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RE: iPhone OS 4 - Red - 11-04-2010 07:31

There is a difference between proprietary and Apple's app store
Perhaps if you took off the rose-tinted glasses you might understand that. Apple has the ability to restrict and withdraw applications at its own whim, not just solely on technical grounds. It has done in the past, it no doubt will do in the future. If you're okay with that and the fact Apple might stop any application you've paid for because it wants to increase it's own revenue stream then by all means use an iPhone. Just as long as you're aware of the risks

Oh BTW, I'm not saying the iPhone is a bad phone. I'm just saying it isn't the holy grail Apple tout it as and that people really should consider the alternatives that spend less money on advertising hype

As for HTML 5 vs Flash/Java
Come back to me when you understand what it means to have market penetration. Flash and Java are already there, HTML 5 is going to take a lot longer, perhaps if you were more aware of browser usage statistics and the trends over the years you'd understand that.

Good web developers code for their clients, not just because a new technology emerges. If that means losing a minority share for a cost saving compared to spending money to gain that minority whilst causing problems for a larger share then I'm afraid you'll find economics win.

RE: iPhone OS 4 - wade_wilson - 11-04-2010 13:08

haha so you didn't like that you were caught out on proprietory and now you're trying to get out of it? and trying to devalue my posts by going on about rose tinted glasses? thats just daft. yea i like the iphone, but its the only product i have, i'm a windows pc man through and through.

as for stopping an app for increasing apples revenue stream, you do realise most the money goes to the developer of the app, not apple. the developer gets 70% of the fee....

i've used alot of phones out there and i prefer the iPhone, straightforward, simple, runs good without struggling or crashing on me.

as for HTML5 vs Flash, your comment about flash being there in regards to market penetration is just absurd, back when flash came out, it took a while to get well used, its the same for everything, everything's gotta start somewhere and HTML5 is just in its infancy.

bearing in mind that HTML5 is universal and more accessible, means it will end up taking over, you don't need to install proprietory add ons like flash player for it to work, economically it makes more sense to move to technology that works straight away off the bat....

RE: iPhone OS 4 - Shandy - 11-04-2010 13:11

Red, you're taking this way off topic, this was a thread to discuss OS4, not bash apple. Create your own thread for that please

RE: iPhone OS 4 - wade_wilson - 12-04-2010 07:52

Oh yea Red, websites aren't going to recode for HTML5... then what about youtube? already dealing with HTML5 in beta.....

iPhone HD/4G - wade_wilson - 24-04-2010 22:49

Well what are people's thoughts on the leaked pics from Gizmodo?

i am liking it, loving the tweaked design, front facing camera, bigger camera on the back with a flash, bigger battery, higher res screen. roll on end of june when we get the full specs and it gets released!!

[Image: 232238-4g.jpg]

[Image: 033955-notsame.jpg]

RE: iPhone HD/4G - Red - 25-04-2010 02:56

My thoughts are still on the controversy on if they are real or fake images

Personally I'm still not fully convinced this is the 4G. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Maybe it's a prototype of the next phone after the 4G, maybe it's a complete fake.

Maybe it's a coincidence this product was 'found' just as HTC and Sony are getting their new phones reviewed as viable 3GS killers. Wouldn't be the first time a company has done something like this to move focus away from their competitors products in attempt to stall sales whilst they bring out their own product later.

Call me cynical but I'll wait until the product is officially announced before I come to any conclusion

RE: iPhone HD/4G - little gimp - 25-04-2010 02:57

I have been thinking about upgrading my iPod Touch to an iPhone and i think the front facing camera may well be the thing that swings it as i use skype video calls quite a bit on my PC and being able to do this anywhere would be very handy.
As for the controversy i think it was a blatant stunt for free worldwide publicity,and it worked.

RE: iPhone HD/4G - *Kal-El* - 25-04-2010 04:11

I agree if this was a publicity stunt then it worked as good or bad its got people talking about it and you can't buy publicity like that. I know this a little off the subject but look at when mortal kombat and gta came out people wanted the games banned because they were violent but the publicity it got about that the more the games sold, so if this was part of there plan then its worked. Fake or not if this phone can do what is says it can do then it will be very impressive, i agree its best until we get a offical word on the phone then i don't its real fair to pass judgement until what it can or can't do till we have the official product. Personally i would a iphone myself as i've used iphone s and for me i loved it. Couple things do put me off like the price of phone depending on what memory size you get and also the tariff you have to pay to benefit from having a iphone. Some people complain about the battery life and camera and lack of flash on the iphone, i had one of the first colour phones to come out years ago and the battery life wasn't too great its only as the years went on as it got better, as for the camera on the iphone and lack of flash at the moment can't see the problem if i really wanted to take photographs i would go out and buy a decent digital camera if thats what i wanted. I currently only use sony ericsson phones, i love the build on the phones, the interface and the battery life is very good one problem i've always had is software problems with all of them where the phone keeps freezing up. Am having to send back my new phone to sony ecricsson which they have admitted there phones suffer that problem apart from that i like them but still would like o upgraded to a iphone. I think at the end of the day it doesn't matter if its a iphone you like or blackberry or standard 3G phone its all about what phone suits your personal needs, am all for these different phones on the market just gives us consumers bigger and better phones for us to buy Smile.

RE: iPhone HD/4G - wade_wilson - 25-04-2010 11:21

well its definitely an apple product since they sent Gizmodo a letter for its return. not a fake and no way its a prototype for the 5th gen as its far too early for a production model, and since we're only 2 months from release, i doubt it can change that much physically.

i quote from Daring Fireball's John Gruber, who's very in the know with apple - "According to Gizmodo, one of the barcodes attached to the unit read "N90_DVT_GE4X_0493". According to several sources (of mine) familiar with the project, "N90" is Apple's codename for the fourth-generation GSM iPhone, slated for release this June or July. "DVT" stands for "design verification test", an Apple production milestone. The DVT milestone is very late in the game; based on this, I now believe that this unit very closely, if not exactly, resembles what Apple plans to release."

as for the 'coincidence' its not apple's style, we all know steve jobs loves doing his big reveals at WWDC, etc. plus there is talk of the person that sold it to Gizmodo getting done for theft, surely if it was all a set up, they wouldn't go that far......

RE: iPhone HD/4G - wade_wilson - 28-04-2010 20:13

well the WWDC dates have been announced, 7th to 11th June, which means iPhone HD/4G will be announced on the 7th, so all being good, should be available by the end of the month over here, with announcement by the 8th of June of who is carrying it over here and pre-order details! wondering if they will put a bigger gap between releasing OS4 and the new iPhone so there's not the problems of the last coupla years regarding installing it and hammering the activation servers!!