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Hotel Voyeur Girl ID - Printable Version

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RE: Hotel Voyeur Girl ID - *Kal-El* - 18-12-2008 02:22

Well someone has to look after these poorly ill girls, and seeing as am superman its my duty to look look after them hehe.

RE: Hotel Voyeur Girl ID - SkyeHotelVoyeur - 18-12-2008 02:25

Haha thats sweet!
But I have tea, Shaun of the dead, countless CSI episodes and doritos.
I'm not having a bad night actually!

RE: Hotel Voyeur Girl ID - *Kal-El* - 18-12-2008 02:27

Coming right up i'll even throw a teddy so you cuddle up to, would have said me but thats far too corny lol.

RE: Hotel Voyeur Girl ID - SkyeHotelVoyeur - 18-12-2008 02:29

Haha I wouldn't wanna give you the flu!
Im just glad I have a few days off to recover!

RE: Hotel Voyeur Girl ID - *Kal-El* - 18-12-2008 02:32

i myself haven't had the flu in over 2 years must be because am from krypton lol, you'll be as right rain in a few days skye.Smile

RE: Hotel Voyeur Girl ID - SkyeHotelVoyeur - 18-12-2008 02:38

I knowwww.
I even took myself all the way to work on Tuesday, got there and just came home again. A four and a bit hour round trip for me.
How long have you guys been watching the channel?
And has anyone ever phoned in any of our girls?

RE: Hotel Voyeur Girl ID - *Kal-El* - 18-12-2008 02:40

awww, i hope you was driving there that couldn't have been easy if you did. been watching since it started, never rang in tho no guts and of course the crdeit crunch Sad

RE: Hotel Voyeur Girl ID - SkyeHotelVoyeur - 18-12-2008 02:42

Haha nope, I was getting the train.
Bloody Romford to Shepherds bush.
Takes fucking forever.
I cant drive, but I do need to learn.
Thats why I love it when Angel has the same shift as me; she drives me up!

RE: Hotel Voyeur Girl ID - rover - 18-12-2008 02:50

Like kalel I have watch hotel voyeur on and off since it started but there are so many channels so little time to watch them all so I tend to watch when any of my favourite girls or on like yourselfSmile
I have never called any of the channels because I cant justify the cost with the present climate where in now.Sad

RE: Hotel Voyeur Girl ID - *Kal-El* - 18-12-2008 02:50

You lucky devil got my car, but haven't passed yet not quite ready for the test yet can only drive my car with someone in the car with me Sad