RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - stemmata - 12-10-2014 17:22
Do you think BS employ "industry" recognised camera men.
They are probably the mate of the owners or their sons, nephews etc...
same for the producers. (FACT !!!!!)
By the way Goodfella3041 NYPD Blue as been nominated for and won Golden Globe, Emmy, BMI, and other awawrds for directing, acting music, sound and Cinematography. In the hundreds over a decade of television.
And you compare it to the clowns that produce Babestation......????
Get real !!!!!
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Goodfella3041 - 12-10-2014 17:40
Stemmata, "unreal" is taking that post for anything other than the gag it was.
Do you honestly think that I would compare a Babeshow camera man to a professional, let alone to Alfred Hitchcock!?
The whole thing was really just a build-up to the Hitchcock-wanking-in-his-grave punchline. And I don't care where you stand on any babeshow issue ... that was a good bit.
But it's a poor comic who blames the audience. My fault. In future I will try to pitch it closer to your level. I'm sure I have a few knock-knock jokes in the locker somewhere.
(And Emmy's or not ... NYPD Blue was shit)
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - stemmata - 12-10-2014 17:50
(12-10-2014 17:40 )Goodfella3041 Wrote: Stemmata, "unreal" is taking that post for anything other than the gag it was.
Do you honestly think that I would compare a Babeshow camera man to a professional, let alone to Alfred Hitchcock!?
The whole thing was really just a build-up to the Hitchcock-wanking-in-his-grave punchline. And I don't care where you stand on any babeshow issue ... that was a good bit!
But it's a poor comic who blames the audience. My fault. In future I will try to pitch it closer to your level. I'm sure I have a few knock-knock jokes in the locker somewhere.
(And Emmy's or not ... NYPD Blue was shit)
You protest too much.......and stand condemned by what you posted.
I Like your original forum name.
Originality and you don't go do they ?
3040 before you........

RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - M-L-L - 12-10-2014 17:55
? [split....] ???....
There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call .....
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Goodfella3041 - 12-10-2014 17:57
(12-10-2014 17:55 )M-L-L Wrote: ? [split....] ???....
No need. I'm done.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - broncobilly10 - 12-10-2014 20:00
BS hit a new low last night. Tori came on screen on BS Blue, she was talking then the producer told her Sophie would join her that's cool but she had just finished a set on BS 1. So after awhile they took Tori off and kept Sophie, I have no issue with Sophie I think she is wonderful but why do they give Tori so little air time?
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - jimmyt73 - 13-10-2014 02:16
More inconsistency tonight,Beth puts a great climax line on,and here we are little more than a couple of hours later and Cali puts less effort than Ashley did last night,ok fair enough she is now wet,but its on the outside not inside although she now got a fully satisfied leg,as i said in my last post whoever does these fake climax stints must be prepared to make them look authentic,on a positive note at least we are starting to compile a list of the babes who are good at fake climaxing,Preeti and Beth are excellent and Ashley,Caty,Cali and Lori are mediocre at best.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - TheProf - 13-10-2014 08:39
I fully agree with Jimmy. Only Preeti and Beth have given a convincing 'Climax' show, and I am convinced that the nausea-inducing camerawork is to conceal the poor efforts of the others who are clearly rubbing stomachs or legs - or fresh air!
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - ultra07 - 13-10-2014 12:51
Out of interest has sophie hart done a "climax show" ?
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - davetherave57 - 13-10-2014 13:20
Anti 'Climax' more like,even worse are the BSX Ones...........