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Webshow Videos - Printable Version

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RE: Webshow Videos - dazaman - 25-01-2011 20:01

[Image: 5588ed116730684.jpg] [Image: 2d18f3116730691.jpg] [Image: 2bd8f7116730707.jpg] [Image: fa9f42116730723.jpg] [Image: d1edfe116730736.jpg] [Image: aad51b116730741.jpg] [Image: d0f298116730751.jpg] [Image: 4032eb116730762.jpg] [Image: 601c7e116730771.jpg]

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RE: Webshow Videos - dazaman - 27-01-2011 07:05

All these vids where yesterday's show dated 26/01/11

[Image: 2926f4116925235.jpg] [Image: c95652116925241.jpg] [Image: 92c37c116925246.jpg] [Image: d49b7d116925249.jpg] [Image: 1fdd26116925252.jpg] [Image: 22d913116925256.jpg] [Image: 7f67b4116925259.jpg] [Image: c74d20116925263.jpg] [Image: e17659116925267.jpg] [Image: 21863a116925269.jpg]

[Image: 57ea61116925588.jpg] [Image: 4e530c116925591.jpg] [Image: 8fc426116925594.jpg] [Image: 72d5c8116925598.jpg] [Image: ca74e0116925600.jpg] [Image: 0f4b65116925605.jpg] [Image: fbcb8a116925610.jpg] [Image: d83e12116925614.jpg] [Image: c364d4116925616.jpg] [Image: 2aa738116925619.jpg] [Image: 5973b7116925623.jpg] [Image: c177f5116925628.jpg] [Image: 57285c116925631.jpg]

Paige vid with mic turned on for some of the show, but do struggle to make out most of what is said Sad

[Image: 44904d116925765.jpg] [Image: c1ad4e116925766.jpg] [Image: 24f55a116925769.jpg] [Image: 8c5db6116925772.jpg] [Image: 523e28116925774.jpg] [Image: bf188f116925776.jpg] [Image: 7779f0116925778.jpg] [Image: 11a9b8116925781.jpg] [Image: ea1652116925784.jpg] [Image: 73fbc3116925787.jpg] [Image: 3aaeeb116925790.jpg]

RE: Webshow Videos - TheWatcher - 27-01-2011 12:32

This was Jess West and Evey together on 24 January
Its a 55MB .mp4 file, plays for 15 minutes with VLC player
Vid is 640x480 pixels with audio. The picture quality is not quite as good as usual due to the webstream.
Evey is talking on the mic about 3 minutes from start.

[Image: 2011_01_27_1222.jpg]

RE: Webshow Videos - dazaman - 28-01-2011 21:06

[Image: 795f6c117138077.jpg] [Image: 1c1672117138081.jpg] [Image: b1268a117138088.jpg] [Image: 0091db117138093.jpg] [Image: 1a24b5117138099.jpg] [Image: 7b5d41117138105.jpg] [Image: 8bb9b9117138109.jpg] [Image: 5c2e15117138117.jpg] [Image: c21ced117138123.jpg] [Image: 4d4d49117138130.jpg] [Image: 7e8cd9117138134.jpg]

RE: Webshow Videos - dazaman - 31-01-2011 07:39

Charmaine from 29.01.11

[Image: 9b01ef117440837.jpg] [Image: cd219b117440840.jpg] [Image: 60a99a117440846.jpg] [Image: 952043117440848.jpg] [Image: 45dee8117440852.jpg] [Image: 9f8aee117440855.jpg] [Image: 0fb496117440859.jpg] [Image: 9da4e5117440864.jpg] [Image: b0cbc8117440870.jpg] [Image: 57b758117440873.jpg] [Image: a27bfb117440875.jpg]

RE: Webshow Videos - bergstrom - 31-01-2011 14:12

thanks dazaman for charmaine again

RE: Webshow Videos - dazaman - 01-02-2011 09:54

[Image: 3f49d4117587397.jpg] [Image: 928f9a117587406.jpg] [Image: 6f6615117587415.jpg] [Image: 58a4c7117587425.jpg] [Image: 817e3f117587433.jpg] [Image: 82c72b117587443.jpg] [Image: a58a31117587446.jpg] [Image: 79c94a117587454.jpg] [Image: 250099117587460.jpg] [Image: 64b9b5117587465.jpg] [Image: 29bea9117587472.jpg] [Image: 3d1bd2117587478.jpg] [Image: 447dfc117587485.jpg]

[Image: 62d89e117587630.jpg] [Image: 1d1b67117587636.jpg] [Image: 43c6d9117587644.jpg] [Image: 7882cc117587650.jpg] [Image: 82bb34117587656.jpg] [Image: 9aa44e117587660.jpg] [Image: e530a3117587668.jpg] [Image: fd4d1c117587673.jpg] [Image: 36b2d8117587677.jpg] [Image: 624bdc117587683.jpg] [Image: 4d9ff3117587688.jpg] [Image: a4b1f8117587691.jpg] [Image: 7165c2117587697.jpg] [Image: 76d5da117587701.jpg]

RE: Webshow Videos - dazaman - 01-02-2011 10:45

[Image: 8b5f69117591938.jpg] [Image: 328b57117591948.jpg] [Image: 84e6a4117591961.jpg] [Image: 64c328117591967.jpg] [Image: bc1286117591978.jpg] [Image: 621483117591991.jpg] [Image: 56a6f7117592001.jpg] [Image: c6e116117592007.jpg] [Image: e5827f117592018.jpg] [Image: f0cb6d117592028.jpg] [Image: d31807117592036.jpg] [Image: fae67e117592047.jpg] [Image: 8cf43c117592060.jpg] [Image: 30293f117592066.jpg] [Image: 6d9685117592081.jpg]

RE: Webshow Videos - dazaman - 01-02-2011 17:39

[Image: a16502117655094.jpg] [Image: 6717e5117655100.jpg] [Image: 7535de117655108.jpg] [Image: ab5119117655114.jpg] [Image: e6b7be117655123.jpg] [Image: 37a6e4117655131.jpg] [Image: 45af5b117655134.jpg] [Image: add02b117655139.jpg] [Image: d8edc9117655146.jpg] [Image: 8f7a83117655152.jpg] [Image: 947cfb117655156.jpg] [Image: 8240be117655161.jpg] [Image: 1fb93c117655166.jpg] [Image: 73e876117655175.jpg] [Image: b35b95117655177.jpg] [Image: 1c5c02117655182.jpg]

[Image: e0bd09117655284.jpg] [Image: 9414e2117655295.jpg] [Image: 159603117655302.jpg] [Image: cc30a8117655311.jpg] [Image: e69e69117655320.jpg] [Image: f36cea117655329.jpg] [Image: 94acbc117655348.jpg] [Image: 09effd117655380.jpg] [Image: ffdc80117655388.jpg] [Image: bd6c0c117655429.jpg] [Image: 41dee7117655459.jpg]

RE: Webshow Videos - TheWatcher - 02-02-2011 11:55

Chantelle Lane yesterday
She's talking on the mic near the end of clip
See attachment for full details