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sexstation tonight - Printable Version

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RE: sexstation tonight - *Kal-El* - 03-03-2009 00:37

personal i don't think they'll be any difference just the name change.

RE: sexstation tonight - Alex Adams - 03-03-2009 03:05

hey guys, we are working with the daily sport on mondays and tuesdays but it will still be sex station the rest of the week. we have some daily sport babes joining us soon. and you never know i might shock you all one day and whip my knickers right off!! lol

RE: sexstation tonight - Shandy - 03-03-2009 03:14

ahhhhh!! hehe. that solves it then!!! hehe. BTW, had a quick nosey earlier and you looked stunnin in red Alex Smile

RE: sexstation tonight - Alex Adams - 03-03-2009 03:15

thanks hunny

RE: sexstation tonight - *Kal-El* - 03-03-2009 03:16

you always look stunning Alex Tongue

RE: sexstation tonight - Shandy - 03-03-2009 03:19

well thats true kalel Smile hehe. but the red outfit had a nice effect. the rubber & boots outfit just makes my mind all shades of dirty, which is good too Big Grin

RE: sexstation tonight - *Kal-El* - 03-03-2009 03:23

only thing missing by the sound of things was a whip Tongue

RE: sexstation tonight - Shandy - 03-03-2009 03:29

haha well oddly not into the whip and all that, i just like the look of it..... dunno why!

RE: sexstation tonight - *Kal-El* - 03-03-2009 03:31

That reminds of a story of mate and his gf and a pair of handcuffs lol

RE: sexstation tonight - Hazhard - 03-03-2009 09:53

what is the point of changing it seriously it was always my favourite channel as sexstation.