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RE: Bianca pics - biancafan173 - 19-02-2009 11:19

Gosh!!! that was a long post!!!! lol Michael (sorry for getting ur name wrong, i can spell i promise Im just shit at typing) u are a silly sausage arent u!!! watching the show twice, u big loser!!! haha only joking i think its very sweet that u think so much of me.. altho i do not no y! Its great that u get so involved in the show it makes my life very easy on the show knowing that u guys are out there enjoyin watchin cos sometimes i feel that im not very good at the presenting stuff. so thanks for texting me to make me feel more at ease, It is really great to speak on the phone cos i get to know more about u really and i can tell u more stuff on the phone that i wouldnt say over the mic!! glad u enjoyed all the limericks. mine werent as good as urs tho.. lol ull have to text in some of the others 2moro!!!
I think were starting a 3G service soon so we can talk face to face which will be loads of fun.. i cant wait for that to start altho i think ill prob get a few suprises!!! lol

anyway... i need to get my beauty sleep. Im sat in my PJs watching the Brit awards n gun go to bed so n have an early nite so im feeling fresh for the morning. hope to speak 2moro.

Bee xxx

Thank you very much Bianca. 2 messages in 1 day, I am really touched. I do mean that sincerely.

I hope U don't mind me waffling on like that. I am not a stalker, I promise. I just liked watching U read out all my texts on TV, and saying nice things about me, that's all. I really liked it when U saw I sent a text and U got all excited. Also when U were listening 2 my ode on the phone and Layla was trying to say something but U didn't listen to her.

Don't worry about my name, I was only joking. U can spell it E before A, but mine is A before E.

Loser am I eh? I hoped U were joking about that. I just thought that show was particularly good. Smile

U don't know Y I like you? Well, because you are so sweet and lovely.

What do U mean U don't think you are a good presenter? You're brilliant at it! I really mean that.

Sorry if my last msg was a bit long, I can say so much more in a letter or e-mail than I do talking to a woman because I don't feel so nervous, so I might go on, especially if I have a bee in my bonet, and go off on one.

U don't need beauty sleep!! If U were any more beautiful we wouldn't be able to see U because U would be too stunning. It's me who needs that!

Take care Bee.


RE: Bianca pics - rumbletum - 19-02-2009 11:48

Oh my God!!!!

Dude it's "people" like you that put these girls off from interacting with us "normal" people. You can't seriously expect to write that shite and not be berated for it can you??? surely no-one can be that naive.

I am not writing this to try to be "witty" or to flame you for no reason. I have worked in the psychiatric business for the past 10 years and you are seriously showing signs of having an obsessive disorder. You just need to know where the boundaries are and stay within them - for your sake and whichever girl you have the obsession with at that time. Seriously dude it seems like you need help!!!

have a realistic day Smile


RE: Bianca pics - jordo - 19-02-2009 12:05

My god someone openly like me on here, great Smile

Do tell me Michael... When you're out stalking, do you wear woodland or desert camo? Personally I feel more merged into surroundings wearing woodland but a few friends prefer the latter. Theres also a great site I'd recommend where you can get yourself some specially designed rubber shoes that make no noise whilst walking (perfect for creeping up behind unsuspecting ladies). The link is If you'd like to exchange some tips I'd be glad to give and recieve so feel free to PM me.

Another thing I'd like to ask.. I've never thought of it before until now. I too sit and watch the show twice. Do you beat off furiously to the fully clothed, half hidden lady behind the desk while you're watching the show for the first time, or while you watch the recording? I always do it first time you see because I like to tell my friends......"I did it live".

RE: Bianca pics - Big C - 19-02-2009 18:40

Wow!!! That`s stirred up a bees nest(sorry about the pun).At the end of the day,these girls are doing a job.The`re being paid to be nice to people and encourage them to call and text the show.Dont get me wrong.i think Bianca is gorgeous and has a great personality,but you have to keep these things in perspective.

RE: Bianca pics - eggheader - 24-02-2009 02:02

lol this is fuckin funny.

RE: Bianca pics - rover - 24-02-2009 02:30

jordo Wrote:My god someone openly like me on here, great Smile

Do tell me Michael... When you're out stalking, do you wear woodland or desert camo? Personally I feel more merged into surroundings wearing woodland but a few friends prefer the latter. Theres also a great site I'd recommend where you can get yourself some specially designed rubber shoes that make no noise whilst walking (perfect for creeping up behind unsuspecting ladies). The link is If you'd like to exchange some tips I'd be glad to give and recieve so feel free to PM me.

Another thing I'd like to ask.. I've never thought of it before until now. I too sit and watch the show twice. Do you beat off furiously to the fully clothed, half hidden lady behind the desk while you're watching the show for the first time, or while you watch the recording? I always do it first time you see because I like to tell my friends......"I did it live".
LMFAO That's the funniest thing l have read in a long time you crack me up jordoSmile

RE: Bianca pics - biancafan173 - 27-02-2009 19:50

Hi B, just to let U know that when I sent that 2nd msg in on Wednesday (25th Feb) I was on my break, I wasn't at home, it's about 7 hrs a day I work. Take care & BE GOOD! X

RE: Bianca pics - rumbletum - 27-02-2009 20:18

biancafan173 Wrote:Hi B, just to let U know that when I sent that 2nd msg in on Wednesday (25th Feb) I was on my break, I wasn't at home, it's about 7 hrs a day I work. Take care & BE GOOD! X

She doesn't care you fecking fruitloop Tongue !!! Do you have a need for either a) attention or b) public ridicule cos they are the only reasons I can think for you writing this crap on here. If you wanna tell Bianca this stuff then write her a fecking letter where you can spout off in private and not be subject to ridicule. I don't want to speak for Bianca here but I know that if I were her I would be seriously embarrassed by all this "attention" you are giving her on a public forum. I'm sorry for coming down so hard on you dude but seriously you need help.

RE: Bianca pics - SmĀ© - 27-02-2009 20:36

Give the guy a break please.
Though he would probably explode if he saw my bianca dirty talk vids Smile

RE: Bianca pics - cherryryder - 27-02-2009 20:44

Big C Wrote:Wow!!! That`s stirred up a bees nest(sorry about the pun).At the end of the day,these girls are doing a job.The`re being paid to be nice to people and encourage them to call and text the show.Dont get me wrong.i think Bianca is gorgeous and has a great personality,but you have to keep these things in perspective.

Basically, we'd love to bang Bianca senseless...

Sorry if I'm messing with your girl, biancafan173...please don't hunt me down, burn my house down, kill me with a machete and eat my remains...I'm not saying you're a psycho, not just yet...