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London Tube Incident - Printable Version

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RE: London Tube Incident - HannahsPet - 15-09-2017 20:02

(15-09-2017 12:52 )babelover48 Wrote:  mind you they could be buying them off ebay/Amazon without too many checks made
Just thought of that

What you want a Muslim Cookware ban TongueTongueTongue bet someone will pitch that to Trump

RE: London Tube Incident - Tumble_Drier - 15-09-2017 21:27

Terror threat level raised from "It's been quiet for a while, let's hope they've all forgotten" to "Oh fuck it's happened again, let's look like we're doing something".

RE: London Tube Incident - Jack the Nipper - 15-09-2017 23:27

And the usual spiel/bollocks will be played out (like Groundhog Day) with that useless shite Sadiq denouncing whoever it was 'isn't a proper Muslim/or representing Islam'.
The Government will talk tough on the causes & perpetrators of Terorism & yet continue to release Terrorist plotters & Extremists 12-18 months into their prison sentences.Police Athorities will probably admit they've been monitoring the maggot involved & he fell off their radar.
Whenever the perpetrator is eventually caught the family & neighbours of the scumbag will play the three wise monkies act (speak,talk,hear no evil) & say that they were such a good person & wouldn't harm a fly etc.

I just wish the Government,the Judiciary,the Police Authorities etc would stop treading on egg-shells & start walking the walk instead of just talking tough.Basically anyone caught with Terrorist material ie bomb making equipment etc will get sentenced as if the potential atrociity had been committed meaning an automatic life (meaning life) sentence.
And as regards to prisons stop the Terrorist breeding/brain washing gangs as prisons are widely known as recruiting grounds now.
Anyone known to be flying to areas in the world where Terrorist training takes place are automatically to be told they will be blocked/banned from returning.
Stop Terrorist funding harboured through mosques,fake charities etc.
Ban/block all Terrorist material on the internet,but lets be honest the Government are more worried about kids getting internet access to porn than getting their hands on Terrorist material.
STOP ALL Foreign Aid that goes to countries that have Terrorist training camps (the money probably funds the training anyway).
Any Hate Preachers etc on the street spouting their shite get no police protection at all.
Why oh why after every Terrorist Attacks do the media automatically look to interview these Hate Preacher pricks for their opinion (just to shit stir a bit more) when no-one is interested what they have to say.

What fucking pisses me off though is that these Oxygen Thief scumbags hate this country & it's people so much to want to commit such acts but they are more than happy to live the life on benefits (us taxpayers have to pay for them) which is why they don't want to leave.