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RE: Do you trust babechannels with your credit card? - StanTheMan - 01-01-2010 23:14

(01-01-2010 21:34 )elgar1uk Wrote:  
(01-01-2010 13:12 )Bertie500 Wrote:  She told me that their most lucrative times were Friday and Saturday nights, cos single men would come home pissed and horny, sign up and then fall asleep when they'd got their rocks off. I can't quite recall the mechanics of what this company did, but I definitely know she was saying how instead of 'hanging up' or 'signing off' or whatever, the company would keep the lines open til the following day til the poor punter would wake up again and realise he was still signed in or logged on... That way they'd make about 20 times more from milking his credit card than if he'd been aware enough to disconnect, thus breaking the billing cycle.

So in your view if someone falls asleep at their keyboard it should be the website's responsibility to somehow know this and disconnect the customer?

Hardly the same is it? If they're not getting any response from the other end, then the decent thing would be to terminate the call, but of course we're not talking about decent people here are we?

Anyone in the business of selling porn is a crook and a theif. Fortunatley their only victims/targets are those stupid enough to cough up in the first place - and before anyone reminds me, yes I include myself in that one. At least I only got stung the once. I won't again.

RE: Do you trust babechannels with your credit card? - thinwhiteduke - 01-01-2010 23:32

I trust these channels with my credit card details as much as i do my ex-wife. The words "hell" and "freezes" spring to mind....Rolleyes

RE: Do you trust babechannels with your credit card? - vostok 1 - 01-01-2010 23:53

(01-01-2010 23:14 )StanTheMan Wrote:  Anyone in the business of selling porn is a crook and a theif. Fortunatley their only victims/targets are those stupid enough to cough up in the first place - and before anyone reminds me, yes I include myself in that one. At least I only got stung the once. I won't again.

To be fair Stan, there are many companies who value their customers and wish to keep them in the long term. and are two companies who I have personally experienced offering great, efficient customer service and refund policies. It is just those who are in the business of wanting to make a fast buck that need to be avoided. And they rarely last for long.

RE: Do you trust babechannels with your credit card? - mikedafc - 02-01-2010 00:33

Depends which channel and which company owns that channel!!

RE: Do you trust babechannels with your credit card? - elgar1uk - 02-01-2010 14:53

(01-01-2010 23:14 )StanTheMan Wrote:  Anyone in the business of selling porn is a crook and a theif. Fortunatley their only victims/targets are those stupid enough to cough up in the first place - and before anyone reminds me, yes I include myself in that one. At least I only got stung the once. I won't again.

I've bought porn online 20 or 30 times and I've never had any problems (this has been spread over many years).

RE: Do you trust babechannels with your credit card? - Azules - 02-01-2010 17:18

Just dont do it man
There is plenty of free porn on the net
keep your details to yourself

RE: Do you trust babechannels with your credit card? - aaron - 02-01-2010 17:53

Not many porn companies have direct billing anyhow. They mostly use payment providers like CCBill, who have an established reputation with the credit card companies, so your safety is pretty much assured.

RE: Do you trust babechannels with your credit card? - Bertie500 - 02-01-2010 18:15

I don't think the example I'd heard of from an ex-employee was for a phone line to be honest; it was some kind of online service, I suspect either streaming films (this was years ago before the explosion of free sites we have now) or webcams... But my point wasn't to offer a direct correlation with phone-in services; it was more of a general opinion that all of these firms are out to extract every last penny they can from a punter, and while I may be wrong, I rather suspect that the kind of person who elects to run a porn service of any description is perhaps less scrupulous than the norm...

As someone else here has said - with the plethora of free porn available instantly, why would you even bother risking your card at all?!

RE: Do you trust babechannels with your credit card? - archibald cockfoster - 02-01-2010 18:30

(02-01-2010 18:15 )Bertie500 Wrote:  I may be wrong, I rather suspect that the kind of person who elects to run a porn service of any description is perhaps less scrupulous than the norm...

You are wrong of course. But as Aaron has pointed out there are very few porn websites that have direct billing anyway, so your point is irrelevant.

RE: Do you trust babechannels with your credit card? - BarrieBF - 02-01-2010 18:47

(01-01-2010 05:59 )ringo78 Wrote:  I fancied trying live 960s or Dirty Talks cc numbers, but considering all the junk texts I get, I often think these channels pass on any details they have on you to the highest bidder.

Dirty Talk is part of Television X, which is owned by Portland Enterprises. It's hard to imagine such a company being involved in anything suspect, as they would have a lot to lose and not much to gain. If they did anything improper and lost their merchant account their business would immediately collapse.