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Three things of 2019........... - Printable Version

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RE: Three things of 2019........... - ryuken - 27-11-2019 23:44

1. Your babeshow highlight of 2019? Jess West's 2-4-1 shows.

2. Your babeshow cause of dismay in 2019? S66's management.

3. What has surprised you most about the shows in 2019? Ashlyn and Kendall's 2-4-1 show.

RE: Three things of 2019........... - floragabriel - 28-11-2019 03:26

1- Lola Night
2- Evelyn don't do night shows
3- the appearance of new babes

RE: Three things of 2019........... - lovebabes56 - 28-11-2019 09:31

Your babeshow highlight of 2019? Fernanda's night shows. Yes there are long periods now between shows by Fernanda, but when they happen they are not to be missed, she gives 100% and they are memorable and we should always respect a class performance from someone like Fernanda.

2. Your babeshow cause of dismay in 2019? Two things have been disappointment. Firstly S66's management. To me, the management at the channel is slowly but surely draining every last drop of life out of the product. I cannot believe that we all lauded St66's arrival all those years ago saying how amazing they were and the last few months, despite all the new recruitments the channel have made, the st66 channel we knew before has simply gone AWOL. I hope the management wake up and smell the coffee soon, because if they keep on making the mistakes are they are making now, there is every possibility they won't make Jan 1 2020. Secondly, I was also shocked by how India Asia raised the issues that Xxpanded were having with bullying by management/production. I did not think for one single minute, in this day and age, that a channel that has grown so quickly and probably now rivals BS in terms of production could have had that going on behind the scenes, and it took a brave babe like India to expose it. If we had a woman of the year contest, she would win it alone for that, and she has earned my respect for speaking out at the right tme.

3. What has surprised you most about the shows in 2019? How quickly St66 latched on to the Vibratoy thing.

RE: Three things of 2019........... - Snooks - 30-11-2019 02:07

To answer my own questions then.................. Wink
And I will be very my standards anyway Wink

1. Your babeshow highlight of 2019?
Atlanta Moreno!!

2. Your babeshow cause of dismay in 2019?
How long have you got? Rolleyes. Plenty of candidates.
In general terms though the overarching answer is channels trying to screw punters for all that can be got out of them in increasingly dubious fashion and in varying respects
Sadly the same mentality appears to have taken an ever firmer hold with a lot of the babes too.

3. What has surprised you most about the shows in 2019? (good, bad or indifferent)
The fact that the TV output on the two main channels has been superceded in terms of my own personal taste by Xpanded Surprised and some BS webshows Rolleyes.

RE: Three things of 2019........... - milfspotter - 05-12-2019 23:25

1. Eve. Eve. Eve.

2. The channels making it impossible to use vlc to record and cap shows.

3. Viewing xpanded again after a lay-off and being really surprised at the quality of babe and performance.

RE: Three things of 2019........... - GMach1 - 06-12-2019 04:04

1. Your babeshow highlight of 2019? Ashlyn & Kendall hot 2-4-1 best thing on S66 AND the hottest roaming cam/oil show by Lola Knight back in January.

2. Your babeshow cause of dismay in 2019?
BS's dramatic fall from being top channel-through overuse of perv cam and reliance of the hated vibratoy BUT also how many girls left the channel to go elsewhere.

3. What has surprised you most about the shows in 2019?
Firstly BS absolutely dire with more and more shows on the web stuff than before with overexpectant goals to reach.

Surprised just how good Xpanded had become with some real knockout NEW babes as well as established legends and how S66 has the girls but the shows are very tame; they also(like BS) got rid of the shower and their speciality the bath and of course the 2-4-1's. What a difference a year makes!

RE: Three things of 2019........... - 2015watcher - 06-12-2019 14:35

1. The arrival of some of the newbies like Hayley Maye Heart Paige Brooks Heart Emilie Rae Heart Aria Rose Heart Chloe Lloyd Heart

2. S66 slide towards doom throughout this year with various issues, schedule, production work, roster changes etc

3.How much my viewing time has shifted from S66 (I would say it used to be around 75 % watching S66 and 25% BS now it is somewhere around 65 % BS and 35 % S66) Although the shows overall are nothing noteworthy the majority of the time these days.