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Background music (babe channels) - Printable Version

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RE: Background music (babe channels) - steven6 - 08-04-2009 14:52

i don't usually have the sound right up on these channels anyway

RE: Background music (babe channels) - skateguy - 08-04-2009 15:01

I don't have the sound up either when I watch. I do though have to have the sound on when editing clips as I try to make the sound flow/connect when editing bits out. Annoyingly, this means my head is often cluttered with a combination of crappy techno music and musak.

RE: Background music (babe channels) - Dreamlander - 08-04-2009 15:18

Are you trying to tell me there's audio on these channels! Big Grin Big Grin !

EuroticTV on Astra19.2 plays anything that the viewers request and they dance or strip to it which is great.The licencing must be cheaper or free as I can't see this happening here,although it would be good as all the EuroticTV girls have their own 'signature' tune that gets them going.They play Trance when there's no requests which I also like.A UK version of this would be great and actually allow me to turn up the channels!


RE: Background music (babe channels) - willlllll - 12-04-2009 03:26

Sorry for the bump, but does anyone know the background music used on Babecast? Some serious chillout music. <- in case you got distracted by the women, here's the music in the background Tongue

RE: Background music (babe channels) - Mister Gummidge - 12-04-2009 03:36

Personally I find the ceefax stylee light jazz on bluekiss to be thoroughly entrancing. There's something about watching a woman humping the air and screaming "fuck me in the arse you fucking ©unt!" combined with the piano driven stylings of someone barely better than cheap hotel lounge levels to be utterly engrossing. It's like Dick Van Dycke and his "Cock-er-ney" accent in Mary Poppins, the clash is so horrible it's strangely mesmeric.

-EDIT- I've just realised that I worked the phrases "Ceefax", "Fuck me in the arse you fucking ©unt!" and "Mary Poppins" into one paragraph. I'm going to reward myself with a cake or somethingBig Grin

RE: Background music (babe channels) - moron50 - 12-04-2009 04:41

I generally turn the sound off anyway, but Elite's drum & bass or whatever the hell it might be, really is the drizzling shits - completely out of keeping with the on-screen show. If it was set in Kingston, with some big ass grinding girls, then maybe just maybe, but it ain't.

Any chance of some Hawkwind or Dana?

RE: Background music (babe channels) - birdlime - 12-04-2009 13:39

moron50 Wrote:I generally turn the sound off anyway, but Elite's drum & bass or whatever the hell it might be, really is the drizzling shits - completely out of keeping with the on-screen show. If it was set in Kingston, with some big ass grinding girls, then maybe just maybe, but it ain't.

Any chance of some Hawkwind or Dana?

Its not drum & bass its too slow for that its garage but the shit stuff its very similar to delinquent and T2 if you ever heard of them.

RE: Background music (babe channels) - smme100 - 12-04-2009 16:48

willlllll Wrote:Sorry for the bump, but does anyone know the background music used on Babecast? Some serious chillout music. <- in case you got distracted by the women, here's the music in the background Tongue

Much of the music used on Sexstation is from the Audio Network library - see their website for streaming and downloads.

Sport channels music is from the Smartsounds library.

Not sure which library the Babecast music is from, anyone know?


RE: Background music (babe channels) - Kilam - 14-04-2009 01:15

like many, i always have it on mute, unless i see the babes picking up the mic. why would you choose to listen to the music, isn't it pretty distracting and pointless?!