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Life in UK 'has become lonelier' - Printable Version

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RE: Life in UK 'has become lonelier' - Red - 03-12-2008 02:35

I've got to disagree from a personal point on the UK being lonelier.
True, I don't know my neighbours, nor do I really care to that much either.
I've found that it isn't the lack of community that exists. It is more that communities aren't bound to geographical locations as much thereby allowing people to choose their community by common interests rather than location.
If we limit ourselves to the UK for a moment then I have a community ranging from Newcastle down to Exeter (and yes these are people I know, not just online contacts)
So the UK lonelier? Nope, just means to keep in contact I use the car and phone more than they did 30 years ago
Having said that, I do kinda miss the milkman doing his rounds in the morning

RE: Life in UK 'has become lonelier' - gyalis_star - 03-12-2008 06:22

i agree with you red i dunno if the uk has become lonier or if individuals have become more close knit?

RE: Life in UK 'has become lonelier' - firekind - 03-12-2008 09:06

loneliness i believe is self inflicted on the whole. my limited experience is my best mate getting killed 11 years ago in april. i think its much better just being on your own and being lonely but happy than risking someone getting close and dying. just my view

RE: Life in UK 'has become lonelier' - moron50 - 03-12-2008 09:55

I ran over a dog in July 1999. I had him stuffed & he takes pride of place in my living room. He's been re-named Gary Kerfoot & I take him with me to the pub. People there call him Gaz. I also have 3 imaginary friends; Sara, Joey Mac & Phizzer. We socialize a lot and often go to 80s heavy rock nights.
Additionally, I've befriended a number of elderly people & I'm always available to do chores for them, free of charge. I also coach the local school football team & help clean and maintain the MENCAP Community bus.

RE: Life in UK 'has become lonelier' - TheWatcher - 03-12-2008 12:09

firekind Wrote:loneliness i believe is self inflicted on the whole. my limited experience is my best mate getting killed 11 years ago in april. i think its much better just being on your own and being lonely but happy than risking someone getting close and dying. just my view

I tend to agree. Being on your own has some advantages. I am mainly happy but it's not much fun when the feelings of loneliness occassionally occur.

RE: Life in UK 'has become lonelier' - Burtybum - 03-12-2008 13:14

isn't this getting away from the point? It's not about whether you feel happier on your own or not; it's about the way that society in general has become more fractured. There have always been people who are more comfortable as individuals rather than in families or whatnot, but that shouldn't stop them contributing to society and their local communities. I'm not for a minute insinuating that people who live alone do not contribute, it's more to do with with a general breakdown of many factors such as respect for the elders, helping people that you don't necessarily know etc. etc.

RE: Life in UK 'has become lonelier' - BelfastBadBoy - 03-12-2008 20:12

The hoods definetly arent helping though, if the police would crack down on the kids then the communities would grow closer and talk more or atleast socialize more together

RE: Life in UK 'has become lonelier' - Burtybum - 04-12-2008 12:22

a lot of these kids don't have decent role models; i personally think it all begins at home and if you come from a good family background that gives these kids the support and attention they need, otherwise they look elsewhere for people to look up to. And that's what a lot of the gang culture is about - the dads of these young kids are nowhere the be seen, the kids have free reign to roam the streets and it goes from there.

A lot of areas in the UK have inadequate facilities for young people. I was lucky growing up because i grew up in a small town that had great areas for young people to play and it was close-knit by definition of the fact that there were only two schools and about 2000 people in total. But i also had a great support base from my family and not enough kids have that.