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RE: Babestation Xtreme - Chat & Discussion - gator8 - 12-08-2011 23:22

What gets me is they are saying Geri will be showing all, when we all know she won't be.

RE: Babestation Xtreme - Chat & Discussion - ddontheweb - 13-08-2011 00:00

(12-08-2011 23:22 )gator8 Wrote:  What gets me is they are saying Geri will be showing all, when we all know she won't be.

Babestation don't seem to value their customers at all - so-called naked photos and videos that aren't naked at all, then Geri promising a naked show but being the tamest girl across the channels. Even on the phone she made some feeble promises to show something "harder" to the callers online for the "group sex" session but I just hung up, feeling cheated.

RE: Babestation Xtreme - Chat & Discussion - mr mystery - 13-08-2011 00:04

It wouldn't surprise me if Cellcast start putting loads more of the girls that don't show everything on the live encrypted shows and try and con people into believing that they will get to see everything , this method works for the explicit pic and vids that they advertise that aren't really explicit images of the girls that don't show everything

RE: Babestation Xtreme - Chat & Discussion - ddontheweb - 13-08-2011 00:12

(13-08-2011 00:04 )mr mystery Wrote:  It wouldn't surprise me if Cellcast start putting loads more of the girls that don't show everything on the live encrypted shows and try and con people into believing that they will get to see everything , this method works for the explicit pic and vids that they advertise of the girls that don't show everything .

The "group sex" gimmick is actually quite a clever marketing ploy on their part - con a load of viewers into paying the Xtreme subscription and getting on calls all at once with the promise of some action and they rake in the call revenue ... only trouble is, most people will be put off ever calling again after they are totally conned.

RE: Babestation Xtreme - Chat & Discussion - mr mystery - 13-08-2011 18:08

Geri told the producers last night that she would not be showing every thing before she went on the Naked BS bed , and was quite surprised when she found out BS had been hinting via on screen messages that she would be going further , so my opinion is if you expect the regular glamour BS girls to show more just because they are on a encrypted pay channel then you will be disappointed , girls like Amanda Camilla and even Georgie show more on the regular channels when naked than Geri did on a encrypted 18+ Adult channel with a Dutch licence . "NHawk" also stated in a post in this thread last night that Geri's pay per view encrypted performance was tamer than what can be seen for free when some of the girls are naked on the regular channels , in fact Geri has done some good naked unencrypted performances herself in the non to distant past . Not sure why NHawk's post has been removed but i was going to reply to some of the things he posted including what he said about BS making it clear if the girls would be showing more on Xtreme or not , but that post has sadly disappeared so i am unable to do so .

RE: Babestation Xtreme - Chat & Discussion - Yorkswatcher - 13-08-2011 21:22

Well glad that my freeview signal was crap last and I couldnt tune into 96 for Geri. I would have paid for the night to see in the buff.

RE: Babestation Xtreme - Chat & Discussion - fullbunger - 14-08-2011 10:27

Come on, you have to admit that getting people to pay £5 for the same content as your normal free to view package is a brilliant business plan.
You have to take your hat off to them, they obviously will not be taking off the strategically placed hand.

RE: Babestation Xtreme - Chat & Discussion - mr mystery - 14-08-2011 11:15

I would just like to point out that i have no problem with Geri not going further than what is shown on the regular babe channels , if Geri wants to go on Xtreme and do the same style of performance that can be seen for free and people want to pay a fiver to watch the same content as can be seen for free than that is OK with me , it's just not what i want to see when i pay a fiver .

My main beef about BSXtreme is not the content what is shown , it's the blatant false advertising used to get people to purchase the channel , like i posted previously i felt annoyed and cheated when i saw Geri was on naked Babestation and doing the tamest and least explicit performance ever to be seen on that show , the reason for me being annoyed and disappointed was not that Geri was on , it was the fact that "babestation" had posted that Karina Curry would be doing the live shows and on BS1 Sky Ch 906 they had OSG's on screen telling people to press the red button on freeview Ch 96 to see Karina Curry up close on personal on Naked Babestation , so i did this when freeview started and spent my fiver because i wanted to see Karina in live explicit action and not Geri in tame action , i then went back to watching other channels till Xtreme started , i returned to Ch96 just after 11.30 and was shocked to find no Karina but Geri instead , so i had been totally misled into purchasing a product that was not as advertised at the time i purchased it , also a few nights ago they the advertised on screen 4 not 3 live shows being show on BS Xtreme , the fourth one was in fact not live but was a recording of a previous live show , no were on screen did it say it was a recording , this is just another example of false and misleading BSXtreme content info used to con people into paying a fiver to watch the channel . Freeview Ch 94 is Ofcom regulated and uses a Teleshopping licence , false advertising and misleading info used to persuade people into purchasing a product is strictly prohibited on Teleshopping channels and could if anyone made a complaint render Cellcast in serious Ofcom bother , in fact i suggest Ofcom instead of monitoring channels for adult content shown should do what they are supposed to do and protect the public from being conned into purchasing a product that doesn't do what it says's on the tin .
I know Karina for whatever reason didn't show up so this couldn't be helped , but they were still advertising on Sky tv Ch 906 that she was , they also had the opportunity to put other girls on in place of Karina such as Kerry Louise , Ree Petra or Delta White but instead according to posts made on here gave the impression that Geri would be going further than ever before and misleading viewers into thinking that Geri would be flashing the gash
Anyway thats my rant over and the subject is know finished as far as i am concerned .

RE: Babestation Xtreme - Chat & Discussion - fullbunger - 14-08-2011 13:34

Here's the link at ofcom to start a complaint.

Ofcom are bound by the data protection act so no-one will ever know it was you who complained.

RE: Babestation Xtreme - Chat & Discussion - mr mystery - 14-08-2011 14:33

(14-08-2011 13:34 )fullbunger Wrote:  Here's the link at ofcom to start a complaint.

Ofcom are bound by the data protection act so no-one will ever know it was you who complained.

I hate Ofcom more than i hate getting fed false and misleading info , so i will not be making a complaint , Cellcast look to be in trouble with Ofcom as it is , something about Ofcom making them show adverts for 2 hours on the day show according to a post made in Sarah Matty's night thread , also their psychic channel keeps getting into trouble for false advertising i believe , who knows the misleading info given by BS concerning the BSXtreme content could already be on Ofcom's radar . Complaining to Ofcom is like cutting you nose off to spite your face IMO . I just wish Cellcast were possible would not try and pull the wool over people's eyes content wise when they are promoting various services and this includes giving out a false impression of what type of pic and vid downloads you get from the girls that don't show every thing , you know the ones the "forbidden" naked pics that turn out to be naked but with the girls hands covering their lady bits . Apparently just giving the impression that some thing is of a harder content than it actually is to persuade people into purchasing a item is still classed by Ofcom as false advertising