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Demi - Caps, Vids & Chat - Printable Version

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RE: Demi - Caps, Vids & Chat - mucker - 03-04-2011 22:07

"After Hours" - 03.04.11
[Image: 2011_04_03_220354.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_03_220439.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_03_220814.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_03_224151.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_03_220943.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_03_221033.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_03_221422.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_03_221449.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_03_224727.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_03_221527.jpg]

RE: Demi - Caps, Vids & Chat - mucker - 05-04-2011 20:47

"Naughty Hour" - 05.04.11
[Image: 2011_04_05_210536.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_210613.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_210715.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_212458.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_212313.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_211657.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_211438.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_213409.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_213159.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_213515.jpg]

RE: Demi - Caps, Vids & Chat - mucker - 05-04-2011 21:43

"After Hours" - 05.04.11
[Image: 2011_04_05_221441.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_221357.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_220413.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_220332.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_220955.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_220631.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_220753.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_222349.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_222223.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_05_222147.jpg]

RE: Demi - Caps, Vids & Chat - mucker - 12-04-2011 20:46

"Naughty Hour" - 12.04.11
[Image: 2011_04_12_210903.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_12_211122.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_12_211309.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_12_211408.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_12_213220.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_12_211645.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_12_211833.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_12_212441.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_12_212821.jpg] [Image: 2011_04_12_212954.jpg]

RE: Demi - Caps, Vids & Chat - mucker - 16-05-2011 20:49

"Naughty Hour" - 16.05.11
[Image: 2011_05_16_211808.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_16_211709.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_16_211930.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_16_211420.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_16_212045.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_16_212004.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_16_212943.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_16_211026.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_16_210921.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_16_210715.jpg]

RE: Demi - Caps, Vids & Chat - mucker - 29-05-2011 21:16

"Naughty Hour" - 29.05.11
[Image: image-1AB6_4DE2B6D8.jpg] [Image: image-EB2F_4DE2B6D8.jpg] [Image: image-C9C0_4DE2B6D8.jpg] [Image: image-57A5_4DE2B6D8.jpg] [Image: image-0FAB_4DE2B6D8.jpg] [Image: image-5F96_4DE2B795.jpg] [Image: image-95A3_4DE2B795.jpg] [Image: image-B3D1_4DE2B795.jpg] [Image: image-AB92_4DE2B795.jpg]

RE: Demi - Caps, Vids & Chat - dirk362 - 05-06-2011 11:49

Demi's Naughty Hour from last night.

Think the audio is in sync, although it's incredibly troublesome on the webstream with this channel. That said don't think I saw Demi on the microphone so whether it is or isn't probably makes no difference (not too sure if anyone actually watches the vids with the sound on anyway).

[Image: th_273683914_ChatGirlTV_110604_WS_Demi_s_123_485lo.jpg]
Click thumbnail for full-sized caps

[Image: image-D9D3_4DEB69CC.jpg]
1hour 02mins 51secs, 640x360 WebStream 15fps 16:9 AVC/High/L3.1/Avg.bitrate 256 Kbps
Video Download: ChatGirlTV-20110604-WS-DemiScott (115Mb, MegaUpload)

Video & Pictures Copyright © Chat Girl TV

RE: Demi - Caps, Vids & Chat - dirk362 - 05-06-2011 16:08

Found an older show from Demi in her Naughty Hour from way back on 29th.
Thought I'd still share as Demi is f**king awesome Cool

[Image: th_288512773_ChatGirlTV_110529_WS_Demi_s_123_478lo.jpg]
Click thumbnail for full-sized caps

[Image: image-435F_4DEBA3BE.jpg]
57mins 54secs, 640x360 WebStream 15fps 16:9 AVC/High/L3.1/Avg.bitrate 270 Kbps
Video Download: ChatGirlTV-20110529-WS-DemiScott (111Mb, MegaUpload)

Video & Pictures Copyright © Chat Girl TV

RE: Demi - Caps, Vids & Chat - hashman786 - 05-06-2011 20:03

demi looking hot right now on web stream wish she could get naked

also is it still 1 hour show?????????? 9pm-10pm

RE: Demi - Caps, Vids & Chat - Proj - 06-06-2011 03:32

Where can i get the full Vids of her?.. in other words has she done any porn?