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RE: WWE Wrestlemania 27 Thread - Rammyrascal - 31-03-2011 16:57

snooki is from an mtv show called jersey shore

Wrestlemania XXVII, what you hope will happen, and what you think will happen - handsomeSOB - 31-03-2011 17:25

you know how wrestlemania is THIS SUNDAY? well, i thought i'd ask what people hope will happen, and what they think will happen, for example...

i hope undertaker wins, but, i think triple h will acually end the streak.

i hope alberto del rio gets destroyed/injured/killed by edge, but, i think christian will cost edge the title and start a feud between them two

i hope cena wins (just) and i also think he'll win

i hope michael cole gets killed, but, i think he'll somehow win with the gm's help

and if i'm honest, i don't care too much about the other matches, how about you?

RE: WWE Wrestlemania 27 Thread - SimonAdams - 31-03-2011 22:25

Honestly apart from the Triple H/Undertaker match i couldn't care less, My prediction is the streak will continue to 19-0, I'll be surprised if this match isn't the match of the night. As for the rest of the matches heres my predictions.

The Miz vs John Cena: Your winner and new wwe champion John Cena.

Edge vs Alberto Del Rio: Your winner and new world heavyweight champion Alberto Del Rio.

Jerry 'The King' Lawler vs Michael Cole: The King wins.

Randy Orton vs CM Punk: CM punk i feel will win this one.

Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes: Rey Mysterio to win.

Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan: Winner and still U.S Champion Sheamus.

John Morrison/Trish Stratus/Snooki vs Dolph Ziggler/Laycool: John Morrison/Trish Stratus/Snooki to win.

Big Show/Kane/Santino Marella/Vladimir Koslov vs The Corre: Who cares, I'm going with The Corre.

RE: WWE Wrestlemania 27 Thread - mattmeister2 - 31-03-2011 23:12

This is my 1st ever post on here so sorry if its a little long.
This Sunday there are 8 matches you hope it'll live up to expectation:

WWE Title-The Miz Vs Smartie Man(John Cena)-Cena has only lost 1 title match at mania he'll probably win it but i hope he doesn't

World Title-Edge(w/Christian) Vs Alberto Del Rio(w/Brodus Clay)- Del Rio is on a big push he looks certain to win

U.S Title-Sheamus Vs Daniel Byran-Sheamus to retain

Triple H Vs Undertaker-Hopefully main event of the evening I have a feeling Triple H will win 18-1

Michael Cole(w/Jack Swagger) Vs Jerry 'The King' Lawler Stone Cold as ref-The King will win it'll be like Bret Vs Vince Last Year

6-Man Inter-gender tag match Snooki &Trish Stratus & John Morrison Vs Lay-Cool & Dolph Ziggler(w/Vickie)-Snooki and co will win not bothered

Randy Orton vs CM Punk-I think Orton will win

Rey Mysterio Vs Cody Rhodes-Rey will win hands down

8-Man tag team match Big Show & Kane & Santino & Kozlov Vs The Corre-Big Show and co to win

The Rock is the 'Host' you have a feeling he could join with Cena but i hope he doesn't we'll have to wait and see

RE: WWE Wrestlemania 27 Thread - sweetsugar007 - 01-04-2011 05:00

I am a Stone Cold fan and he has had virtually no promotion of his part in this despite being the biggest selling act in the history of WWE

Where to watch Wrestlemania for free - apashley - 03-04-2011 14:59


Does anyone know any good links for the above,

Currently in the states and everything I find is PPV


RE: WWE Wrestlemania 27 Thread - SimonAdams - 04-04-2011 11:01

Well the results are in.

World Heavyweight Champion Edge def. Alberto Del Rio
Royal Rumble winners usually get the main event not the opening match, Shows how much faith Vince has in Del Rio, Not a bad match as a whole but could have been alot better.

Cody Rhodes def. Rey Mysterio
Nothing really special about this match, Your typical heel vs face match and the heel takes a cheap victory thus continuing the fued.

Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella & Kofi Kingstondef. The Corre
Was it worth it? The match was shorter than the entrances, I'd rather have seen Sheamus/Bryan, Total waste of ppv time in my opinion.

Randy Orton def. CM Punk
Heres where the real ppv starts, This match was great, Good back and forth action between the two and a wrestlemania worth finish with the springboard rko.

Michael Cole def. Jerry "The King" Lawler
This match was what we all expected it to be, King won via ankle lock but it was reversed cause of Austin over stepping authority and getting physical, C'mon it's Austin what were you expecting?

The Undertaker def. Triple H (No Holds Barred Match)
This was great, Two legends of the old era going head to head, Good back and forth action between the two, Signature moves left right and centre, HHH throws everything at Undertaker but it isn't enough and the streak continues 19-0.

John Morrison, Trish Stratus & Snooki def. Dolph Ziggler & Lay-Cool
Toilet break match, Semi final main event? Seriously? This right here should have been the opening match, Celebs always win at Mania, No surpise snooki (I don't even know who snooki is) gets the win, On a side note: Trish Stratus looked fantastic.

WWE Champion The Miz def. John Cena
Poor main event, Shouldn't have been the main event in my opinion, The crowd just wasn't into it. It wasn't even a good match and the best part was when it was over.

RE: WWE Wrestlemania 27 Thread - The Narcissist - 04-04-2011 12:53

Fuck, I honestly thought Triple H would do it. But No, it just wasn't meant to be. I think Triple H will be retiring soon also now

RE: WWE Wrestlemania 27 Thread - mattmeister2 - 05-04-2011 13:11

PPV was average I can't understand why World Title was first should have been Rey Vs Cody. Snooki won just before the main event.....right and no US Title on PPV a dark tbh i was annoyed it would be better than the 8 man tag.

RE: WWE Wrestlemania 27 Thread - gazfc - 06-04-2011 12:36

Shit ppv, the 'main event' was awful, they just couldn't let the miz have a clean win over super kunt.

The only good thing really was having JR back