RE: Jokes - Summerz_180 - 01-03-2010 13:23
CNN News "Tree Falls On Bank"
Does anyone know what branch?
RE: Jokes - black knight - 01-03-2010 19:16
a new middle east crisis erupted when dubai tv refused to broadcast the flintstones.a spokesman said"people dont understand the humour,but those in abu dhabi do"
RE: Jokes - Deadman 30 - 01-03-2010 20:33
A man goes to a costume party with a naked woman on his back. When he gets there, someone says "what have you come as?" The man replies "A Snail." The other guy says "how can you be a snail when all you've got on your back is a naked woman?" The man replies "no, you don't understand.... this is michelle......"
RE: Jokes - black knight - 02-03-2010 08:53
the latest pub craze is to fill a womans vagina with vodka and then suck it out using a straw.doctors are warning about the dangers of minge drinking
RE: Jokes - black knight - 02-03-2010 08:55
a young woman has been admitted to hospital with a vacuum cleaner nozzle wedged in her.although shes in intensive care doctors say shes picking up nicely
RE: Jokes - Summerz_180 - 02-03-2010 14:37
These Call Of Duty kids have no idea what disappointment is when they get shot on a 24 kill streak.
They've obviously never used up all their continues on the Death Egg Zone on Sonic The Hedgehog 2.
RE: Jokes - Summerz_180 - 02-03-2010 14:38
I met a girl last night and took her home. I fingered, slapped, picked and even licked.
I'd say she was quite impressed with my bass guitar skills.
RE: Jokes - black knight - 02-03-2010 15:37
give a man a fish and he will eat for a day,teach him how to fish and he,ll sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
RE: Jokes - Summerz_180 - 03-03-2010 01:14
I'm a pool player. I always chat up girls when I go swimming.
RE: Jokes - TammysNo1Fan - 03-03-2010 14:46
Chris Tarrant asks Wayne Bridge: “For £64,000, what is the colour of Vanessa Perroncel’s pubic hair? Is it, a) Brown; b) Jet black; c) Blonde or; d) Ginger?”
Wayne replies: “Can I phone a friend?”