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Memories of Childhood - Printable Version

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RE: Memories of Childhood - GMach1 - 25-01-2019 19:16

I was right, you were an evil little speck! Big Grin I was conned into(when I was interested in joining Cubs near me) calling for a non-existent friend of several of the Cubs I was with. They claimed their friend lived in this house and all I had to do was ask him to come out to play. Of course I did that but the owner of the house was not best pleased at being disturbed and I had to act fast to explain. Luckily, I thought fast and made my apologies. I was furious I had been taken in by these lads. I vowed my revenge, but I never did it because I joined another group later on.

We've all done things we regret but it is funny how things like this seem to be recalled and shared-sort of therapy I suppose-"und now ve vill regress to your childhood und your muzza unt farter" Big Grin

RE: Memories of Childhood - GMach1 - 25-01-2019 19:52

I am sorry to learn of the loss of Skyline-I know he really liked posting and reading my threads-he will be missed; perhaps he will come back one day. Sad

Remember the half-penny? I can always recall the time that if you had two half pennies in your pocket you could always get a couple of sweets(Trebor Chews spring to mind) which would be half-a-pee each. I doubt you'd get that now. The halfpenny sometimes used to increase things-a bit like the 99p these days which might make you think you were getting something cheaper than a pound. I did notice that things like comics and non-sweet stuff never used the 1/2p because it would play the same trick on us-thinking it made it more expensive. In the end mid 80's I think it was the halfpenny was finally phased out, but brought back the memories of going into sweet shops if all you had in your pocket were a few pence or halfpennies.Smile

RE: Memories of Childhood - lovebabes56 - 25-01-2019 20:27

(25-01-2019 14:45 )andyjb Wrote:

How much would it cost now to build one with material required?

RE: Memories of Childhood - Carl-Gen X - 25-01-2019 20:28

I remember half penny coins (phased out in 1984). I can also remember when the 5p was roughly the same size as today’s 10p coin, while the old 10p (some of which had the words ‘two shillings’ on them were bloody big coins.

Pretty sure sixpences (2 and a half pence coins) were legal tender in the 70s?

RE: Memories of Childhood - Tractor boy - 25-01-2019 20:35

(25-01-2019 20:28 )Carl_HoneyLover Wrote:  I remember half penny coins (phased out in 1984). I can also remember when the 5p was roughly the same size as today’s 10p coin, while the old 10p (some of which had the words ‘two shillings’ on them were bloody big coins.

Pretty sure sixpences (2 and a half pence coins) were legal tender in the 70s?

The sixpence was legal tender till 1980

RE: Memories of Childhood - lovebabes56 - 25-01-2019 20:35

Right confession time for me..

I can't remember how old I was but I know that one time when we were kids my brother and I shared a bedroom and we had this argument and he pissed me off basically. So, to get my revenge i tore off the head of his favourite teddy and still remember i was sent to my bed with no tea!!

Then we slept in bunk beds at the time me on the bottom, him on top and i remember the first night we slept in them being woken up in the middle of the night by tgis mssive thud, which turned out to be my brother falling on the bedroom floor having completely missed the ladder as he wanted to go to toilet!!

RE: Memories of Childhood - Carl-Gen X - 25-01-2019 20:39

(25-01-2019 20:35 )babelover48 Wrote:  Right confession time for me..

I can't remember how old I was but I know that one time when we were kids my brother and I shared a bedroom and we had this argument and he pissed me off basically. So, to get my revenge i tore off the head of his favourite teddy and still remember i was sent to my bed with no tea!!

Then we slept in bunk beds at the time me on the bottom, him on top and i remember the first night we slept in them being woken up in the middle of the night by tgis mssive thud, which turned out to be my brother falling on the bedroom floor having completely missed the ladder as he wanted to go to toilet!!

Oh bloody hell...bunk beds with the wooden ladder Bounce Yeah me and my brother had them..I had the top bunk.

Always remember how strange it felt on the first night lying in a bed on the floor when the bunks were separated.

RE: Memories of Childhood - lovebabes56 - 25-01-2019 20:40

(25-01-2019 19:52 )GreenMachine Wrote:  I am sorry to learn of the loss of Skyline-I know he really liked posting and reading my threads-he will be missed; perhaps he will come back one day. Sad

Remember the half-penny? I can always recall the time that if you had two half pennies in your pocket you could always get a couple of sweets(Trebor Chews spring to mind) which would be half-a-pee each. I doubt you'd get that now. The halfpenny sometimes used to increase things-a bit like the 99p these days which might make you think you were getting something cheaper than a pound. I did notice that things like comics and non-sweet stuff never used the 1/2p because it would play the same trick on us-thinking it made it more expensive. In the end mid 80's I think it was the halfpenny was finally phased out, but brought back the memories of going into sweet shops if all you had in your pocket were a few pence or halfpennies.Smile
I wonder how many kids today would welcome that half - penny?
Ii do remember the old sixpence bit. One night in the local social club my dad put sixpence in this fruit machine and my brother was still a young nipper and he pulled the handle and hit the jackpot which was all paid out in sixpences!! i remember when decimalisation came in - was it 1973? i remember that year getting the day off school for the Wedding of Princess Anne.

RE: Memories of Childhood - GMach1 - 25-01-2019 20:42

Never mind coins, if you had a £1 note you were rich! One day I took a £5 note with me(that I'd got for a birthday) and you wouldn't believe the trouble I got into. I had spent a bit on the tuck shop and someone must have mentioned it to a teacher because the next moment I was hauled into the head teacher's room and asked where I'd got it from. My mother was called as well(even more embarrassment) and questioned-they were convinced it had been nicked but I managed to argue it was a birthday present from someone and in the end my sweets and change were returned to me but I was absolutely furious that they would think I would steal something like that. I made damn sure I only had coins or a £1 note after that debacle!

Sixpence were they still in circulation today would be the equivalent of 2 1/2p I think.

RE: Memories of Childhood - Carl-Gen X - 25-01-2019 20:48

(25-01-2019 20:40 )babelover48 Wrote:  
(25-01-2019 19:52 )GreenMachine Wrote:  I am sorry to learn of the loss of Skyline-I know he really liked posting and reading my threads-he will be missed; perhaps he will come back one day. Sad

Remember the half-penny? I can always recall the time that if you had two half pennies in your pocket you could always get a couple of sweets(Trebor Chews spring to mind) which would be half-a-pee each. I doubt you'd get that now. The halfpenny sometimes used to increase things-a bit like the 99p these days which might make you think you were getting something cheaper than a pound. I did notice that things like comics and non-sweet stuff never used the 1/2p because it would play the same trick on us-thinking it made it more expensive. In the end mid 80's I think it was the halfpenny was finally phased out, but brought back the memories of going into sweet shops if all you had in your pocket were a few pence or halfpennies.Smile
I wonder how many kids today would welcome that half - penny?
Ii do remember the old sixpence bit. One night in the local social club my dad put sixpence in this fruit machine and my brother was still a young nipper and he pulled the handle and hit the jackpot which was all paid out in sixpences!! i remember when decimalisation came in - was it 1973? i remember that year getting the day off school for the Wedding of Princess Anne.

Yes that’s right..November 1973.

I was 8 years old...45 years ago...Sad Where did the time go?