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It's goodbye from me... - Printable Version

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RE: It's goodbye from me... - Rammyrascal - 18-06-2012 15:36

good luck don, think i know what youre unhappy about and if im right i agree with you. hope you do reconsider your decision

RE: It's goodbye from me... - sophia knight so sexy - 18-06-2012 15:38

thanks for all the great caps and vids good luck

RE: It's goodbye from me... - dan g 27 - 18-06-2012 15:51

Sorry for writing twice in this thread just wanted to say one more thing on this. Its not been the best year so far in the history of the babechannels, I'm not solely talking about performances from the babes, but mainly about the departure of some great members of this forum. Some have departed for certain reasons, others seem to have vanished of late. Of course, its up to those to chose to leave this forum, they have every right to leave on their own accord. They may leave because of some strong view on something or because maybe they feel there is more to life than this forum and feel the need to experience something new, but that doesn't make it less how should I put it tragic, when some legends of the forum leave.

Don Tingley has been one of those members in my opinion that will go down, as a legend of the forum. Not only was he great with the caps of the babes, but also wrote articulate posts and he backed up his opinion. He was also able to have the cracic, which is an important aspect of this forum.

So again if I may say its disappointing to see a great forum member leave not just Don, but the others that have left too. Good luck Don with your future plans, but I do hope its just one of those days and you may consider returning to this forum

RE: It's goodbye from me... - Charlemagne - 18-06-2012 15:53

Thanks for all the great caps and vids Don.

RE: It's goodbye from me... - Boomerangutangangbang - 18-06-2012 16:38

Wouldn't mind betting someones laughing their tiny cock off.

RE: It's goodbye from me... - Clit Eastwood - 18-06-2012 17:29

Crikes Don..after ripping the piss out of me every 5 minutes about leaving.....come on geeze....get a grip me old an earth will I survive without U calling me an old cunt and suchforth in your private messages you so enjoy sending me buddy ???....Its never gunna be the same me old potato bag....If you are leaving I mite as well do the same...everyone seems to be depressed for some reason or kick up the arse was due to poor Rammy dealing with his very sad loss of his mum...Sad....What can we do to make U stay old lad?? Give us a clue buddy...please ??? Your ever endearing old cunt...mart...Sad

RE: It's goodbye from me... - londonpete72 - 18-06-2012 17:42

I'm sure gonna miss your caps & vids Don. Thanks for your contribution to this forum in such a short space of time. You will be missed.

Good luck with everything in the future.


RE: It's goodbye from me... - Money_Shot - 18-06-2012 17:44

What the fuck?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? eekeekeekeek

For fucks sake. I wish this wouldn't keep happening. annoyed

Can someone please inform me why forum greats keep leaving the site? There is obviously more going on then I realise, but please someone fill in the blanks.
The forum is losing great posters every week and there seems to be a reason, but yet the reason is never out in the open. Anyone ?Huh

More and more seem to be going, Aston_Gaz, eagle_si, Gaz and Forum_Style seem to post little if ever at all, ilovemegan seems to be virtually non existant. Simplymarko, Sooky and tsugri have vanished, iamthatjack has gone, and now Don.. not forgetting others who've left (okay I've forgotten more, but I'm writing this in rage) Huh Sad Huh Sad

I wish you all the best Don, you were one of the great cappers and always made decent posts. A voice not heard often enough to be honest. Good luck pal.

RE: It's goodbye from me... - xthatshortguyx - 18-06-2012 18:06

ahhh man Sad gutted you were my fave poster on this forum plus i thought we got on well. really hope things can be sorted and perhaps see you back on here soon. if not wish you the best of luck Don.

RE: It's goodbye from me... - bombshell - 18-06-2012 18:13

I would also like to thank Don for all the caps.Big Grin

I too have thought about leaving,in answer to Money_Shot as to why all the leavers,dare i say that the channels have become boring,i rarely tune in now,as the channels no longer excite me,so i usually stick to the "All other Subjects" as i still find that of interest.