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Thanking landmarks - Printable Version

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RE: Thanking landmarks - stowman - 02-03-2015 13:58

Well done to Darren and Skully. Great forum members.

RE: Thanking landmarks - Scottishbloke - 02-03-2015 14:14

Well done skully, your fingertips must be hanging by a thread now with all this thanking, at least it's that and not the other one Wink

RE: Thanking landmarks - Charlemagne - 02-03-2015 15:44

Well done Skully Smile

RE: Thanking landmarks - JAMES the PERVERT - 02-03-2015 18:19

Nice going skully, impressive feat. Smile

RE: Thanking landmarks - skully - 02-03-2015 19:00

I've not been keeping count (who could), but I've been doing it the same way for years now. I stick to posting celeb pics these days, but as a former capper and video maker, I know what it takes for you guys to put out the stuff you do, so hopefully my thanks go some way to make you see that your contributions are appreciated and to encourage others to show their appreciation too.

RE: Thanking landmarks - The Truth - 02-03-2015 19:21

So it's Official...Skully is a big fat Wan.... (Sorry almost a freudian slip thereWink ) Thanker!!!!
Well played fella, class as always!

RE: Thanking landmarks - Snooks - 03-03-2015 09:37

A class act on the forum.
Well done Skully.

RE: Thanking landmarks - terence - 06-03-2015 14:24

well done to Scottishbloke who is the latest member to have given 100,000 thanks in the forum.

RE: Thanking landmarks - darren73 - 23-04-2015 20:30

Just pasted the 110,000 thanks mark eek wow thanks to everyone who has pressed the thanks button Smile

RE: Thanking landmarks - darren73 - 28-06-2015 19:18

I past the 120,000 thanks mark today SmileSmile thanks to everyone who has looked and pressed the thanks button