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Xpanded is now the best channel...discuss - Printable Version

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RE: Xpanded is now the best channel...discuss - hornball - 14-01-2020 17:41

I recall XTV predecessors (in all their different guises/names) Red light centre/lounge etc with fondness (K DarcyHeartTongue), and overall - despite - I believe - 'flying' under the radar', XTV has become the best channel of the 900's, and a worthy successor to those mentioned above! Some will say that it has been too tame, but I disagree with that, as - for me - others have become so reliant upon 'exposure driven' content, they have - in turn -become overly complacent and one dimensional! XTV is offering something different (or was until the rule changes) In fact, you could say they saw what way the adult train was travelling, and got out in front of it!!

RE: Xpanded is now the best channel...discuss - hornball - 14-01-2020 17:45

(08-01-2020 11:38 )winsaw Wrote:  
(07-01-2020 22:17 )GMach1 Wrote:  
(07-01-2020 21:27 )Sneakyr Wrote:  For me, Xpanded is doing so many more things right than the other two and is now out in front.

The only downside for me is that caps and videos can’t be posted on here or other sites. Interesting to know their reason for this, would be so good if they changed their mind.

In-fighting years ago between rival channels and the fact that they couldn't agree things. This is why no content is allowed here or anywhere else(of course this is not the case as some video hoster websites-no names here, you'll have to search the Net-will have clips.

That's simply not true, got nothing to do with any other channels it was a choice made by XP management very early on as they wanted to control there content and not have a lot of pics freely available on here,

As for the question is it best for me the answer is no , it's still poor it's just that the other 2 have dropped the TV content down to XP level, and at the level they do better shows as the girls are more used to it, if u are only a caller who only watches on TV then it's better than the other two at the moment but over all bs is still miles ahead as they are producing far better content every night,
And should these ofcom restrictions be lifted then the night shows on both bs and 66 Will be far ahead of them on tv again, as the double bed and other restrictions at XP will always hold them back,

I simply can not agree with that!! So much so, that I think that S66 - which was my go to for a long time - has suffered the consequences of trying to copy BS - rather than create it's own unique output!

RE: Xpanded is now the best channel...discuss - The tiny giant - 08-02-2021 02:34

I find babestation and studio66tv try to out do one another s66 was using pervcam before bs then bs went all out on pervcam even tho they had naughty chat which was like backstage cam everything was around pervcam but xxpandedtv just kept doing what it does then for some unknown reason ( I do know because I was told by a channel girl the real reason) all the girls left s66 and either left the industry or went to babestation where they seemed to get back on track and s66 went on a slippery ride I best way I see babe channels is s66 and babestation are younger older brothers and the sister is xxpandedtv s66 and bs like to flex there muscle and show who's the better channel where's xxpandedtv and she doing what's she wants to do s66 and xxpandedtv like to keep there things in house where's bs likes to let there babes do the porn shoots for mages and films I've onky just seen in how small the studio set is for xxpandedtv the same room has the bed and the chair I always thought they had there own rooms from Dazzler