75 each to watch while she was whipped off the screen and replaced by Camilla and Ella doing a 2½-min BSXtreme promo.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Rogerbee - 13-07-2010 18:32
Georgie got whipped!? Ooh, naughty! LOL!!
Nahh, I know what you mean and it's not good!
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - vila - 13-07-2010 18:51
Oops - I should have realised it could be read like that! Sorry guys, I didn't mean to conjure up any unfulfillable fantasies.