The UK Babe Channels Forum
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RE: Welcome - rover - 26-10-2008 00:21

its amazing what you can find on google Smile

RE: Welcome - carlos - 26-10-2008 06:56

Jade - I'm looking for a new PA - seeing you on that office chair made me think how could it would be to have you!! lol

This forum is a really good idea - although hope you don't get bored of us few blokes who have the balls to post. As I've seen with this site - lots of guys with no balls to post anything and same old names on all posts!!

Any thoughts of setting up your own website? Looking forward to seeing you on the box tonight.

RE: Welcome - gingerbloke - 26-10-2008 15:49

Darling Jade how nice to see you on the forum just for two reasons.

1. You are a fellow midlander
2. Your a fellow ging

What more could a man ask

RE: Welcome - jade-victoria - 26-10-2008 16:33

lol @ gingerbloke

carlos- not sure about my own website yet, i have been asked to do one but i have some plus's and some reservations so we will see what happends. As for the office scene im in work tonight so how about i take my little office outfit and you can act out your fantasies with me lol

RE: Welcome - Firebird - 26-10-2008 16:35

Hi Jade xx

RE: Welcome - gingerbloke - 26-10-2008 16:56

Darling Jade which channel you on and from what time cos i want to be a bit cheeky and ask if you would say happy birthday to me on the channel tonight

RE: Welcome - *Kal-El* - 26-10-2008 17:10

well what ever outfit you have on your always looking hot jade Smile

RE: Welcome - jade-victoria - 26-10-2008 17:15

firekind-hello and welcome to my little part of the web i hope your going to join in the topics feel free to get involved
kalel76- thank you babes
and gingerbloke- i think i am the floater tonight- goes between both shows start off on bs1 at 9-11 then goes to bs2 at 11-2. I could say happy birthday to you however i wouldnt be able to refere to you as ginger bloke....for political reasons lol

RE: Welcome - *Kal-El* - 26-10-2008 17:17

you been up to much this weekend jade?

RE: Welcome - jade-victoria - 26-10-2008 17:28

nope went back to birmingham for a few days to see my family (£18 train tickets are on chiltern london- birmingham BARGAIN!) but apart from that not much else really. yourself? x