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Has Brexit Failed? - Printable Version

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RE: Has Brexit Failed? - Cooper_temple - 03-06-2022 11:48

"A supervisor told me she was all in favour of Brexit because it would reduce the number of foreigners in the country dragging us all down and I found that nearly everybody I met thought that too"

This is one of the main reasons people voted leave but it was so flawed.
Less migration from the EU was always a possibility but migration from outside of the EU would just fill the space, less Spanish, more Indians.
How many times do you hear people say "We only want the best foreigners to come to the UK to do good jobs"
So who will do the rubbish jobs? The people of the country you claim is the best and love? How does that work?

RE: Has Brexit Failed? - lovebabes56 - 03-06-2022 12:09

(03-06-2022 11:45 )Cooper_temple Wrote:  
(02-06-2022 20:23 )lovebabes56 Wrote:  I'm willing to admit I made that mistake on the basis that I felt it was the mood in the country at that time - not just me there were millions who voted the same way as me

Why did you vote leave?

Ivoted Leave purely on the basis we needed to be an independent nation once more not based on what was being said by campaigners on both sides. Thatr was my thought all the way through but the politcians made IMO a complete bollocks of that.

RE: Has Brexit Failed? - Cooper_temple - 03-06-2022 12:18


If the vote had been in the early 90's, I would understand that much more but like it or not, it's a global world, everyone and everything is connected, a virus in China went all the world, whatever you think of immigration, migration etc, it's always going to happen mainly because it's a money maker, for every £1 spend on a immigrant, the govt/country gets £4 back.
Leaving the EU made people who wanted us to leave like Mogg etc so much richer and gave them more power to screw everyone in the country.

RE: Has Brexit Failed? - Cooper_temple - 03-06-2022 12:54

One thing thing about Brexit which was huge, it's divided the country so much, I've never known it like this, with the Ref, you had to be leave or remain.
Look at everything since then, players taking the knee, you must be against it or for it. Meghan and Harry, you must hate them or love them. Covid, you're vax or anti-vax.
You can't have a debate now with anyone, you're labelled as one thing and that's it, social media has added to that but the EU Ref started it all.

RE: Has Brexit Failed? - lovebabes56 - 03-06-2022 14:16

^I would agree that Referendum has been the back bone of the recent divisions in this country whether we can put it right in way tht heals the divisions remains to be seen

RE: Has Brexit Failed? - ShandyHand - 03-06-2022 21:08

(02-06-2022 11:46 )lovebabes56 Wrote:  #Brexithasfailed has been trending lately on Twitter and Tory MP Tobias Ellwood has openly admitted that he feels we should rejoin the single market

I have to admit having voted to leave in 2016 I think we have acheived very little in the six years since that vote and think the country has stagnated and whether we would get any real benefit by rejoining six years later

Where has BREXIT gone wrong in your Opinion?

Brexit was ALWAYS doomed to fail for some people NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENED. You know the 17.8 million folk that plumped for leave were hoping for a myriad of slightly different things right? Some of which were contradictory. So they ALL couldn't ever have happened. The architects of Brexit knew this. They played on the publics' need for simple answers to complex issues and on the usual scapegoats. They gave vague ideas of sunlight uplands to the disenfrancished like yourself; stuff that people could read anything into they wished to. The Brexiteers did what they did because they saw opportunity in it for themselves. Opportunities that would of course be denied to 99.99% of the people that voted for leave. They played you. And they won. They were allowed to because of the stupidity and arrogance of Cameron who led a lamentably weak and an increasingly desperate campaign to remain. Like Trump's victory, Brexit didn't really win it, it was far more that the opposition lost it - from what should have been a sensible solid position.

That people refuse to see the basics of all this is staggering to me when we've now seen so much confirmation of it. (Whether you think they could be making a better fist of it now we're lumbered with it is not the point.) If you voted leave in the knowledge of all the above then good on ya. I hope you do get to be in the fraction of the percentage it'll benefit. If not I think you have to admit you were duped. This is not remoaning it's simple fact. The benefits of Brexit were illusionary, miniscule or only apply to a very few rich powerful people. If you didn't like the EU or what it represented fine. But what exactly is better FOR YOU now?

RE: Has Brexit Failed? - The Silent Majority - 03-06-2022 23:07

(03-06-2022 21:08 )ShandyHand Wrote:  The benefits of Brexit were illusionary, miniscule or only apply to a very few rich powerful people.

Rubbish! Being able to buy mince in ounces and petrol by the gallon will clearly be a massive benefit to everyone Cool

RE: Has Brexit Failed? - terence - 04-06-2022 10:24

it's a complete clusterfuck that may lead to the break-up of the uk.
ironic really.

RE: Has Brexit Failed? - Charlemagne - 04-06-2022 11:00

Let's see:
We have a shortage of doctors, dentists and care workers
There's been chaos and ferry ports and airports due to extra paperwork, shortage of staff and passport checks and stamps.
I see empty shelves in supermarkets and we've seen problems getting drivers delivering fuel.

And it's totally cocking up the Union annoyed

RE: Has Brexit Failed? - Goodfella3041 - 04-06-2022 11:27

I say this on day 3 of a platinum jubilee…

…it’s time to smother this country with a pillow.

Let’s just sell it all to China, divide the money equally, and then move to France.