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RE: Where next? - mrmann - 20-12-2010 19:47

(20-12-2010 19:36 )Kenilo Wrote:  
(29-11-2010 22:36 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  What the fuck's going on in this country are we fast becoming the new China. Just to reiterate we live in a democracy and with that brings freedom of choice and all censorship does is violate our basic human rights. We live in the heart of Europe and let's not forget it.
Thats what you thought. Once these pratts get away one thing they will start on all the others.You wont live in a free society you will live in their society and under their rules. Has anybody vetted these people who are to make these decisions and impose their rules on us. How do we know what type of mindset these people have because it sounds to me like thay want to force us all to conform to their views and the Ideas of a minority of stuck up shit heads. Bet you X-factor had more complaints last week than the babe channels

I agree. I also don't get the whole context issue. What's the context in seeing a man get banged in the bum by a woman with a strap-on on Sexcetera where we could see his anus and vaginal detail? How is that more acceptable than watching some nice women showing full nudity on channels that are for adults? Ofcom will only pay attention to the channels they can make money from, like the adult channels. While it may seem like they want the channels gone, I very much doubt that, as they will lose money and the power that they have over them. All they can do now is keep them, but impose fines. The only reason they shut down half of Bang Babes was to send a message, to make the other channels nervous, and because the people at Bang Babes messed them around a bit, but can we really blame them?

Last thing. While the sexuality of the Pussycat dolls show on X-Factor didn't offend me, I can actually understand why some moms and dads would complain, as that's a show that is on at 7:45 and is not supposed to be sexual, so spreading legs and sticking your ass in the air in lingerie kind of seems out of place. Is it a big deal? Of course not, but I understand the complaints. Complaining about full nudity on adult channels after the watershed, is NOT reasonable or understandable. Adult channels are suppose to have nudity, and anyone complaining is just looking for a fight, or is an irresponsible parent who can't control the TV and make sure their kids are in bed, and who thinks that nudity will ruin their lives.

RE: Where next? - stoly - 20-12-2010 20:25

Some of the reports made very interesting reading.
These clowns we vote for don't have any of this type of material in their manifesto, and yet when they get into power, they seem to drift off into dream land and devise all kinds of shite supposedly in our name.

These fucks need put out of office before they can do any more damage to any rights that we have. Once they have porn under wraps, there will be no stopping them. One of these cock suckers must have been reading 1984 last month.

It's at times like these I wonder whether the sacrifices made by past generation in the Great Wars was worth it, the freedoms they gained are slowly being eroded away. All in the name of democracy.

It's thanks to the internet that we know what these arse wipes are actually getting up to, MPs expenses, etc, and what they actually think of us.

Did you vote for any of this legislation to be introduced ?

RE: Where next? - SOCATOA - 20-12-2010 20:39

We are the ones that pay tax for these fuckers to tell us what we can and cant view. Cant stand all these inbred twats and their moral stances. To quote jim "free country my arse" annoyedannoyedannoyedannoyed

RE: Where next? - stoly - 20-12-2010 23:03

Your votes aren't safe with any of the parties, between them they don't want you Driving, Smoking, Drinking, Enjoying the Babe Channels and last but not least, Internet Porn.......But to be fair, fork out £147.00 stay home and watch the BBC.....we'll lavish you with such entertainment as Casualty, EastEnders, Strictly Come Dancing......and for you gay folk we have Little Britain.....Now shut the fuck up and pay your Taxes.

RE: Where next? - Scottishbloke - 20-12-2010 23:43

You only get one life and these fuckheads are trying to kill off all the fun that a free world has. Is it time for a mass demonstration as this government is fast turning into a dictatorship. Yes what exactly did previous generations die for when you see this kind of democracy being turned into a nanny state. China has the internet censored and are we on the brink of this too. Also if the telly's crap you can't exactly get away from it all by going down to the pub and then having to stand outside in the fucking cold miserable weather every time you want to have a smoke. Not to mention the cheap booze soon being a thing of the past as anything that's bad for you will soon cost the fucking roof and anything which such as porn which has been giving a lot of pleasure to us for years will soon be heavily censored. The laws that currently exists within our country just about violates every human right we have.

RE: Where next? - Scottishbloke - 20-12-2010 23:52

Furthermore the only ray of hope that this Internet Porn Block will not happen and all blow away is this article which suggested it's near impossible but as I said in my previous post China has it so lets hope we don't find out how they did it or it will be like the film 1984 suggested.

RE: Where next? - eccles - 21-12-2010 02:59

Yup, BT have already told the government to fuck off.

There is a theory that one reason there is so much teenage pregancy and such a high divorce rate in this country is because we are so sexually repressed. Every time the government or broadcasters give in to the censorship brigade another teenager gets up the duff and another MPs marriage breaks up.

Liberal country - hardcore porn in supermarkets, on pay TV:
France ~ low divorce rate, women understand men have needs
~ and widely regarded as a cultured nation by Tories and Labour

Repressed country - little public flesh, no porn on open sale
any Arab country you care to name, most African ones
~ widespread semi-hidden prosititution, no womens rights.

Who do the politians want to line up with? Modern sophisticated West European nations, or feudal societies that consider corporal punishment normal and execute gays?

RE: Where next? - eccles - 21-12-2010 03:53

Australian MPs want Porn Filters:
(or should that be Pom filters?)

Quote:Sydney Morning Herald
Parliament porn users' ID a secret
Alexandra Smith December 17, 2010
THE NSW Parliament will not discipline or even identify staff members or MPs who used the parliamentary computer system to access websites that contained ''sexually explicit images of young people''.

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Richard Torbay, and the President of the Legislative Council, Amanda Fazio, have declared the matter closed despite confirmation that nine inappropriate websites were accessed.

In a statement yesterday, they confirmed that advice from the Crown Solicitor was that there was ''no legal obligation to refer the information in the report to the NSW Police Force''.

Advertisement: Story continues below The identity of the staff or MPs who accessed the pornographic sites will remain secret, ensuring no one can be disciplined, despite an obvious breach of the Parliament's IT guidelines.

Mr Torbay said the identity of the users, who could have been ministers, MPs, their staff or non-political employees, was not included in a report by the consultants Ernst & Young, but he would not comment further.

Ms Fazio refused to respond to phone calls yesterday.

The report found that 35 sites visited appeared to be adult-related websites and also found the Parliament's internet filtering application, ContentKeeper, had classified personal web-based email such as Yahoo!, sport, news, fashion and food sites as adult content.

Ernst & Young was commissioned to review the internet filter after a parliamentary human resources executive, Lisa Vineburg, commissioned an unauthorised audit of internet use by all MPs and staff.

The raw data ended the ministerial career of the MP for Heathcote, Paul McLeay, who resigned after he learned details of his internet use had been leaked to the media. He admitted he had repeatedly visited pornographic and gambling sites from the parliamentary computer system.

RE: Where next? - mrmann - 21-12-2010 04:36

(21-12-2010 03:53 )eccles Wrote:  Australian MPs want Porn Filters:
(or should that be Pom filters?)

Quote:Sydney Morning Herald
Parliament porn users' ID a secret
Alexandra Smith December 17, 2010
THE NSW Parliament will not discipline or even identify staff members or MPs who used the parliamentary computer system to access websites that contained ''sexually explicit images of young people''.

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Richard Torbay, and the President of the Legislative Council, Amanda Fazio, have declared the matter closed despite confirmation that nine inappropriate websites were accessed.

In a statement yesterday, they confirmed that advice from the Crown Solicitor was that there was ''no legal obligation to refer the information in the report to the NSW Police Force''.

Advertisement: Story continues below The identity of the staff or MPs who accessed the pornographic sites will remain secret, ensuring no one can be disciplined, despite an obvious breach of the Parliament's IT guidelines.

Mr Torbay said the identity of the users, who could have been ministers, MPs, their staff or non-political employees, was not included in a report by the consultants Ernst & Young, but he would not comment further.

Ms Fazio refused to respond to phone calls yesterday.

The report found that 35 sites visited appeared to be adult-related websites and also found the Parliament's internet filtering application, ContentKeeper, had classified personal web-based email such as Yahoo!, sport, news, fashion and food sites as adult content.

Ernst & Young was commissioned to review the internet filter after a parliamentary human resources executive, Lisa Vineburg, commissioned an unauthorised audit of internet use by all MPs and staff.

The raw data ended the ministerial career of the MP for Heathcote, Paul McLeay, who resigned after he learned details of his internet use had been leaked to the media. He admitted he had repeatedly visited pornographic and gambling sites from the parliamentary computer system.

HA! That's hilarious!! Wonder what Ofcom would say about that? Bounce

I too agree somewhat with your earlier post, about repressed countries, censorship, and women's rights. What makes Ofcom's rules so ridiculous, is that they censor the adult channels, even after the watershed (Why does it exist if we can't see full nudity?), yet little children can see harder content in the magazine shop or drink shop! Full nudity at 1 am on adult channels? NOPE. Open vaginas on mag covers in the drink shop? YEP.

You're also right about prostitution in England. While you don't see many street prostitutes walking about, there are tons of brothels in the London which are LEGAL. No, I've never been to one, as I'm not into doing that, but I do go out all over the city with friends or by myself, and I've walked past many of them. Saunas with a happy ending, and other places which don't always say sauna. Most of the one's I've seen look horrible, but there are some which look nicer, and once while at a gig for a band near King's Cross, we happened to walk right infront of one on our way to the station. Can't remember the name, but it even had a red carpet outside! So all that I've mentioned is OK, yet the adult channels can't show a fully nude woman. I'm sure the brothels are only allowed to operate because they pay the appropriate fee, and I noticed something like this at a lap dance bar once. I was sitting by myself on a crowded night, and a police woman and man walked in and approached the bar, to which the manager was sommoned. A brief discussion was had, and when the officers left, things went back to normal and I asked a stripper what that was about, and she told me that they were telling the manager that he needed to pay them something in order for the women to continue to give lap dances. I'd heard about this kind of a license before, but never really registered it until recently. It's all about money. Almost anything can be legal if you can pay the right amount. I do think they care a little bit, but not as much as we all assume.

RE: Where next? - stoly - 21-12-2010 11:36

Lets make one thing abundantly clear. The internet is not theirs to fuck with. Never has been, never will be.
What China does to censor it's people is illegal, unfortunately it's people don't have the means, balls or the guts to remove the people who imposed these rules.
In this country however, we do have a judicial system, who should see after any challenge what our Government is proposing is illegal. We have a democratic right to view whatever we want, where and when we want.
The argument about protecting children from harmful and unwanted material, doesn't wash.
It's the parents who should be held accountable for whatever their children get up to, if they can't be bothered to enable parental locks on set-top boxes, and internet use, then they should be the ones prosecuted for their inability to control their own childrens behaviour.
It is also not the job of the ISP provider, to filter, block or restrict traffic flowing through the net, they are a service provider, there to provide a service, with unhindered access. They are not a police force, and shouldn't be equipped with the means to do so. If a Government doesn't like it, well thats just tough shit.