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RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - terence - 15-12-2014 20:01

the tweet wasn't racist it was xenophobic.

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - Scottishbloke - 15-12-2014 20:08

Ok then xenophobic but it still doesn't make her xenophobic herself. It was stupid comment of her to be coming out with but fuck me how many of us can seriously look at ourselves in the mirror and say we haven't said things in past which we've later gone on to regret.

The stress of the day not to mention the fact that she's under the weather all could have played a part in her tweet. I'm pretty sure she'll later apologise for it once she realises her error.

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - mahnyard - 15-12-2014 20:21

^These women could commit cold blooded murder and white knights like yourself would still ways to defend them.

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - Scottishbloke - 15-12-2014 20:28

I resent your comment, my post was without bias, I looked at it from the point of view of taking a step back. You clearly were unable to look within the context of my meaning. You cannot pass judgement on any individual based on one tweet Important

I think the ones you ought to be chasing are those with an agenda and vested interest such as the BNP Party and UKIP Important

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - RESPONSIBLE ADULT - 15-12-2014 21:00

I will stick by my comments I posted earlier. I believe the ''If your not an Essex girl you can't join our gang'' certainly does exist at S66.

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - Rammyrascal - 16-12-2014 00:28

so what about Sophia Lares, Fernanda Ferrari, Kandi Kay, Irina, Gemma Hiles and Sophia knight are they Essex girls?? no they are not. I dont think there is an "If your not an essex girl you can't join our gang" at s66

regaring my tweet to Kerrie-Lee. I never condoned or agreed with what she said, I was just hoping she was ok, as she was clearly upset or frustrated at that time she tweeted it. I can see why it was seen as condoning or agreeing with what she said in that very offensive tweet. it was 100% wasn't

I think what she did say in that tweet was completely unacceptable, very offensive and xenophobic. I also like sb don't think she's xenophobic as a person and tweeted what she said in the heat of the moment. The fact that she's deleted this tweet for me means she regrets saying it, hopefully she's learnt her lesson and will be more careful when using twitter

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - mr mystery - 16-12-2014 01:13

(16-12-2014 00:28 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  ^^^^
I also like sb don't think she's xenophobic as a person and tweeted what she said in the heat of the moment.

Well Rammy, i don't know Kerrie Lee personally, so i have no idea if she's xenophobic or not, i won't make a judgement based on what she said in 1 tweet, obviously you and SB are entitled to your opinion about what she said and why she said it, but i will reserve judgement as i don't know anything about her.
It's obvious from your and SB's post that you are fans of Kerrie, so you will probably know much more about her and her views than i do .

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - Scottishbloke - 16-12-2014 01:35

Nobody is saying for one minute mr mystery that the tweet she made was acceptable, it wasn't but taking into account various things such as her age I think it's very clear that it was just sheer stupidity on her part and I really think that a lot of people just need to let it go. I've seen far worse tweets posted than her one.

Also another way to look at it could be the fact of being trapped in a confined space with people who don't talk the same language as you and thus being made to feel vulnerable. She very may well have just panicked. We on this forum don't know the full extent of why she made the tweet.

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - RESPONSIBLE ADULT - 16-12-2014 09:03

One thing she isn't, she isn't very bright. I think that would explain everything.

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - HannahsPet - 16-12-2014 09:29

I saw the tweet and thought she had let herself down but to to be honest thats the environment she comes from she does seem a bit to essex housing estate and those are prob the views of the people around her

hopefully spending more time at S66 with the likes of fernanda and sophia lares will change her attitude and she will grow out of it