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RE: Battlefield 3 - *Kal-El* - 17-08-2011 18:42

RE: Battlefield 3 - *Kal-El* - 20-09-2011 19:49

The Beta of Battlefield 3 is out on the 29th of September on Ps3, 360 and PC, you can get the beta two days early on the 27th of September if you purchased Medal of Honor's Limited Edition, can't wait for the 27th to try out this baby Smile.

RE: Battlefield 3 - HEX!T - 04-10-2011 07:22

i have been playing it but i dont seem to be able to get into it... the map they chose for the beta is very Meh! as its the same 1 from the alpha.
the single player looks to be a stunner from the fmv's ive seen but so far the multiplayer doesnt seem that special.

RE: Battlefield 3 - *Kal-El* - 05-10-2011 14:33

Thought i would give my view's on the beta this will from the PS3 version. So far i think its pretty good i like the way the map is in three sections and as you move up you progress to the other sections. Now it does have problems for example falling through the floor, spawning issues, the screen turning a green hue and some of the weapons are a lil over powered and proning doesn't always work and one shot kills and graphic's and textures need a lil more work. Now DICE have said that this was a early build of the game and they weren't allowed to put up a newer build of the game and that there using this version to test how the game holds up when running online. They are taking feedback from people so that thats a good step, plus will give them the benefit of doubt as its a beta and not the final product once its finished will give it the full judgement. It took me a while to get used to the game but once you play it for a while and unlock one or two items its lot easier. A lot of people playing Call of Duty are expecting it to play the same way and its a lot different kinda like fifa to pro evo. Also i think to showcase the beta they put the wrong mode on they should have put up team death match instead of Rush or just had both them up, Rush is pretty good once you get the hang of it but i know to some people it can be a lil boring once the bugs are ironed out i think Rush will be a lot nicer to play.

RE: Battlefield 3 - *Kal-El* - 11-10-2011 20:24

RE: Battlefield 3 - *Kal-El* - 19-10-2011 15:02

RE: Battlefield 3 - *Kal-El* - 21-10-2011 15:29

RE: Battlefield 3 - Nord - 11-11-2011 16:16

Anyone bought it?
Experiences ?

RE: Battlefield 3 - *Kal-El* - 11-11-2011 23:51

Should be getting mine in the next couple days, will yet you know if you like if its any good.

RE: Battlefield 3 - *Kal-El* - 04-02-2013 23:58