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XXX Porn Live Goes 7 Nights A Week - Printable Version

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RE: XXX Porn Live Goes 7 Nights A Week - skully - 21-07-2010 15:54

Yeah, Flo said no to it, as did Jade Victoria.
Two of the girls that were mentioned haven't started yet, so hopefully we might see them soon.
Jasmine and Bonnie...oh yes Wink
I am liking the pairing of the TVX and Sexstation girls though, they seem to mix really well, so more of that would be good...get Kimmy Haze on Big Grin

RE: XXX Porn Live Goes 7 Nights A Week - eccles - 23-07-2010 00:43

(20-07-2010 15:27 )tvxmole Wrote:  Yes, the rumours are true. You'll be able to tune in ANY night of the week for some filthy live porn action. We've been listening carefully to what YOU want and it sounds to us like you're saying you want to see more PUSSY. So that's exactly what you're going to get Wink

The times and price will remain completely unaffected meaning the only change for you guys will be more girls and less knickers.

That's great Moley, I'll seriously consider subscribing rather that buying PPN now and again. One question: How long will you be running live shows 7 nights a week?

RE: XXX Porn Live Goes 7 Nights A Week - SCIROCCO - 23-07-2010 19:13

Great news. Please can you do 2 things? 1 get the girls to be more adventurous, all of last weekends shows were dull and 2 start earlier than midnight? As you can't SKY+ the shows staying awake past midnight is a pain.

RE: XXX Porn Live Goes 7 Nights A Week - Snooks - 24-07-2010 00:50

I suppose it depends on what you mean by more adventurous. If you mean penetration shots they are not allowed. If you mean toy action then it is pointless because we cannot see penetration shots and it prevents the viewer seeing the babes in all their glory from decent angles. If you mean more interaction then it is somewhat dependant on what the callers ask for because the presenters ask them to direct what happens. I thought last weekend was the best by far and judging by posts in the main Xxx Porn Live thread it went down very well generally.

RE: XXX Porn Live Goes 7 Nights A Week - ballsniffer - 25-07-2010 08:59

The problem you will get is it will be the same old faces over and over again.they will have to get a least 12 new faces
[not pornstars] to make it worth while can watch thease pornstars for free on sex station web stream, why
would anyone in their right mind want to pay,to see them do soft porn.

RE: XXX Porn Live Goes 7 Nights A Week - Snooks - 25-07-2010 09:16

You make a very fair point and this is my one concern - lack of non porn star and non webshow babes. Clarification would be helpful on the situation regarding Jasmine, Sarah Louise, Levi, Melvina, Rachael, Scarlett O Hara and others to see who is happy to do the show. More variety is needed to avoid over familiarity turning into boredom.

RE: XXX Porn Live Goes 7 Nights A Week - Gaz "AV1" Aston - 25-07-2010 10:01

Melvina has done porn...Jasmine does a naked show on GSL so i cant see what the problem is with those two at least, i agree that they need to get some new faces in ASAP!

RE: XXX Porn Live Goes 7 Nights A Week - SOCATOA - 25-07-2010 10:22

Enjoyed Hannah and Tilly last night. Two lovely girls, lots of pussy shots and smiles. Always feel that the girls would love to do more but have to keep to these stupid guidelines. Think it will be difficult to keep this show fresh seven days a week. Obviously Flo, Jade Victoria etc dont feel they want to show their muffins, you have to respect that. Personally ive no objection to guest porn stars doing shows. Personally i would rather not know each nights line up till the show starts. I like the odd surprise. On a personal note, i think its time we had Candy Summers back on the show. Think she has served her sentence and should be back on the show, so come on TVX you know it makes sense!!!!

RE: XXX Porn Live Goes 7 Nights A Week - Regenerated - 25-07-2010 11:47

Can only be good news. There's scope for plenty of new pairings to fill the schedules if its popular enough to go 7 nights a week. Candy Summers would be a great choice to bring back if the bosses could forgive and forget. Jasmine venturing to the naughtier side would be hot, and Bonnie's already appeared on it, so she's hot on there too. Quite exciting when you think of all the pairings that could happen. Smile

RE: XXX Porn Live Goes 7 Nights A Week - Snooks - 25-07-2010 11:50

Getting Jasmine on the show would be excellent primarily because of the number of potentially fantastic pairings that could be created featuring her. I could see her in sizzling duos with Juliet, Cherry, Bonnie, Karlie, Sammie, Tilly or Madisson. I would suggest she would be an incredibly popular addition to the line up. As for Candy - I would be lying if I said I didnt miss her on the show. She was brilliant in all the shows she did, a real natural performer in the same mould as Cherry. I do miss Candy and the circumstances are very unfortunate.