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Any Wii Gamers out there? - Printable Version

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RE: Any Wii Gamers out there? - *Kal-El* - 04-07-2009 21:59

My Nephew is in a wii Advert for the motion plus Smile

RE: Any Wii Gamers out there? - mas0887 - 10-07-2009 00:32

Got 'The Conduit' today and played through the first two levels, very good, the controls feel spot on and the graphics are great for a Wii, they are nowhere near as good as the reviewers who say they are equivalent to PS3 or 360 graphics though, but overall a solid game, it really reminds me of Goldeneye, if they put James Bond on the cover it could quite easily be a sequel. It is just a shame the online on the Wii is so shitty so I cannot play this game completely.

RE: Any Wii Gamers out there? - *Kal-El* - 11-07-2009 03:43

My Nephew in the Wii Advert:

RE: Any Wii Gamers out there? - *Kal-El* - 12-07-2009 03:08

can't believe he never offered me any free wii gear lol

RE: Any Wii Gamers out there? - RavenMater - 01-12-2009 18:58

I have a Wii, and really enjoy the playability/interactivity of most of the games, nothing better than getting a few friends round and making an arse of yourself.

On the downside, the console is let down by the graphics, and lacks the realism of the Xbox360 and PS3.

Surely someone at Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft must realise that by combining the best of all 3 systems, they could produce a system that everyone will want, so why aren't they?

RE: Any Wii Gamers out there? - mas0887 - 02-12-2009 04:43

That is what both Sony with their motion controller and Microsoft with their Project Natal are attempting, and allegedly what Nintendo are attempting with the rumoured Wii HD.