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RE: The Flash - *Kal-El* - 21-10-2014 17:06

Actor Roger Howarth will be joining the cast of The Flash he will be playing Mason Bridge, an award-winning reporter from the Central City Picture News and will also be Iris West mentor. He will also start to investigate Barry’s mentor, Dr. Harrison Wells which should be interesting.

RE: The Flash - *Kal-El* - 21-10-2014 20:07

RE: The Flash - *Kal-El* - 22-10-2014 08:41

Loved ep 3, had some good action and laid down plenty of back story for what will set up the rest of this seen, loved the two flash easter eggs one being what the Flash does with his face its so Golden age Flash aka Jay Garrick and i can't say the second moment will talk about that more when the eps air in the UK and the ending wow jaw hit the ground again. I gotta say the special effects for a tv series was amazing.

RE: The Flash - *Kal-El* - 22-10-2014 08:42

RE: The Flash - *Kal-El* - 22-10-2014 09:06

As i knew what was gonna happen CW has given The Flash has been given a full season order.

RE: The Flash - *Kal-El* - 22-10-2014 09:52

Pics from ep 4:

RE: The Flash - HannahsPet - 22-10-2014 16:30

oooh Felicity Wink my fave character in Arrow Wink must be the whole hacking computer nerd thing and those glasses Wink

RE: The Flash - *Kal-El* - 22-10-2014 17:47

I forgot to say that in the Flash history there's actually two different Reverse Flash's.

RE: The Flash - *Kal-El* - 22-10-2014 23:13

The first Reverse Flash is Eobard Thawne aka Professor Zoom who was from the 25th Century his powers are the same as the Flash where his moving at super speed and his speed came from energy source known as the speed force which i hope is touched upon later on in the tv series at some point and the second Reverse Flash was Hunter Zolomon aka zoom his powers are different to other Flash's, Zoom is controlling the speed at which time flows around him, allowing him to go faster or slower in time than everyone around him. He can't move at super speed he just control speed by speeding up time or slowing it down.

RE: The Flash - *Kal-El* - 25-10-2014 19:33

Flash Episode 5 “Plastique” Description:

KELLY FRYE GUEST STARS AS DC COMICS’ PLASTIQUE AND CLANCY BROWN GUEST STARS AS GENERAL EILING — After a bomb goes off downtown, the army, led by General Eiling (guest star Clancy Brown), rolls in and takes over the case, much to Joe’s (Jesse Martin) surprise. Suspicious, Joe tells Barry (Grant Gustin) that he and his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs should look into the army’s involvement. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) informs the team that Eiling was experimenting on his men to turn them into super soldiers. Cisco (Carlos Valdes) confirms one of Eiling’s soldiers, Bette Sans Souci (guest star Kelly Frye), was at the bomb site. The Flash tracks her down and realizes that she’s not setting off the bombs, she is a meta-human who can blow things up just by touching them. Meanwhile, when Joe learns Iris is writing about “the streak,” he tells Barry to make her stop. Barry realizes Iris won’t listen to him so he decides to have The Flash pay her a visit.