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RE: JOHN TERRY A DISGRACE TO ENGLAND! - Deadman 30 - 25-03-2010 20:44

(24-03-2010 13:33 )Phoenix Wrote:  
(24-03-2010 01:17 )Deadman 30 Wrote:  Its relevant because it sets a bad image to the game and to the legions of fans who follow the game. A captain should set standards on and off the field, he is a figurehead for the game and should behave accordingly.

I do agree with this, however what annoys me about this whole situation is what about Ferdinand and Gerrard then? These two are currently England's captain and vice captain, yet...

Off-field - Ferdinand got banned for missing a drugs test and Gerrard beat up a DJ in a bar

On-field - Ferdinand recently got a 4 game ban for hitting Craig Fagan in the back of the head and Gerrard was at the centre of this only in the last couple of weeks and this

Terry's no saint i'll give you that but surely theres not a lot of difference between what he done and the above examples? Yet, Terry's the only one who is apparently 'a disgrace to England'

I haven't mentioned anything about Gerrard and Ferdinand because this is a thread about John Terry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree, they're prats aswell for the things they've been in. I didn't start this bloody thread, somebody wanted to talk about Terry being a disgrace so thats what I'm doing.... Jeez.... annoyed

RE: JOHN TERRY A DISGRACE TO ENGLAND! - Phoenix - 25-03-2010 22:04

(25-03-2010 18:10 )jimbo5030 Wrote:  Who is the winner in all this, the player who's career has been tarnished and who has lost his countrys respect and captaincy, the girl who has had death threats, lost her job and been called a slag etc in the paper, or poor little wayne bridge, the wounded soldier who has struggled with injury problems and got lots of well needed attention as his career started to go down the pan. What we need to remember here is that wayne bridge and vanessa we're NOT together when this went on so he has lost nothing apart from a quiet life.

Who's the winner? News of the World Big Grin

RE: JOHN TERRY A DISGRACE TO ENGLAND! - Mister Gummidge - 25-03-2010 22:07

This is a very late first post from me in here, but I've been distracted by the cricket this winter. Wink

The one and only reaction I've had to this entire sordid little debacle, is one of loathing against the tabloid press. First of all, everything I've seen indicates that J.T. and Whatsit McFrenchwoman had their fling after she and Bridge broke up. This means that what she does and with whom has nothing whatsoever to do with Wayne Bridge, so that element of the "news story" is about as relevant as the fact that I have a zit just under my mouth on the right hand side of my face.

Secondly, he's a footballer. That's all. Just a footballer. Where he sticks his dick is no business of the press, Wayne Bridge, the public, or anyone who isn't J.T. or his family. If he's shagging children, animals or people of either sex against their will, then it's a criminal matter and subject to reporting in the press. Since he's done none of these things, the matter is not newsworthy. It's just idle gossip and tittle-tattle bullshit. If he was a politician or a senior civil servant and his bit on the side was a member of a foreign and possibly hostile diplomatic corps, then by all means run the story. Otherwise, leave this kind of crap on the editorial cutting floor where it belongs.

As for this about him being a "role model for youngsters"... Really? Where does this hold any water? Children base their future conduct on what they learn from those around them, not what they see on T.V., in films or at the football stadium and certainly not on what they see on the front pages of papers they barely bother reading beyond the sports pages and cartoons. If they did, people of my generation would all be red brace wearing yuppies, with shiny red faces, Porches and jobs in the financial sector, miners on strike, Maggie Thatcher or starving to death in Ethiopia. That's all we ever seemed to see on the news when I was a kid. Striking miners, yuppies, Margaret Thatcher and Ethiopian famine. Since British people aged 30-35 show a marked lack of red braces, jobs in mines, resemblances to Thatcher or a tendency to starve to death in Africa, I think we can count that one out as bollocks. His only influence on youngsters is in his on-field conduct, which is no worse than the majority and he shows considerably more commitment than most, which is something to be applauded. This "news story" was a joke from the start and one which should never had run on for as long as it did.

There, rant over. Normal service (I.E. crap jokes and sarcasm) will be resumed shortly. Big Grin

RE: JOHN TERRY A DISGRACE TO ENGLAND! - Phoenix - 25-03-2010 22:11

(25-03-2010 20:44 )Deadman 30 Wrote:  
(24-03-2010 13:33 )Phoenix Wrote:  
(24-03-2010 01:17 )Deadman 30 Wrote:  Its relevant because it sets a bad image to the game and to the legions of fans who follow the game. A captain should set standards on and off the field, he is a figurehead for the game and should behave accordingly.

I do agree with this, however what annoys me about this whole situation is what about Ferdinand and Gerrard then? These two are currently England's captain and vice captain, yet...

Off-field - Ferdinand got banned for missing a drugs test and Gerrard beat up a DJ in a bar

On-field - Ferdinand recently got a 4 game ban for hitting Craig Fagan in the back of the head and Gerrard was at the centre of this only in the last couple of weeks and this

Terry's no saint i'll give you that but surely theres not a lot of difference between what he done and the above examples? Yet, Terry's the only one who is apparently 'a disgrace to England'

I haven't mentioned anything about Gerrard and Ferdinand because this is a thread about John Terry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree, they're prats aswell for the things they've been in. I didn't start this bloody thread, somebody wanted to talk about Terry being a disgrace so thats what I'm doing.... Jeez.... annoyed

I werent having a go at ya mate Wink

You just mentioned about how captains should set standards on and off the pitch, which i agree with, and Terry's obviously took a lot of stick and more importantly been stripped of the armband for his off-field problems, so i was just asking (anyone, not just yourself) why are Ferdinand and Gerrard allowed to continue as captains and Terry isnt?

RE: JOHN TERRY A DISGRACE TO ENGLAND! - Captain Vimes - 25-03-2010 22:22

Couldn't care less what the idiots in the tabloid press think/don't think. Much more concerned about Terry's lack of pace.

RE: JOHN TERRY A DISGRACE TO ENGLAND! - jimbo5030 - 25-03-2010 22:23

(25-03-2010 22:11 )Phoenix Wrote:  
(25-03-2010 20:44 )Deadman 30 Wrote:  
(24-03-2010 13:33 )Phoenix Wrote:  
(24-03-2010 01:17 )Deadman 30 Wrote:  Its relevant because it sets a bad image to the game and to the legions of fans who follow the game. A captain should set standards on and off the field, he is a figurehead for the game and should behave accordingly.

I do agree with this, however what annoys me about this whole situation is what about Ferdinand and Gerrard then? These two are currently England's captain and vice captain, yet...

Off-field - Ferdinand got banned for missing a drugs test and Gerrard beat up a DJ in a bar

On-field - Ferdinand recently got a 4 game ban for hitting Craig Fagan in the back of the head and Gerrard was at the centre of this only in the last couple of weeks and this

Terry's no saint i'll give you that but surely theres not a lot of difference between what he done and the above examples? Yet, Terry's the only one who is apparently 'a disgrace to England'

I haven't mentioned anything about Gerrard and Ferdinand because this is a thread about John Terry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree, they're prats aswell for the things they've been in. I didn't start this bloody thread, somebody wanted to talk about Terry being a disgrace so thats what I'm doing.... Jeez.... annoyed

I werent having a go at ya mate Wink

You just mentioned about how captains should set standards on and off the pitch, which i agree with, and Terry's obviously took a lot of stick and more importantly been stripped of the armband for his off-field problems, so i was just asking (anyone, not just yourself) why are Ferdinand and Gerrard allowed to continue as captains and Terry isnt?

Because they don't play for chelsea.

RE: JOHN TERRY A DISGRACE TO ENGLAND! - jimbo5030 - 25-03-2010 22:32

Just out of pure curiosity could everyone tell me who they support? I'm just curious because surprisingly a lot of other fans (not chelsea fans) have been quite supportive of terry when I've spoken to them.

I know you all think I'm talking rubbish but if wayne bridge didn't say anything to the press and wants to keep a low profile about all this, what was with the f**k JT shirts all about on his 'lads getaway', to america? Not the actions of someone who wants their privacy.

RE: JOHN TERRY A DISGRACE TO ENGLAND! - Phoenix - 25-03-2010 22:40

(25-03-2010 22:22 )CaptainVimes Wrote:  Couldn't care less what the idiots in the tabloid press think/don't think. Much more concerned about Terry's lack of pace.

Its very true, Terry has no pace whatsoever, but one of the reasons ive always been a fan of him and why he's such a great defender is that he very rarely lets his lack of pace affect him due to positional sense and having a good 'football brain' among other factors

At the moment im more concerned with Ferdinand, if Terry does get beaten for pace he'll always have Carvalho (for Chelsea) or Ferdinand (for England) as cover, however seeing Ferdinand getting well paced out by people like Gerrard (in the build up for their goal at the weekend) and Zamora the week before is a big worry as it looks like his back injury has severely affected his speed, i hope not though

RE: JOHN TERRY A DISGRACE TO ENGLAND! - thinwhiteduke - 25-03-2010 22:43

I'm a Wolves fan jimbo and as long as Terry does his job on the pitch that's all i'm bothered about.

RE: JOHN TERRY A DISGRACE TO ENGLAND! - Mister Gummidge - 25-03-2010 22:51

I'm a United fan, Jimbo. So long as he's playing well for Chelsea, and consequently England, I couldn't give a monkey's about who he sleeps with. None of my business, TBF.