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RE: Dionne Daniels - Chat & Discussion - HEX!T - 04-11-2010 06:47

im sorry to say she is starting to bug me. shes great looking, but boy is she boring me, to the point i just cat watch her now.
2 pairs of panties, when other girls go nekid? and is totally unwilling to go there. if a cam gets to close to her crotch she covers up (even though we can never see anything). instead of relaxing and letting the shots flow, she seems very uncomfortable at times. then ask her to fulfill a reasonable request "like take off or even lower 1 pair of panties" or "remove her stockings", you get that fed up look or she just hangs up. i really do get the impression she doesnt like the job at all and likes the callers even less.

i dunno where your seeing slow tease wazo, yeah i know imagination can make up for a lot but really she doesn't put anywhere near the effort in that other girls do. she really does just look good and thats it.
i know she has been on the channel from the start but to me, she has defiantly worn out her welcome...

sorry dione there was a time when i thought you were great. now you just grate.

RE: Dionne Daniels - Chat & Discussion - countryboy - 04-11-2010 12:17

This is getting laughable. She came on at 3am and DID NOT MOVE FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF!! That's no joke! She then moved positions for literally 15 secs and then back again, and then moved once during the last hour. Granted she was left to wrap up the show, but that's no excuse for that. She does not give a toss about the viewers, her fans, no-one. She was on the phone hardly at all, much much less than Paige and Ashley. What she's still doing there I do not know. Does Daddy own the channel or something?

Isn't she now the only girl on Elite who won't even pull her pants down from time to time, let alone get naked? She insists on wearing two pairs of pants, which proves she in the wrong job.

Let's face it, you could turn on any one of the daytime shows right now and get a sexier performance. Once you've seen one pair of fake tits you've seen them all.

I really hope that the Ibiza shoots re-launch her as a proper night time girl... coz right now she aint one.

RE: Dionne Daniels - Chat & Discussion - Wazo - 04-11-2010 14:12

(04-11-2010 06:47 )HEX!T Wrote:  im sorry to say she is starting to bug me. shes great looking, but boy is she boring me, to the point i just cat watch her now.
2 pairs of panties, when other girls go nekid? and is totally unwilling to go there. if a cam gets to close to her crotch she covers up (even though we can never see anything). instead of relaxing and letting the shots flow, she seems very uncomfortable at times. then ask her to fulfill a reasonable request "like take off or even lower 1 pair of panties" or "remove her stockings", you get that fed up look or she just hangs up. i really do get the impression she doesnt like the job at all and likes the callers even less.

i dunno where your seeing slow tease wazo, yeah i know imagination can make up for a lot but really she doesn't put anywhere near the effort in that other girls do. she really does just look good and thats it.
i know she has been on the channel from the start but to me, she has defiantly worn out her welcome...

sorry dione there was a time when i thought you were great. now you just grate.

Hexit were does it say a girl has to get naked i think alot of people forget that these are topless channels first. Anyhow getting naked is like a double edged yes its great for the viewer but it restricts the models movement a hell of alot i hate to bring other girls into a argument but look at Mica who gets naked often but hardly seems to get much calls so while its all good getting naked if your not bringing in calls it doesn't matter if the girl is naked or not.

I think that she still manages to bring in the calls while not getting naked while all the others around her are is somthing to be complimented on instead of frowned upon i mean surly thats harder to do than just get naked which is technically a gimmick an relay on the fact just because your naked is going to bring in the calls for you.

Unless your the likes of Caty or Delta who actually know how to work the naked type of performance then fair enough but i think others use it as just that a gimmick to try an boost there call numbers because being naked an just laying on your front or your back with a sheet covering you is pointless an restricts movement rather have a girl with pants on that can move about more freely than that as your not going to see anymore than if you were watching a girl who wasn't naked .

From the way she was talking in her Ibiza blog her First naked shoot sounds like it was a major thing for her to do i know she has been naked on elite before in the spotlight strip an even TJ was praising Dionne for doing that because yes Dionne ainit as comfortable as some other girls at going naked but now she has done her first one in Ibiza she will hopfully over time become more comfortable an confident at doing them for photo shoots an Video's that she will eventually transfer what she knows to her shows.

Yet Mate her performance style still brings in the Calls an she still hits her Call stats so she must be doing somthing right so why change whats not broken.

RE: Dionne Daniels - Chat & Discussion - Wazo - 04-11-2010 14:45

(04-11-2010 12:17 )countryboy Wrote:  This is getting laughable. She came on at 3am and DID NOT MOVE FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF!! That's no joke! She then moved positions for literally 15 secs and then back again, and then moved once during the last hour. Granted she was left to wrap up the show, but that's no excuse for that. She does not give a toss about the viewers, her fans, no-one. She was on the phone hardly at all, much much less than Paige and Ashley. What she's still doing there I do not know. Does Daddy own the channel or something?

Isn't she now the only girl on Elite who won't even pull her pants down from time to time, let alone get naked? She insists on wearing two pairs of pants, which proves she in the wrong job.

Let's face it, you could turn on any one of the daytime shows right now and get a sexier performance. Once you've seen one pair of fake tits you've seen them all.

I really hope that the Ibiza shoots re-launch her as a proper night time girl... coz right now she aint one.

You know what i should apply for a job on one of these physic shows you see on the sky channels because i said to myself last night an to a few others that come tomorrow there will be a reply from countryboy in the Dionne thread having a dig like he always seems to do.

Right first things first you seem to forget to mention she was actually on the phone for most of that half an hour an believe it or not some people who phone these channels dont always want to get there rocks off some actually just want to talk to the girls about shock horror normal stuff an i am sure if the so called caller who she was talking to last night was unhappy that she didn't move am sure he would have had said somthing or hung up which he didn't so what does that tell you.

Just cause she doesn't get naked why does that mean she is in the wrong job because i dont see a channel demanding that a girl has to get naked seems to me people seem to think that just because some girls are confident at getting naked an make it look easy that its just that easy to just throw your kit off an perform when it reality half of us if asked if we would get naked live on national tv would be bricking it an need to build up our confidence an become more comfortable at doing it before we even tried.

You know what i respect Hexit views as he don't feel the need to act childish in his replies or have a dig i mean your does daddy own the channel comment screams to me pathetic an a poor excuse to try an have a cheap dig at Dionne.

An once again you say Paige an Ashley were on the phones more than Dionne but at the end of the day anyone can seem to be on the phone more heck take Danica half this forum seemed to think that she was the dog's bollocks an that she was on the phone nearly all the time when in the cold light of the day that was further from the truth.

An Dionne must be doing somthing right cause look at the big names that have come an gone in the period that Dionne has been with elite an were are they now while Dionne is still there what does that tell you. Plus she must be meeting her call stats as this is a business not a charity otherwise jamie would have got rid.

You say she doesn't give a toss about her fans or no one what you basing that on exactly surly not just based on the way she performs on her shows i mean i prefer that she dont interact with her fans because some of the interaction i see from some Models around here ainit pretty an is just to try an get more members for there website or they use there fans to attack other people who made a comment that the model dont like.

RE: Dionne Daniels - Chat & Discussion - countryboy - 04-11-2010 15:16

she was hardly on the phone and what's more other girls would try a bit harder to get calls rather that just lie there; and when she did get calls they lasted a few seconds; and the reason why she's still at elite is coz she knows other channels would expect more of her and for some reason she gets away with it at elite and that's why she's still there. Just look at Sammie and Evelynn on The Pad... that's what other channels expect and Dionne couldn't deliver that standard for days let alone nights. It's a shame coz she could be outstanding, but she's getting an easy ride so she thinks she doesn't need to make an effort. And while you and probably two others are saying how great she is when clearly she's not she thinks it's ok and she's taking the place of another girl equally as fit who'd kill to have that opportunity. And yes we do want her to get naked sometimes.

RE: Dionne Daniels - Chat & Discussion - mrmann - 04-11-2010 15:17

I'm with Wazo on this.

I've complained in the past and present about Dionne's performances sometimes, as she usually doesn't do a whole lot for most of her shows. However, as she's not comfortable with nudity, there just isn't a whole lot she CAN do! Wazo's right in that the only requirement is that the women go topless, which she does, so she's actually not doing any less than what she's suppose to be doing.

Would we all like to see her go nude? DUH!

Is it going to happen? That's up to Dionne.

Afterall, she has done that video for the website, which looks great, and shows that she's become more daring and courageous! I think that's awesome of her! Also, what would you rather have, Dionne as she currently is, or no Dionne at all? I'd rather have her than not at all!

As for the phone calls, I would think by now, that people would know what to expect from her, and what not to ask her, though I can't say the same for new fans.

Another thing, not all models are comfortable going nude on live TV, which is why we've barely seen it from her and from other women, yet we might see it more from them on websites. There's not as much pressure, feeling like thousands of people are watching you, than there is when it's only you and a photographer and a couple of lighting guys.


RE: Dionne Daniels - Chat & Discussion - countryboy - 04-11-2010 15:28

(04-11-2010 15:17 )mrmann Wrote:  I'm with Wazo on this.

I've complained in the past and present about Dionne's performances sometimes, as she usually doesn't do a whole lot for most of her shows. However, as she's not comfortable with nudity, there just isn't a whole lot she CAN do! Wazo's right in that the only requirement is that the women go topless, which she does, so she's actually not doing any less than what she's suppose to be doing.

Would we all like to see her go nude? DUH!

Is it going to happen? That's up to Dionne.

Afterall, she has done that video for the website, which looks great, and shows that she's become more daring and courageous! I think that's awesome of her! Also, what would you rather have, Dionne as she currently is, or no Dionne at all? I'd rather have her than not at all!

As for the phone calls, I would think by now, that people would know what to expect from her, and what not to ask her, though I can't say the same for new fans.

Another thing, not all models are comfortable going nude on live TV, which is why we've barely seen it from her and from other women, yet we might see it more from them on websites. There's not as much pressure, feeling like thousands of people are watching you, than there is when it's only you and a photographer and a couple of lighting guys.


Look if she doesn't want to go nude, then fine I totally respect that, but she has to compensate and deliver something else. And she doesn't. Even if she wore a single pair of pants, I'd get the marching band out and smother her with praise, but we don't even get that. Like I said in my reply to Wazo, there are plenty of other very fit birds out there who would kill for the opp she's got. I bet she gets recognised in Tesco and everything!

RE: Dionne Daniels - Chat & Discussion - 2Bud - 04-11-2010 15:46

What is the big deal with wanting people to go naked Surprised
I really dont get it, especially when they are not allowed to show it all.
I much rather watching the babes who have underwear on because that allows them to get into any postion and move around as they want with no restrictions. Dionne is a great looking babe and I also enjoy watching her, she has always been one of my favourites.

RE: Dionne Daniels - Chat & Discussion - Wazo - 04-11-2010 15:55

(04-11-2010 15:16 )countryboy Wrote:  she was hardly on the phone and what's more other girls would try a bit harder to get calls rather that just lie there; and when she did get calls they lasted a few seconds; and the reason why she's still at elite is coz she knows other channels would expect more of her and for some reason she gets away with it at elite and that's why she's still there. Just look at Sammie and Evelynn on The Pad... that's what other channels expect and Dionne couldn't deliver that standard for days let alone nights. It's a shame coz she could be outstanding, but she's getting an easy ride so she thinks she doesn't need to make an effort. And while you and probably two others are saying how great she is when clearly she's not she thinks it's ok and she's taking the place of another girl equally as fit who'd kill to have that opportunity. And yes we do want her to get naked sometimes.

Yet again you seem to be falling into the trap that just because a girl seems popular on here or seems unpopular on here then that must be what she is this forum does not represent even a fraction of what viewers think about a girls popularity.

so yes while there may only be a few Dionne fans that actually post on here dont mean she is unpopular i once again refer you to Danica her thread used to get loads of posts in it but how many of them would actually go to the hassle of phoning her up when she was sitting there without a call.

You say hardly on the phones well on that i guess we will have to agree to disagree once again though she is hitting her call stats so she cant have been off the phone that much plus you seem to have said how much Ashley an Paige were on the phones compared to Dionne so how did you manage to watch them all when they were on did you have two tv's side by side making a tally of how many calls they each had or how long they were on a call for.

You say she gets away with it at elite you know what if you really think that then you are deluded at the end of the day Elite is a business its there to make money if dionne wasn't making elite money or meeting her targets she would be out of the door in business friendship doesn't come into the equation yes she is friendly with jamie but when it comes to doing her job that doesn't even come into the equation.

You say other girls would kill for the opportunity whats to stop these so called other girls from doing it on the channel there currently on if they cant do it on the channel there on at the moment what makes you think just cause they would be on elite that it would make a diffrence.

Only Thing Elite an any other Channel expect is for the girls to bring in calls an if there bringing in calls then i am sure a channel really doesn't care how a girl performs to bring in them calls as long as she is.

Also funny you mention Sammie lets see if i can rember back to her last night show on elite now how did her thread go that night i seem to think it was loads of people complaining that she didn't get her boobs out an thats a minimum requirement for nights so based on nights who outta the two performs better on nights Dionne sammie had her chance an blew it so dont talk to me about who performs better because its a non starter.

RE: Dionne Daniels - Chat & Discussion - Wazo - 04-11-2010 16:03

(04-11-2010 15:28 )countryboy Wrote:  
(04-11-2010 15:17 )mrmann Wrote:  I'm with Wazo on this.

I've complained in the past and present about Dionne's performances sometimes, as she usually doesn't do a whole lot for most of her shows. However, as she's not comfortable with nudity, there just isn't a whole lot she CAN do! Wazo's right in that the only requirement is that the women go topless, which she does, so she's actually not doing any less than what she's suppose to be doing.

Would we all like to see her go nude? DUH!

Is it going to happen? That's up to Dionne.

Afterall, she has done that video for the website, which looks great, and shows that she's become more daring and courageous! I think that's awesome of her! Also, what would you rather have, Dionne as she currently is, or no Dionne at all? I'd rather have her than not at all!

As for the phone calls, I would think by now, that people would know what to expect from her, and what not to ask her, though I can't say the same for new fans.

Another thing, not all models are comfortable going nude on live TV, which is why we've barely seen it from her and from other women, yet we might see it more from them on websites. There's not as much pressure, feeling like thousands of people are watching you, than there is when it's only you and a photographer and a couple of lighting guys.


Look if she doesn't want to go nude, then fine I totally respect that, but she has to compensate and deliver something else. And she doesn't. Even if she wore a single pair of pants, I'd get the marching band out and smother her with praise, but we don't even get that. Like I said in my reply to Wazo, there are plenty of other very fit birds out there who would kill for the opp she's got. I bet she gets recognised in Tesco and everything!

Why Does she have to compensate for anything just because she is not going nude Huh

As long as she brings in the calls thats all that matters as Mr Mann said she does what is required an that is topless any more than that is up to the model herslef if your really bothered about that she wears two pairs instead of one then you really need to get a life wearing one pair or two pair or naked your not going to see anything more or less.

Two can play this game what did Danica or what do Rachel an Becky do to compensate that they dont go nude ?