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RE: Arrow - *Kal-El* - 16-06-2018 22:25

Casting had been put out for a new character to show up in season 7, as always they use fake names of the characters there casting before there official announced if its who I think it is it’s a well known DC character, if it’s confirmed over the coming months then i’ll post who.

RE: Arrow - *Kal-El* - 17-06-2018 17:23

Stehen Amell been getting abuse on twitter simply because of certain things that people may or not like about the show, now if it’s done in polite constructive criticism then that’s fine been there going about it in a nasty and abusive way then that’s wrong. All tho he does have some influence on the show being the main star it’s nothing to do with him on how it’s written or what characters they use or if it’s anything like the comics this is down to the producers and writers on the show or on any show for that matter and even then the same thing applies with them in given polite constructive criticism.
I’ve had load of replies from famous actors and actress whether there in the tv or movie industry and gaming industry and also had them follow on social media as long your polite and not nasty to them you’ll get replies back off on a regular basis. If you want things changed as long as your polite and not being nasty and abusive your more likely to get things changed and have your voice heard and sometimes people seem to,think they have a sense of entitlement in this day in age.

RE: Arrow - *Kal-El* - 26-06-2018 23:24

Ep 1 of Season 7 will be titled “Inmate” and will be directed by James Bramford.

RE: Arrow - *Kal-El* - 11-07-2018 23:25

A description for a character called “Angeline” has been revealed:

"A diverse woman in her 30s, she is a fierce fighter despite of her smaller stature. Not only is she experienced in stealth, “Angeline” is able to wipe out buildings filled with foes all by herself before she is gone like a ghost. It will be made very clear that “Angeline” thinks incredibly highly of her work.

Could this actually be Kate Kane aka Batwoman, normally when it comes to casting they use fake names till they official announce the character.

RE: Arrow - Rammyrascal - 21-07-2018 23:40

Arrow SDCC 2018 Season 7 Trailer

RE: Arrow - *Kal-El* - 22-07-2018 01:20

Great trailer, nice to see some familiar faces and finally The Longbow Hunters the comics along with the return of Diaz.

RE: Arrow - *Kal-El* - 24-07-2018 06:54

Ep 2 of Season 7 will be titled “The Longbow Hunters”.

RE: Arrow - *Kal-El* - 06-08-2018 16:06

Arrow showrunner Beth Schwartz had thus to say about Black Siren in season 7

What we loved about Katie and the character from last year is that you never really know which side she's on. Is she good? Is she bad? She falls somewhere in between. And so this year, with Lance's death -- which was really sad, I'm still not over it -- she has a lot. You know, she's pissed. She's pissed at Diaz, so she has a grudge. And so we're gonna see her dealing with that. . . . Yeah, she's gonna play between good and bad again, and we're gonna see how that affects her when she wants to get revenge for Lance's death."

She also had this to say about Black Siren & Black Canary:

"You know, they are still definitely at odds, but yeah, there is going to be a shift there, for sure."

RE: Arrow - *Kal-El* - 06-08-2018 23:00

It’s been confirmed that Batman does exist on Earth 1 but we won’t be seeing him just him being mentioned now and again.

RE: Arrow - *Kal-El* - 07-08-2018 16:42

Ep 3 of season 7 will be titled “Crossing Lines”