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RE: Conservative Leadership Contest - ShandyHand - 01-07-2016 15:18

^ Maybe she'll try to give it to Gove! Wether he'd settle for that is another kettle of fish.

@GlenMiller: Only one of those scenarios is really a consiparcy as such. And personally I don't believe Gove planned this well in advance. I think he just got more manipulative with the situation as this week progressed.

The leaking of Gove's email to Boris does seem a little slice of revenge however.

RE: Conservative Leadership Contest - wackawoo - 01-07-2016 16:38

I nothing at all about all these candidates.

Apparently, this terasa may is the home secretary and has been for 6 years; isn't that a really important job? Much higher than the others.

But more importantly she's got a right rack on her.

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How the hell do you have an home secretery that wants out of EU?

RE: Conservative Leadership Contest - SecretAgent - 01-07-2016 17:27

^ She didn't want out of the EU. What she has said is that as the vote was for BREXIT she will implement it.

Home Secretary is one of the top 3 jobs in government. Holding it for 6 years is quite a feat.

RE: Conservative Leadership Contest - The Silent Majority - 01-07-2016 18:01

According to BBC 'sources' Rolleyes Gove's coming under pressure to stand aside and let May have a clear run.
It's not going to happen, but just imagine if it did. That would really be twisting the knife in Boris laugh

And I see he's promising an extra £100m a week for the NHS by 2020.
Am I missing something here? Wasn't he promising £350m a week if we left the EU? bladewave

RE: Conservative Leadership Contest - M-L-L - 01-07-2016 18:19

(01-07-2016 17:27 )SecretAgent Wrote:  ^ She didn't want out of the EU.

No, but hasn't she always courted the worst elements of Europhobia at Conservative Party conferences with rabble-rousing-crowd-pleasing Court-of-Human-Rights-bashing-"I'd-deport-'em-all-tomorrow-if-it-wasn't-for-these-EU-judges"-lifted-straight-from-Farage-speeches-"..And I am NOT making this up"-criminals-not-being-deported-because-they-have-a cat to-support nonsense ? But somehow didn't have the political career-sabotaging-courage to come out and campaign for Brexit ? bladewave A more sinister kind of two-faced-ness it seems to me.
Or maybe I AM making this up.

But then I suppose that's no different from Boris "Man of the People Mayor" who says we need cheaper homes for low-paid workers in London while at the same time waving through contentious Planning application after Planning application for huge luxury apartment blocks that are simply investment vehicles for overseas speculators and wasting public money on Garden Bridge variety vanity projects that will be gated-corporate privatised "public" space - at least Brexit's effect on the pound has temporarily kicked the bottom out of some of those rackets; not for long though I suspect.

RE: Conservative Leadership Contest - wackawoo - 01-07-2016 18:22

(01-07-2016 17:27 )SecretAgent Wrote:  ^ She didn't want out of the EU. What she has said is that as the vote was for BREXIT she will implement it.

Difficult keeping up with all what's been said at the moment.

I was seeing the Gove person was Lord Chancellor and Secretery of State for Justice, erstwhile for educaton and cheif whip; these people aren't too shabby, they seem to have WAY more experiance than Boris Johnson.

Even though he does put me in mind of spitting images kennith baker slug.

RE: Conservative Leadership Contest - wackawoo - 01-07-2016 18:24

(01-07-2016 18:19 )M-L-L Wrote:  "-criminals-not-being-deported-because-they-have-a cat to-support nonsense ?

If they are criminals, why is this statement wrong?

RE: Conservative Leadership Contest - M-L-L - 01-07-2016 18:28

because in the case being referred to the actual reason for not being deported had nothing to do with dependent cats.

RE: Conservative Leadership Contest - straw man - 01-07-2016 20:43

It's weird to hear that Michael Gove’s campaign pitch is basically "I will do my best to destroy the UK economy."

What happened to the idea that the Conservative party was the party of stability and sound management of the economy?

RE: Conservative Leadership Contest - Doddle - 01-07-2016 21:51

(01-07-2016 16:38 )wackawoo Wrote:  But more importantly she's got a right rack on her.
I sense you're going to find a lot less opposition in the course of this thread for once laugh