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RE: London Riots - Regenerated - 09-08-2011 21:37

Manchester and Salford the latest to join the affected areas. Saw on the news a Selfridge's shop was torched in Manchester and the Arndale Centre was damaged.

I believe effected areas are now as follows:-

Hackney, Ealing, Peckham, Croydon, Tottenham and Epping in London.
Liverpool, Manchester and Salford in the North West.
Birmingham, Wolverhampton and West Bromwich in the Midlands.

I can see pictures of little chav twats pushing over bins, pushing over cars and vans, torching shops and looting places to get whatever they can. And yet riot police are standing as bystanders. For fuck's sake get in there and sort it out. Plastic bullets are now absolutely necessary at least. No quarter asked, no quarter should be given. Arm the cops and smash the riots out.

Its just like the 1980s when riots were depressingly frequent. Sad

RE: London Riots - iamthatjack - 09-08-2011 21:42

(09-08-2011 21:10 )lucent-x Wrote:  Would you give even the slightest shit about this incident or Police procedure if he was white? Why can't you just see 'an armed man' rather than 'an armed black man'?

A shot to the chest is not always fatal, and I believe it's an acceptable target area. Shooting someone in a leg or arm does not necessarily incapacitate them enough to stop the threat of being shot at.

Has it even come to light what exactly happened? Did they give him any instructions? Did they ask him to throw out the gun? They do have professional procedures you know, they aren't just an indiscriminate hit squad.

I couldn't care less what colour this man's skin was; he had a gun, he got shot, he died. You'll have to excuse me if I don't read anymore into it than that. Maybe it will turn out that the officer who shot him was racist, but let's wait to see any evidence of this shall we. Maybe the officer who shot him was black, now that'd be an interesting development for you!

Nope, if he was white, black, Asian or green, my stance would have been the same. Yes he was wrong to have a gun, no doubt, but shooting him in the chest and not expecting it to be fatal is ludicrous. A shot in his arm would certainly have caused enough pain etc to stop him firing his weapon, and capture him alive.

It seems that this man has been killed for being in possession of a gun, rather than being apprehended for having a gun...if it transpires that the guy was a threat, I'll take it all back and say he deserved to be killed, but no word has come out to say this, news has reported that he didn't fire, and that's it. But at the moment, it seems the police were too trigger happy.

This is why the initial Tottenham riots started, they were pissed off that the police killed a man in their community. Having a gun on him is wrong, but arrest him and take the gun, don't kill him.

The rest of these riots are a joke, twats who are causing mayhem for the sake of it

RE: London Riots - SYBORG666 - 09-08-2011 21:44

(09-08-2011 21:37 )Regenerated Wrote:  Manchester and Salford the latest to join the affected areas. Saw on the news a Selfridge's shop was torched in Manchester and the Arndale Centre was damaged.

I believe effected areas are now as follows:-

Hackney, Ealing, Peckham, Croydon, Tottenham and Epping in London.
Liverpool, Manchester and Salford in the North West.
Birmingham, Wolverhampton and West Bromwich in the Midlands.

I can see pictures of little chav twats pushing over bins, pushing over cars and vans, torching shops and looting places to get whatever they can. And yet riot police are standing as bystanders. For fuck's sake get in there and sort it out. Plastic bullets are now absolutely necessary at least. No quarter asked, no quarter should be given. Arm the cops and smash the riots out.

Its just like the 1980s when riots were depressingly frequent. Sad

Also, Nottingham and Leeds have police on alert tonight.

RE: London Riots - lovebabes56 - 09-08-2011 21:46

(09-08-2011 18:51 )lancealot790 Wrote:  It,s about time the politicians did what we elected them to do and start to get tough on these scumbags, suspended sentences and community service just do not work. Everyone convicted should be given a long custodial sentence and during the day made to repair all the damage that was caused and then locked back up at night. Whatever happened to the expression ' looters will be shot on sight '.

i think the term you'd be looking when the above becomes neccessary is martial law. THEN and only then can they shoot on sight!! it would be surprising if we're approaching that stage now

RE: London Riots - lovebabes56 - 09-08-2011 21:52

Now there's a nice target for the rioters - the sikh temple in southall!!
Bet they'll try it sooner or later
or how about the Hare Krishna temple in Watford!!

RE: London Riots - Regenerated - 09-08-2011 21:53

Would we not be getting close to a state of emergency if this carries on much longer and spreads to other areas? Surely martial law would follow if that stage is reached. This means that the military would effectively be the ruling authority in the country.

RE: London Riots - gazfc - 09-08-2011 22:04

A bit of fun to lighten up this dark time

RE: London Riots - BaddaBing - 09-08-2011 22:14

Being told by a mate that he's locked inside a bar in Leicester due to "armed" gangs wandering around the city center. They've been throwing stuff at the windows but not managed to make it through yet. The "armed" element was that they were carrying bits of wood and other street debris.

I've also been told tonight by a reliable, police connected source, that petrol stations in Leicestershire have been told not to serve anyone trying to buy petrol to put in a canister or anything other than a car/bike/lorry etc.

RE: London Riots - SYBORG666 - 09-08-2011 22:18

Have you seen this prick on Sky News.
Update: East Midlands now affected, Nottingham and Leicester now have riots breaking out.
I'm now taking necessary security measures to ensure my house stays safe.

RE: London Riots - BaddaBing - 09-08-2011 22:22

Just put it on. Did I miss my home town ablaze? LoL

Seriously though, just heard from my cousin who's at uni in Manchester studying to be a nurse. She's just finished a shift and without realizing drove through the middle of a skirmish between the two sides.