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Will the channels ever get back to how they used to be? - Printable Version

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RE: Will the channels ever get back to how they used to be? - billyboy1963 - 17-03-2017 15:07

Not a chance

RE: Will the channels ever get back to how they used to be? - MARCCE - 17-03-2017 15:55

The current status quo is pretty much where the channels will stay. In many areas of business you'll find windows of opportunity where it's possible to take advantage of rules and regulations that haven't been necessarily set up to take certain scenarios into account.

With the babe channels this happened in particular with Babestar, who really pushed the boundaries at the time, leaving the regulators scrambling for ways to deal with them for a while. Similarly, Elite with the girl on girl stuff did the same when it first hit the screens.

In the end though, things eventually settle down once rules have been put in place to limit or close those windows of opportunity. The channels have now reached the point where they can operate in a way that enables them to turn a profit through the channels and various offshoots without upsetting Ofcom. At the same time a level has also been reached in the number of channels because the amount of them a couple of years ago was always going to be unsustainable.

There are still innovations on the channels. Perv cam is one of them but those innovations are pretty much limited to the online operations now. In time it's likely that even that will be restricted with government looking to take a lot more control on internet content.

It was fun while it lasted and while it is frustrating the way things are now, it's easy to forget that 20 years ago, many people would have been ecstatic to have what we currently have.

RE: Will the channels ever get back to how they used to be? - Joey 27 - 17-03-2017 18:26

The status quo will continue as long as the punters are happy its that simple, personally in getting bored and fed up with some of my faves now, there are only 3 or 4 girls i regularly watch these days, looks are not the be all and end all for me anymore.
What makes me laugh is when some people moan about the babeshows being rubbish, yet the few girls they like are dull as ditchwater

RE: Will the channels ever get back to how they used to be? - Tori Lee Addict - 17-03-2017 18:42

The ofcom thing to one side for the moment. There are two big reasons to me why the channels are seriously lacking compared to what they were years ago when they were at their prime

One is lack of new babes, new models and given new girls a chance. Seems the babe channels have their line up, their Harwoods, their Cara Bretts etc and that is it. They are sticking with it. It would be so nice to seem some fresh faces. Seems like back in the day there was fresh faces appearing all the time

Two, is lack of set design. This will no way affect the perfomance of the babes and what they are allowed to do but as this is all about visual entertainment, we are stuck with the same old crappy boring sets night after night

RE: Will the channels ever get back to how they used to be? - Snooks - 21-11-2018 21:22

The linked thread brings back some amazing memories of years past

Oh how wonderful, how spontaneous, how imaginative, how varied and how horny things were back in time.
I remember so many awesome shows from so many babes.
Real 2-4-1s with real chemistry. Kissing, fondling, caressing, pussy rubbing the works.
Quality, varied sets with themes played out, use of props. Camera operators present all the time and fantastic camerawork.
Amazingly sexual body language from babe after babe all willing and able to push the boundaries. No pervcam, a lot less gimmicks, cheaper calls, no only fans.

It all seems such a distant memory now.
Oh well SadHuhShy.

Snookered shuffles off to cry his heart out Sad.

RE: Will the channels ever get back to how they used to be? - GMach1 - 21-11-2018 21:26

Erm I would say no, I think we have to leave what happened in the past and move on - that's progress for you so your yearning for a shower scenes could be long gone mate...but who knows, maybe someone might have a spark of geniud one day and bring everything back...but I doubt it.

RE: Will the channels ever get back to how they used to be? - The Goatman - 21-11-2018 21:27

No because PC people have ruined everything Sad
Social media has caused a lot of the problems giving idiots a place to voice their opinions and the other idiot jump on the band wagon and now this is what we are left.... a world where telling a women you think shes beautiful is a sex crime ....

RE: Will the channels ever get back to how they used to be? - Carl-Gen X - 21-11-2018 21:47

The regressive left now control popular culture, they are the establishment. They are the new puritans. As long as this state of affairs remains in place then sadly I don’t see things such as the restrictions on the babe channels relaxing anytime soon.

RE: Will the channels ever get back to how they used to be? - ryuken - 21-11-2018 21:57

No, but I think the responsibility lies at the feet of the channels lack of creativity and presenters unwillingness to push their boundaries.

I understand that due to OFCOM restrictions we'll never get FTA BangBabes 4 girl orgy shows again.

But I don't understand why we can't get those types of shows behind a paywall.

RE: Will the channels ever get back to how they used to be? - Charlemagne - 21-11-2018 21:58

Oh the good old days, when they used to have 'Flash the Gash', 'Naked Strip sessions'

And what happened to the sets incorporating showers, baths and hot tubs.

I can but dream Smile