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How to fix Asian Babes - Printable Version

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RE: How to fix Asian Babes - seth - 06-10-2009 20:32

(06-10-2009 20:08 )dragonking Wrote:  thats y it does my head in when channels like bb and elite keep pushing the boundaries jeapordising it for all. porn can be found elsewhere. we need to keep what we have.

So let's say, the idiots from Ofcom decide to all jump off of a bridge. Ofcom no longer exists, and the girls from all these channels could do whatever they want. I mean do hardcore or whatever and there's no restrictions. You saying you wouldn't want that?

And really, the only one who's pushing the boundaries is Emily with her see-through panties. I admit I don't watch Elite unless she's on, so maybe there are others.

RE: How to fix Asian Babes - steve6660 - 06-10-2009 20:34

(03-10-2009 22:06 )StanTheMan Wrote:  
(03-10-2009 20:23 )steve6660 Wrote:  What about the fact that the camera quality is complete shit....

Huh Covered in my second paragraph.

I sense you have no interest in Asian Babes, steve6660, which kind of defeats my object. Whereas I quite like the channel and would like to see it improve.

Well the thing is that I might have an interest if the producers would bother to supply a good quality service.

RE: How to fix Asian Babes - Hofmiester - 07-10-2009 00:59

(06-10-2009 20:34 )steve6660 Wrote:  Well the thing is that I might have an interest if the producers would bother to supply a good quality service.

Well as I am the Producer, I think i have been very open in asking everybody what they want - not sure I have ever seen anything constructive from you. So whats not good about the service, that I haven already coverd? Lets have details?

RE: How to fix Asian Babes - vostok 1 - 07-10-2009 02:10

(06-10-2009 03:35 )StanTheMan Wrote:  I must pull you up on this one, Hof. Ofcom don't have the power to do that. Not in such simple terms, at least.

I believe Hofmiester may have been referring to a previous Ofcom consultation looking at making a clear separation between editorial and advertising Premium Rate Services (PRS).

Ofcom previously wanted TV shows which relied heavily on premium rate phone lines to potentially face new regulations.

Ofcom had suggested a new code for the programmes such as quizzes, psychic series and adult chat shows - which they said could protect consumers more.

Ofcom thought that quiz/psychic/adult chat channels should rely less heavily on phoning in, or be reclassified as teleshopping services.

Teleshopping services are regulated by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)- which prohibits adult chat and psychic services.

Ofcom said it wanted to make sure TV channels do not exist simply to take viewers' money, and are not focused solely on the premium-rate services.

This all followed allegations that viewers were being ripped off by TV quiz channels. (Remember Cellcasts "Grab a Grand? The Richard & Judy controversy? )

Ofcom chief executive Ed Richards said:
"Ofcom will ensure that these programmes only use premium rate telephone lines where there is sufficient editorial justification.
"This will further distinguish between television advertising and editorial content for the benefit of viewers."

But as with all things Ofcom, it went to a consultation and was not set in stone.

Details of the consultation:
"The key issue of Premium Rate Services (09* Telephone Numbers) in programmes:

In some of the Findings related to ‘babe-style’ channels in this Bulletin, the broadcasters failed on a number of occasions to justify the promotion of PRS within programmes. Where there is sufficient justification to promote a PRS within a programme (i.e. it contributes to editorial or meets the definition of programme-related material), broadcasters should remember that the rules on undue prominence will apply to the promotion. Programmes should not primarily be vehicles for broadcasters to promote PRS."

This was Bang Medias Response:

It went to consultation, and the result was that the Babe Shows can continue until a more detailed consultation can take place. (Scheduled to take place soon.)

However, what I find alarming is what Hofmiester says here:

(17-09-2009 02:19 )Hofmiester Wrote:  1. The four major Babeshow Broadcasters (Babeworld, Cellcast, Bang Media, and Sport) spend an inordinate amount of time, energy, effot and money chalanging OFCOM. But its like banging your head against a brick wall. Many people are unawair that last May all the channels were hours away from being taken off air because one man in OFCOM "Didnt Like Them" - Fortunately our Barrister was bigger than theirs.

When you say: 'all the channels were hours away from being taken off air because one man in OFCOM "Didnt Like Them" '
I assume that this illegal "Pulling of the Plug" was threatened separately from the published consultation in which a period of six weeks was given to reply?

This clearly goes against Ofcoms remit and far, far beyond their powers. I think that having to pay £250,000 to fight illegal Ofcom actions is a disgrace. That is why the broadcasters of Babe Shows should be willing to accept the help of their viewers, which works out a lot cheaper than barristers fees.

Hofmiester: Any chance you could pass these questions:
on to your bosses?

RE: How to fix Asian Babes - StanTheMan - 07-10-2009 17:20

(07-10-2009 02:10 )vostok 1 Wrote:  It went to consultation, and the result was that the Babe Shows can continue until a more detailed consultation can take place. (Scheduled to take place soon.)

Thanks, vostok, a brilliant post. As for the above paragraph, quoted from your post, does this mean there's a real possibilty that the babeshows' days are numbered?

RE: How to fix Asian Babes - Addison - 07-10-2009 18:14

Top opening post by StanTheMan. Thought I'd throw in my three penn'orth, regarding some the show's aspects he takes issue with:

(03-10-2009 19:38 )StanTheMan Wrote:  The OSG
There's nothing more frustrating that having your favourite part of a girl obscured by a big ugly graphic - and this happens all the time on Asian Babes. Simplify the information and make it transparent.

Good point, and since Stan posted this, and I passed reference to it in another thread, the Asian Babes OSG has become better: plain, white and simple. Still stacks up quite high, though. How about displaying the main number and the block containing the Orange/Irish/Credit & Debit card info side-by-side? Their size could be reduced a little and still be prominent enough to stand out from the other information, displayed in this less intrusive configuration.

(03-10-2009 19:38 )StanTheMan Wrote:  Cameras
A slightly loftier position would be favourable, so that the girls' faces aren't hidden by their feet whenever they lie down. It would also allow for more intimate zooms.

I'm going to diverge a bit from Stan's position, here Smile. I'm actually quite a fan of this lower camera angle. IMO these babes are unsurpassed anywhere when it comes to adopting the doggy-type position, back to camera and then shaking and moving (must be innate rhythm or something). They also frequently flip onto their backs and hold their legs high and wide, which again looks wonderful from this lower slung camera position. I also like to see their legs and feet in shot from time to time because, as in real life, I'm turned on by seeing the body's extremities reacting instinctively/unconsciously during sex. I love to see toes curling and spreading in response to touch and thrust, and without a doubt the Tai babes are more effective at simulating this reflex action than any others (Tiger is outstanding in this respect). So, if you do bring in another camera that takes up a higher position, I hope you'll continue to cut to this lower camera angle for a goodly part of the time as well.

(03-10-2009 19:38 )StanTheMan Wrote:  Content
It appears to me, that the Asian babes have not been fully breifed regarding what they can and can't do, and have been told only the very basic 'do's and don'ts'. As a consequence, they stay well away from even a suggestion of boundary pushing. Send them some recordings of shows like Elite and Bangbabes, and let them see for themselves what the girls on these channels are getting up to. Encourage some daring and tell them they don't have to be quite so careful about what they do.

I'm all for getting them to free up their performances, as long as they don’t adopt some of the boudoir, 'naughty-naughty' strutting, tutting and finger wagging stuff along with it. It would be a shame if they moved too far away from the beautiful naturalness of their current moves and grooves. There are enough British babes as it is being asked to act in a way that doesn't seem come that naturally to them. Look at Stevie, ex-Bang Babes and now on Babestation. When she started she had a similar approach to the Asian babes. Her outfits (free of bustieres, stockings, and shoes that get caught up in the sheets) and moves were beautifully, wholesomely natural. In being encouraged/advised to come across as more sophisticated and 'saucy' or whatever it is, her performances have become a bit stifled and stilted in recent weeks. Currently the Tai girls seem relaxed on camera and laugh amongst themselves quite a lot; it would be shame to see this disappear because they feel they have to start playing consciously 'raunchy' roles.

The question of makeup and outfits ties in with this. Boudoir gear will turn them into a pointless imitation of other channels teams, and as far as makeup goes, these girls are already in possession of such strongly, beautifully defined features – lustrous long dark hair, dark eyebrows and eyelashes - they only need the absolute bare minimum of makeup, if that! The other day Tiger had either gone mad with the mascara or was sporting false eyelashes, and it seemed so fake and unnecessary on a lady who naturally has the sort of strongly defined lashes and eyebrows that many western women would kill to have.

Anyway, hats off to you Hof, first of all for having the brass appendages to take a punt on providing a show that in the current cautious, samey climate truly offers something different, and secondly for engaging in Q & A type sessions with us in here. I hope the Asian Babes show manages to stick around, primarily for what it serves up, but also to provide some of the other channels with food for thought.

RE: How to fix Asian Babes - leefett1980 - 07-10-2009 18:42

I find the best way to fix Asian Babes is change the channel. In fact I just skirt right round them. Not going to have a moan about them just not my cup of tea, you could have the hottest woman in the world on your channel but if the picture isn't clear what's the point?

RE: How to fix Asian Babes - StanTheMan - 07-10-2009 19:09

Thanks for the reply, Addison, some great points there, but let me just reiterate on the content thing. I too love the AB's natural performances and I don't want to see this change either. The ridiculous thrusting and gyrating from the UK girls is okay in small doses, but I do tend to tire of it. No, what I'm hoping for from the Asian Babes when I say I'd like ruder performances, is for naturally ruder performances without any faking. There's nothing I find more of a turn-on that when these Babes appear to become geniunely aroused. I know this is too much a risk, but I'd like to see it none the less. And as I've said elsewhere, it's only the perseptive among us that can tell the difference between real arousal and faked. If Ofcom start asking question just tell them it was faked. How would they prove otherwise?

RE: How to fix Asian Babes - Addison - 07-10-2009 19:55

I hear you, Stan! As you'll have noticed, I've got a bit of a bee in my bonnet about the Victorian era strumpet-type look (and I know you're no great fan of it, either). I never miss a chance to lay into it if I can help it. Wink

RE: How to fix Asian Babes - Addison - 08-10-2009 01:12

Ah Jeez, one of the babes looks as though she's kitted out in the uniform of Virgil from Thunderbirds tonight! Two steps forward, one step back...