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Jennifer Jade - (Queen of RLC 2012) Chat, Caps & Vids - Printable Version

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RE: Jennifer Jade - Red Light Central Chat, Caps & Vids - Stillroom Rock - 16-05-2011 01:47

Superb thanks for the caps

RE: Jennifer Jade - Red Light Central Chat, Caps & Vids - the priest - 16-05-2011 05:06

Jennifer was great last night loved the red boots

RE: Jennifer Jade - Red Light Central Chat, Caps & Vids - winsaw - 16-05-2011 10:29

great full night debut from Jennifer last night, she was a bit of a natural and made for a great watch, a new star in the making me thinks

RE: Jennifer Jade - Red Light Central Chat, Caps & Vids - Stillroom Rock - 16-05-2011 11:57

Jennifer has become my favorite babe in the short time shes been on our screens which is quite an achievement when you consider the amount of talent there is Smile

RE: Jennifer Jade - Red Light Central Chat, Caps & Vids - winsaw - 16-05-2011 12:51

just heard that Jenn did very well on the phones last night, so i would guess we will be seeing a lot more of her Smile

RE: Jennifer Jade - Red Light Central Chat, Caps & Vids - Stillroom Rock - 16-05-2011 15:54

Lets hope so

RE: Jennifer Jade - Red Light Central Chat, Caps & Vids - ravenous - 16-05-2011 17:25

can only echo what's already been said - saw her on the other weekend as well, she's not shy that's for sure!

does she have a website?

RE: Jennifer Jade - Red Light Central Chat, Caps & Vids - SirAssAlot - 16-05-2011 20:05

Caps from Both 00 & 01. Vid links below caps

[Image: 3cd6b9132570732.jpg] [Image: d62a9c132570738.jpg] [Image: ef7fee132570742.jpg] [Image: 32feef132570746.jpg] [Image: 9028d4132570750.jpg] [Image: dca6c2132570753.jpg] [Image: 73e823132570759.jpg] [Image: ab6531132570762.jpg] [Image: 35ca31132570766.jpg] [Image: 4bc2fd132570768.jpg] [Image: 38bc9a132570773.jpg] [Image: 11bbce132570778.jpg] [Image: 706c16132570782.jpg] [Image: 09720f132570784.jpg] [Image: 9e2ef5132570788.jpg] [Image: b4bc7f132570792.jpg] [Image: 3011b1132570794.jpg] [Image: 92460d132570798.jpg] [Image: 2925fe132570802.jpg] [Image: 77c77d132570808.jpg] [Image: 1151c3132570810.jpg] [Image: 04745a132570811.jpg] [Image: 3780b5132570815.jpg] [Image: a8617c132570818.jpg] [Image: 28b735132570820.jpg] [Image: 44871a132570824.jpg] [Image: 3b8776132570825.jpg] [Image: 515d52132570830.jpg] [Image: b19a11132570834.jpg] [Image: 39bf1f132570838.jpg] [Image: b35506132570841.jpg] [Image: b449e1132570844.jpg] [Image: 72fe9c132570847.jpg] [Image: 65fe47132570849.jpg] [Image: 123b3f132570852.jpg] [Image: 78f1e9132570855.jpg] [Image: 5ee09d132570858.jpg] [Image: a34353132570861.jpg] [Image: 9936cc132570862.jpg] [Image: 646a2e132570866.jpg] [Image: bb2c25132570869.jpg] [Image: 2bb28f132570872.jpg] [Image: 1e057f132570874.jpg] [Image: 47f3c3132570876.jpg] [Image: 468a5b132570880.jpg] [Image: aadd55132570886.jpg] [Image: 4235c1132570889.jpg] [Image: 6f89ba132570897.jpg] [Image: 17fb9c132570903.jpg] [Image: 34ad3d132570907.jpg] [Image: acd99a132570911.jpg] [Image: fcc724132570913.jpg] [Image: 4da5eb132570916.jpg] [Image: 759e8b132570918.jpg] [Image: ff7e63132570922.jpg] [Image: 688c85132570925.jpg] [Image: bbacc2132570927.jpg] [Image: 65f415132570931.jpg] [Image: 1429f9132570933.jpg] [Image: a0a94d132570937.jpg] [Image: 6364c5132570939.jpg] [Image: 92c613132570942.jpg] [Image: ab55a1132570947.jpg] [Image: a7afca132570950.jpg] [Image: 49028c132570956.jpg] [Image: 8694be132570959.jpg] [Image: 142745132570964.jpg] [Image: 97899a132570967.jpg]

RE: Jennifer Jade - Red Light Central Chat, Caps & Vids - Stillroom Rock - 17-05-2011 01:30

(16-05-2011 17:25 )ravenous Wrote:  can only echo what's already been said - saw her on the other weekend as well, she's not shy that's for sure!

does she have a website?
I googled her but it seems there is loads of Jennifer Jades out there A hypnotist and a porn star and I dont think shes either

RE: Jennifer Jade - Red Light Central Chat, Caps & Vids - Jennifer J Waters - 17-05-2011 08:09


Lovely compliments boys and loving the caps.. Just wanted to let you all know my full name is JENNIFER J WATERS... He he...

That will help you google! Hope you're enjoying my shows.. I'm back on fri night 10pm-5am baby! Yay can't wait to be dirrttyyyyyyy! Wink And also sat 1.30-10pm.. Oh and also in the Sunday sport this weekend! Xxxxxxx keep up to date with my facebook Jennifer J Waters .. And my twitter NAKEYGIRL1 love and kisses xxx