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What ONE word makes you smile or laugh? - Printable Version

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RE: What ONE word makes you smile or laugh? - cherryryder - 25-01-2009 16:09


RE: What ONE word makes you smile or laugh? - Mister Gummidge - 25-01-2009 17:00

Well, since Dreamlander started it by going a little bit off topic. A place I used to work at had a warning sign written in mock german above the photocopier, I ccan only remember the first line though... "Achtung! Das Machin es nicht fur gerfingerpoken!" It went on like that for two or three paragraphs, quite funny. I think they found it on usenet.

Also as to words, a one I like, although it doesn't technically count as a word since I made it up is enlargification. It simply means increasing the bigliness of something, so that it has more hugousity than beforeSmile

RE: What ONE word makes you smile or laugh? - dalebags - 25-01-2009 21:53

the scots on the board will only understand this probably but the best word in the world is ..... fud

that cracks me up- Its also the ultimate putdown to someone up here

RE: What ONE word makes you smile or laugh? - mas0887 - 26-01-2009 00:26

Oh there is also fucktard, but it is usually preceeded by teamkilling (Any RvB fans out there will know what teamkilling fucktard is in reference to). And the word that I believe I made up because I am the only one that uses it which is pretty funny, invathalid (pronounced invaflid), like a combination of the words invalid and a thalid, it is really harsh and evil and I am going to hell for even thinking of it but the first time I called my mate that he nearly died from laughing.

Oh and whoever has seen Dylan Moran live, on one of his dvd's he is talking about what the reporters say on the bbc radio and just shouts out extremely loud on stage 'DON'T YOU FUCKING LIE TO ME!' doing an impression of one of them. No matter where we are if me or any of my friends thinks somebody is bullshitting then we have to shout that in a Dylan Moran voice (an Irish twang) at them, only between us friends, we don't shout it at strangers lol. It is funny as fuck, especially after the dressing down I got for shouting it in Waterstone's at Lakeside haha.

RE: What ONE word makes you smile or laugh? - johnnybogroll - 26-01-2009 01:11


RE: What ONE word makes you smile or laugh? - Dreamlander - 26-01-2009 11:58

johnnybogroll Wrote:muffin

I like this one! As a noun it's pretty harmless but as a verb it's hilarious! Waitress-"Would you like a muffin,sir?" Customer-"Why not,I've got five minutes to spare and then I can have some breakfast!" Big Grin


A couple of years ago my mate did something stupid and I just called him a 'Cock Chomper' and we use it all the time now! Big Grin

RE: What ONE word makes you smile or laugh? - JohnnyChrist - 26-01-2009 23:18

i laugh at everything. but one of my mates said to his gf..............."come pop a squat next to daddy.." in a gay as fuck accent. cracks my bollaccccccckks up everytime i hear that shit

RE: What ONE word makes you smile or laugh? - jungleboy - 26-01-2009 23:34

Simply ...... SMEGMA!!!! what a word!

RE: What ONE word makes you smile or laugh? - firekind - 26-01-2009 23:40


not a word but i watched skins the other night and ardal had a great line - 'they look like a pick of fuckers to me'. that made me laugh

RE: What ONE word makes you smile or laugh? - doc7576 - 26-01-2009 23:44

My one word would have to be Floccinaucinihilipilification and try to use it as much as possible, though can prove quite difficult, lol.