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RE: Last Match Watched - shano123 - 06-06-2016 20:14

Man I remember back then me and my cousin would have to shut the door in living room to watch the wwf cuz our parents were like what's that shit u watching, change the channel cuz it's too violent!! We were like 8-9. Also remember one tape full of raw episodes was thrown in the bin Sad

RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 06-06-2016 20:17

Aww shit!

Unlucky mate.I'm glad I managed to keep mine considering what a shambles WWE is now.

RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 07-06-2016 13:04

WCW Clash of the Champions XXIII(17/06/93)

Tag team title match

The Hollywood Blondes(champs) Arn Anderson &
Steve Austin & Brian Pullman vs. Ric Flair

A 2 out of 3 falls match called brilliany by Jesse Ventura and Tony Shiavone.The action starts off slow with lots of scientific wrestling and counters before the Blondes takeover and work both Anderson and Flair over.After a comeback by Flair,the challengers took the first fall.The Blondes squared things up minutes later.Rather surprisingly the time runs out and the match is declared a draw,however in this case it doesn't diminish the match at all.A great effort proving on this occasion anyway,that these particular veterans still had plenty to offer in the ring.(Flair was a booker at the time and caused lots of problems for the likes of Austin,Pillman,Mick Foley and Shane Douglas).


RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 10-06-2016 15:53

WCW Superbrawl III(21/02/93)

Falls Count Anywhere Match

Catcus Jack vs Paul Orndorff

An all action,bump filled encounter that was pure dynamite and still holds up today as a shining example of how to book a gimmick match without resorting to mindless weapons shots.Also a great example of a veteran(Orndorff)using his reputation and star power to elevate a younger,exiting piece of talent.If only we saw more of this today.


RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 12-06-2016 19:11

NJPW IWGP Junior Heavyweight title Wrestle kingdom V(04/01/11)

Prince Devitt © vs Kota Ibushi

An outstanding encounter between 2(at the time)junior heavyweights.A back and fourth match featuring smooth transitions from technical wrestling into death defying high spots.Devitt used an insane,Bloody Sunday DDT from the top rope to retain the title.


RE: Last Match Watched - Bank$ - 18-06-2016 19:57

Six To Survive (Lucha Underground S02E21)

An awesome 6 person eliminations match showcasing the best of what the promotion has to offer, full of excited and has you hooked until the final 3 count.


RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 19-06-2016 14:56

Last Man Standing Match AJ Styles vs Bully Ray(TNA Impact,17/04/11)

An absolutely rivetting Last Man Standing Match in which Styles proved once again that he can work with anyone no matter how average they are.In fairness both men took tremendous risks to put over how much they hated each other.Styles lived up to his nickname "Phenomenal" when be dropped an elbow off a lighting tower onto Ray.Rather perplexingly,Ray went over.This would have been perfect had Styles been the winner.


RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 22-06-2016 01:23

WWF Tag team title Match(RAW,26/05/97)

Owen Hart & The British Bulldog(champs)vs Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold Steve Austin

An excellent TV match which solidified how beloved Austin had become since turning face at WM13.Austin and Michaels jumped started the match by attacking Hart and The Bulldog before they reached the ring.Inside the ring the action was fast paced and frantic,with Hart and Michaels using their agility to great effect.After dominatiing the first 10 minutes Austin and Michaels got cut off,Michaels took a beating and then Austin did too after he tagged in.Following some old school,missed tags by the ref,Austin hit the bulldog with the stunner for the win.Celebrations were short lived though.The rest of the Hart Foundation attacked Michaels and Austin,with an injured Bret Hart looking on Austin left Michaels to the lions and assaulted Hart.After the match Austin and Michaels had a falling out.The banter backstage was priceless.Although WCW was still way ahead in the ratings,the Austin war against The Hart Foundation made some outstanding television.


RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 25-06-2016 17:59

WWF Wrestlemania 5,(02/04/89)

WWF title match

Macho Man Randy Savage(champ)vs Hulk Hogan

After an expertly booked build up that lasted nearly a year the tension between Savage and Hogan finally came to a head at WM5.Once again it was up to Savage to carry Hogan to dramatic main event and he pulled it off brilliantly.Even his pre-match routine was mesmerising as he baited and threatened Hogan with title belt.Once the action got going,it was clear we were witnessing a special main event.Savage's vicious puches,kicks and eye gouges got the crowd hot,Hogan got back into it using his massive size and superior strength to take control.Savage countered a back drop attempt from Hogan with a stiff boot to the face,Hogan even did a rare juice job.Savage wore Hogan down with top rope axe handles and his routine of big moves,including his impressive throat clothesline using the top rope.He even resorted to draping Hogan's throat over the crowd barrier and came down on Hogan from the top rope,Hogan sold this very realistically.Savage hit the big elbow from the top once the combatants got back in the ring.Hogan kicked out on two,Hulked up and hit the leg drop for the win,an all too familiar sight.However,still a great match at the most successful WM until WM15 ten years later.


RE: Last Match Watched - Bank$ - 12-07-2016 19:22

Lucha Underground Season 2 Episode 24

The Mack v. Cage

This match really set the tone for the show unpredictable and violence throughout, however as with most of LU some great innovative moves aswell both have great chemistry.
