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Are The Babe Channels in Need Of An Overhaul & If So, How? - Printable Version

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RE: Are the babe channels in dire need of a drastic overhaul - Rammyrascal - 11-05-2011 07:27

Don't think there is a need for drastic overhaul, just the odd tweak here and there. There is room for babes like lori who are full of energy and the babes that aren't as energetic

RE: Are the babe channels in dire need of a drastic overhaul - speedybert - 11-05-2011 07:49

It's all down to personal choice really and what makes viewers tick as to whether someone will think they are good or bad.I think most of the channels are pretty dull at the moment but the nature of what they do means they probably can't do an awful lot to change the format.
Almost all of the channels are having the same girls on night after night.Some girls perform,some girls appear not to be at all bothered and some could do with taking a long holiday just to get them off our screens.Personally i am fed up with seeing Donna Duke on all the time(which seems to be the same whichever channel she is working on)Charmaine Sinclair everywhere and several of the Elite girls who are on a lot too(to be fair to Elite I suspect this has more to do with girls able to work to fill their increased number of channels)
There don't seem to be many new faces around right now either which doesn't help.Also a lot of MIA's(would love to see Toni/Aimee Luis back on our screens soon as an example)

RE: Are the babe channels in dire need of a drastic overhaul - Boomerangutangangbang - 11-05-2011 08:40

New girls never get a fair go & are discarded too quickly,cant compete with an established name with regular callers,bosses want the money rolling in from day 1.In some cases these girls are stale.No coincidence that some of the more energetic performers mentioned are fairly new to nights ie fresh.Even Lori might loose some Bounce after 5yrs or more on nights.

RE: Are the babe channels in dire need of a drastic overhaul - Classic84 - 11-05-2011 10:28

Lori may not be doing the babe channels in 5 years time? it's hard to know who what babes will be here by then Cool

RE: Are the babe channels in dire need of a drastic overhaul - dirtbag - 11-05-2011 12:08

All the channels are a little lackluster at the moment. Bring back the good old days when Bangbabes and Elite were trying to out do each other on a nightly basis. I always remember the night when Bangbabes had four girls all over each other which from memory were Lolly, Candy, Jet and Flo. This session was amazing in itself but then Elite counteracted with their big guns of Emily and Hazel with a few bottles of oil.eek Now that's what I'm talking about.Big Grin

RE: Are the babe channels in dire need of a drastic overhaul - winsaw - 11-05-2011 12:31

this is a good question, i think we all know that the answer is YES but their has to be a catalyst for change and as long as the shows are making money nothing is going to change

RE: Are the babe channels in dire need of a drastic overhaul - SYBORG666 - 11-05-2011 12:43

Babeworldtv, TVX Cream/Honey and Hotel Voyeur/Angels TV going bust i should of been enough proof that if you don't do anything different, you will eventually pay the ultimate price and no-one is immune from going down the swanny. Viewers will stop watching if the shows are being repetitive and dull.

RE: Are the babe channels in dire need of a drastic overhaul - StanTheMan - 11-05-2011 13:26

Yes, they do need an overhaul. The hot tub they used during the days a year or so ago made for essential viewing. I'm not sure they'd get away with that during the days given the present climate, but there's no reason they can't have it for nights.

What would help would be interactive and bigger sets; gyms, massage parlours, pools. I'd also love to see stuff like oil wrestling and strip fights, but apprciate this is difficult to implement because the shows rely on a girl on a phone taking calls, to make their money. Having said that, this kind of thing could be done while still making money, if they just give it a little thought. Take the two examples given - they could have the two girls oil wrestling/strip fighting, and a third girl asking for callers to place bets on who they think will win by texting/phoning.

Improvements could be made. They just need to use their imagination instead of settling for the staus quo.

The sobering point to all this, however, is the fact that while they're making enough profit they'll be more than happy to keep things running how they are.

RE: Are the babe channels in dire need of a drastic overhaul - Regenerated - 11-05-2011 13:30

Nothing is indespensible, so no channel can rest easy knowing that they will always be around. Admittedly the established "big three" - (Babestation, Elite and Red Light) are more successful, but I've seen a growing number of complaints about even these on this forum, and I too have put more than my two penny worth of criticism forward about Babestation's advertising policies.

At the end of the day I suppose it comes down to what girls people prefer, and that kind of dictates which channel they will watch most. I hope we don't see any more channels closing (except one Wink) as far too many of them have met a sad end before they even got started. Sad

RE: Are the babe channels in dire need of a drastic overhaul - Snooks - 11-05-2011 23:23

The key from my perspective is for the channels and the babes to both play their part in mixing things up now and again. From the channels point of view this means investment in and rotation of sets for the babes to work in. It also means having an eclectic and sufficient variety of babes to keep the viewers interested. From the point of view of the babes the key things are for them to have a wide selection of outfits, be able to engage in role play and most importantly be adaptable. If the call requires slow, sensual movement then adopt this approach. If it demands more energy and gusto then give it. Its all a question of identifying the mood of the caller and going with the flow. The thing to avoid is repetitive shows with same set, same costume, same babes and same performance. Variety is key. In recent times things have been disappointing in some areas but these disappointments are easily resolved with common sense. Common sense should not have to equal radical overhaul, at least I hope not Wink