RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - Rammyrascal - 05-03-2010 23:53
well dionne is back she came on at 11 and so far and is having a good night so far
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - rightcalf - 06-03-2010 22:36
Elite have some stunning girls, so why do they not got for a webshow like sexstation have?
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - Ree's No.1 fan - 07-03-2010 01:04
Don't know whether I'm just not used to it yet but the lyrics to the Elite music strike me as being, er, rubbish. Maybe they'll grow on me but I doubt it.... Still can't complain as Sophia's Saturday 241s are great and there is always the mute button!
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - bombshell - 09-03-2010 02:30
Who the hell is manning that camera on 911,it.s all over the place,not unless he is busy with one hand
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - dave34 - 11-03-2010 08:27
jest had a look on sky & it looks like as of monday Elite tv will be on ch 914
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - stueyboy - 11-03-2010 19:19
If Elite TV are going to have 3 channels then I hope they bring something different to channel 914, i.e. not just follow the exact same format in every way (same Sets, same graphics, same girls, same music, same camerawork etc.) that they currently have on their 2 channels.
It would be great, if they did have a 3rd channel, to make that channel an "alternative" one for viewers and callers who don't always like what they see on 911 and 965.
Therefore, having different Sets; different music; less bright lighting; a different style of camerawork (not so much camera movement/more fullbody shots); smaller graphics etc. - might make the 3rd channel an excellent alternative choice.
Elite know they cannot always please everyone the way they do things -and of course that's understandable - but for the ones who aren't too happy with the way their current channels are, making an alternative style 3rd channel might be popular for those viewers who have gripes at the moment.
And if with a new style of Show the call volumes aren't so good then they can always go back to the same format on 911 and 965.
Just a thought anyway!!!
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - Rise - 11-03-2010 19:30
Totally agree they could experiment a bit on a third channel especially with the music.
Does it have to be pumping 'sunday market alloy-thief' garage music? All the time? Surely not.
Although to be fair the latest tunes are at least a bit more mellow and ...surreal
As for the camerawork, I hope you're right about some more lingering full body shots on the third channel Stuey.
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - aceman65 - 11-03-2010 19:33
Well I tend to agree Stueyboy, I think if they intend to have 3 channels, then they are going to have to mix it up a bit. Because as it stands at present, they hardly have enough presenters to fill 2 channels. And most times late/early in the morning both channels are showing the same footage whilst one girl has a break.
Kinda makes me more convinced there going to ditch the 965 channel to move them closer together on EPG.
But until Elite decide to announce what's going on, this is all speculation and guess work.
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - Rammyrascal - 11-03-2010 20:16
if they are going to three channels then elite should tryout a version of bsxtra with texts and presenting
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - speedybert - 11-03-2010 21:02
Well Elite have 25 girls on their books so perhaps Jamie can persuade a few more of them to come to work if they are going to run 3 channels?This is not a dig btw it's just that Elite seem to suffer more than most when it comes to staffing the night shift.
Oh and 1000 posts.
Blimey have I had 1000 different things to say???
Well no,but I'm definitely not alone in that